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Georgia Power Company Energy Efficiency Pilot Programs SEES Presentation April 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia Power Company Energy Efficiency Pilot Programs SEES Presentation April 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia Power Company Energy Efficiency Pilot Programs SEES Presentation April 2006

2 2 Energy Efficiency Pilot Programs Energy Star Appliance Pilot Program Energy Star New Home Pilot Program Home Inspector Pilot Program Duct Sealing and Infiltration Control Pilot Program

3 3 ENERGY STAR Appliance Pilot Program Increase consumer awareness and demand. Partner with appliance retailers and manufacturers, utilities and government on educational and promotional events: Local promotions National media campaigns In-Store events Product rebates Sales promotions support Retail sales training

4 4 ENERGY STAR Appliance Pilot Program 2005 Activities State Sales Tax Holiday (Oct 6 – 9) and Change-A-Light Campaign (Oct/Nov) Customer Awareness Activities included: –Energy Efficiency Customer Awareness Campaign included clothes washers and CFLs –Public Service Announcement featuring Governor Perdue –Electric Living Article –Customer Care Center On-hold Messaging –Local Office Displays –In-Store Information Tables –Website Information 2006 Expected Activities ENERGY STAR Appliance Promotional Campaign (April – July) Energy Efficiency Energy Awareness Campaign State Sales Tax Holiday Activities Change-A-Light Activities

5 5 ENERGY STAR New Home Pilot Program Increase the number of ENERGY STAR New Homes built in Georgia Increase the awareness of ENERGY STAR New Homes so that Builders, Raters, Realtors and Homebuyers can benefit Georgia Power is committed to leading the efforts in promoting ENERGY STAR New Homes: Take leadership position by providing resources to help program succeed Develop partnerships with other utilities in Georgia to provide additional value and consistent messages

6 6 ENERGY STAR New Home Pilot Program 2005 Activities Met with EPA and ICF Consulting to discuss program considerations and lessons learned in other areas (Texas and Las Vegas) Met with Rater Providers and Trainers to discuss Rater infrastructure around the State Met with a number of stakeholders to discuss the program Initiated a baseline study on homes being built by 30 builders Commented on the new ENERGY STAR new home requirements 2006 Expected Activities Met with Georgia Home Builders Association Quarterly Builder Education Classes Advertising program in Builder trade magazines Direct mail program awareness campaign to Raters in the State Rater recruitment article in HVAC newsletter and trade magazine Realtor awareness campaign Customer awareness campaign Certify ENERGY STAR new homes

7 7 Home Inspector Pilot Program The goal of this pilot is to: Explore using home inspectors as a vehicle to promote energy efficiency in existing homes and to increase the penetration of ENERGY STAR appliances Create opportunity to educate the homebuyer on the advantages of home energy efficiency and ENERGY STAR products

8 8 Home Inspector Pilot Program 2005 Activities Met with the American Society of Home Inspectors Georgia Chapter president to get his input on the program and recommendations on two Home Inspection companies that we could work with during the pilot; Met with the two home inspection companies to discuss their willingness to participate in the pilot – both were interested so contracts were developed and signed Ten inspectors for the two companies were trained as to the energy efficiency information and reporting requirements for the program 2006 Expected Activities Home inspectors started doing energy efficiency audits in January 2006 Expand the number of inspectors doing energy efficiency audits as we gain experience and knowledge

9 9 Duct Sealing and Infiltration Control Program Georgia Power is working with Georgia Interfaith Power & Light (GIPL) to market and manage this program. GIPL will be paid a fee of $25 for each member (GPC customers only) that makes a duct sealing or a duct sealing/infiltration control improvement. Only homes 10 years or older will be considered for the program The program is being developed in a joint effort between GIPL, Georgia Power and Southface Pilot program to focus on the metro Atlanta area Georgia Power will also provide energy efficiency information materials for the affinity group participating members

10 10 Duct Sealing and Infiltration Control Program 2005 Activities Met with Georgia Interfaith Power & Light and Southface to discuss the program attributes – moved in the direction of looking at existing homes as a system, i.e., Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Began talking to one church trying to gain some momentum on participants 2006 Expected Activities Working with St. Bartholomew's leadership to get some assessments done – now looks like there may be two or three congregations interested Intend to use ENERGY STAR certified contractors for assessments and ultimately improvements

11 11 Other Georgia Power Energy Efficiency Initiatives Power Credit Weatherization Assistance Energy Efficiency Customer Awareness Energy Audits – Energy Information Calls Customized Energy Assistance Demand Response Tariffs New Programs Included in 2007 IRP

12 12 Contact Info Dean Harless Georgia Power Company Phone: 404-506-1468 Email:

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