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FeliNiKris.  We will show you a phrase and you must tell us what word is being described or resembled in the phrase.

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Presentation on theme: "FeliNiKris.  We will show you a phrase and you must tell us what word is being described or resembled in the phrase."— Presentation transcript:

1 FeliNiKris

2  We will show you a phrase and you must tell us what word is being described or resembled in the phrase.

3  After his dog died Ricardo cried for the whole night.  Catharsis

4  In the game of Manchester United vs. Barcelona Fc Barcelona took out the white flag and forfeit early in the game when they noticed they had no chance of winning.  waive

5  After crashing his 1billion dollar flying Ferrari Felipe made up for it by buying a brand new one.  recoup

6  After realizing that the order he made for 100 grenade launchers was being double by accident Skylar cancelled it.  Countermand

7  Mike was arrested for murder and held in the Police Station but was let go when they saw the tapes and realized he wasn’t the killer.  absolve

8  After making a speech on the fact that Sally was pregnant and after receiving enough donations she took back the fact that she mentioned she was actually and certainly pregnant.  recant

9  After realizing that he could no longer be held the responsibility as President of the U.S. Richard Nixon Left seeded his place in office.  Abicate

10  After Richard’s mom caught him burning the neighbor’s house she decided that instead of punishing him she would give him another chance.  Impunity

11  Magic Johnson announced formally that he would have to give up his career of Professional Curling because he had just realized he had AIDS.  Renounce

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