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Presentation on theme: "TEACHER SELF DEVELOPMENT By Mehrunissa Aslam. FACTORS TO DEVELOP PERSONALITY  PERSISTENCE  EMPATHY : imaginative experiencing  RATIONALITY : logical."— Presentation transcript:


2 FACTORS TO DEVELOP PERSONALITY  PERSISTENCE  EMPATHY : imaginative experiencing  RATIONALITY : logical thinking  LEARNING & KNOWLEDGE: Journeys in Personal development  ATTITUDE : Introspective viewpoint  EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: managing and guiding emotions  PERCEPTION :Intellectual Game  MOTIVATION : For better performance  QUALITIES TO LEAD A TEAM

3 Hierarchy of Needs growth emotional physical

4 Hierarchy of Needs Physiological Needs

5 PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS  food  water  air  sleep

6 Physiological Needs Hierarchy of Needs Safety Needs

7 Physiological Needs Love & Belonging Needs Safety Needs Hierarchy of Needs

8 Esteem Needs Love & Belonging Needs Physiological Needs Safety Needs Hierarchy of Needs

9 Love & Belonging Needs Physiological Needs Safety Needs Esteem Needs Self-Actualization Needs Hierarchy of Needs D- Needs Deficit Survival B- Needs (being) Higher needs

10 Six C’s of Motivation.. Choices collaboration Constructing meaningConsequences Control Challenges

11 PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS  Break fast lunch program  Temperature  Bathroom breaks  Drink breaks

12 SAFETY NEEDS  Well planned, structured lessons  Clearly defined processes, procedure, rules and practices  Fair discipline  Consistent expectations  Students feel free to take risk  Attitude of teacher ( accepting, Nonjudgmental, pleasant, non-threatening)  Provide praise for correct responses intead of punishment

13 BELONGING AND LOVE NEEDS (TEACHER STUDENT RELATION AND STUDENT STUDENT RELATIONSHIP)  Use one to one instruction  Use teacher conferencing  Get to know students ( likes, Dislikes, concerns)  Be available for students in need  Be supportive  Listen to students  Class discussion  Provide positive situation requiring mutual trust  Show and tell sharing  Provide positive comments and feedback rather than negative  Teacher personality ; empathetic, considerate, patient, fair, positive attitude

14 ESTEEM NEEDS: (SELF ESTEEM)  Develop new knowledge based on background knowledge so as to help ensure success ( scaffolding)  Pace instruction to fit individual need  Focus on strengths and assets  Take individual needs and abilities into account  Be alert to student difficulties  Be available and approachable  Involve all students in class participantion and responsibilites  When disciplining, do as privately as possible

15 RESPECT FROM OTHERS:  Develop an environment where students are positive and non judgmental  Star of the week, award program  Provide deserved positions of status  Involve students in activities of importance ( cleanup environment, food drive etc)  Recognition programs for special efforts (helpful citizens of week)  Employ cooperative learning so as to develop trust between group members

16 SELF- ACTUALIZATION  Expect students to do their best  Give students freedom to explore and discover on their own  Make learning meaningful – connections to “real” life  Plan lessons involving meta-cognitive activities  Get students involved in self – expressive projects  Allow students to be involved in creative activities and projects

17 TEACHER SELF DEVELOPMENT Teachers development is defined as activities that develop an individual’s skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics as a teacher.”

18 OBJECTIVES OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT  To update individuals’ knowledge of a subject in light of recent advances in the area;  To update individuals’ skills, attitudes and approaches in light of the development of new teaching techniques  and objectives, new circumstances and new educational research;  To enable individuals to apply changes made to curricula or other aspects of teaching practice;  To enable schools to develop and apply new strategies concerning the curriculum and other aspects of  teaching practice;  To exchange information and expertise among teachers and others, e.g. academics, industrialists; and  To help weaker teachers become more effective.

19 TYPES OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT  courses/workshops (e.g. on subject matter or methods and/or other education-related topics);  education conferences or seminars (at which teachers and/or researchers present their research results  and discuss education problems);  qualification programme (e.g. a degree programme);  observation visits to other schools;  participation in a network of teachers formed specifically for the professional development of  teachers;  individual or collaborative research on a topic of professional interest; and  mentoring and/or peer observation and coaching, as part of a formal school arrangement.

20 IMPACT OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT  Self-confidence, teaching ability and KNOWLEDGE  As far as knowledge is concerned there seem to be different ways in which teachers can develop confidence and improve their general teaching ability:  The subject matter – Above all, teachers should aim to develop their knowledge of the subject matter they teach. If this is English, teachers can study the language to further their understanding of how it works, they can enroll in language development courses, and they can seek opportunities to practise and develop their ability to listen to, read, speak and write in English, for example, by not missing the opportunities they have to interact orally with native speakers, subscribing to EFL/ESL magazines, and participating in synchronic or asynchronic discussions on the Web. (Ed - such as the onestopenglish forum)

21  Theories about learning and teaching – Teachers should also aim at deepening their understanding of the theories underpinning learning and teaching practices. This can be achieved by reading about teaching and learning, attending seminars and workshops regularly, and enrolling on methodology courses which will enable them to reconstruct their knowledge of the background to language learning and teaching.  The students – The more teachers know their students, the more effective their teaching will be. Teachers can get to know students better by giving them opportunities to talk about themselves, really listening to what they have to say, encouraging them to give teachers feedback on anything and everything that happens in the classroom, showing a real interest in them and above all, by teachers just “being themselves,” i.e. not pretending to be somebody they are not.

22  The workplace – Finally, it is important that teachers know the context in which they work very well. This involves academic aspects such as syllabuses, assessment procedures, and knowledge of the supplementary materials they can count on, as well as more practical concerns like the use of audio, video or computer equipment.


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