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Ariah Wong. Sleep talking (somniloquy) the utterance of speech or sounds during sleep without simultaneous subjective detailed awareness of the event.

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Presentation on theme: "Ariah Wong. Sleep talking (somniloquy) the utterance of speech or sounds during sleep without simultaneous subjective detailed awareness of the event."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ariah Wong

2 Sleep talking (somniloquy) the utterance of speech or sounds during sleep without simultaneous subjective detailed awareness of the event. mumbled nonsense to coherent sentences More frequent in children & teenagers Associated with REM & NREM sleep

3 Study which language is used when healthy bilingual individuals are sleep talking Dominant bilinguals – use dominant language to sleep talk Balanced bilinguals – use?

4 Subjects 681 Children  336 males, 341 females, 4 unknown  Age 3-17 (mean age: 9.0)  3 bilingual schools in northern Spain Languages: Spanish & Euskera

5 Procedure Parents completed self-administered questionnaire  What was the 1 st language learned by your child?  Does your child sleep talk? If yes, how frequent and in what language? Reliable answers  Skip questions in doubt  Contact investigator to clarify any questions

6 383 of 680 subjects were sleep talking (56.3%)



9 Balanced bilinguals Sleep talk in either language (no preference) Dominant bilinguals Mostly sleep talk in the dominant language

10 Less than 4% of dominant bilinguals sleep talked in their non-dominant language Language shift: Due to emotional stress Different language organization  Learn languages early = same brain areas  Learn one language earlier, one later = different brain areas

11 Strengths Easy to read, organized Good sample size & balance of genders Limitations No clear hypothesis Basing study on parents’ opinions No relation to specific brain structures  Frontal & temporal cortex, basal ganglia?

12 Future research Use video surveillance/recording system Gender differences Multilinguals (know 2+ languages) Sleep is related to anatomical & physiological structure of language Narrower age range

13 American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (2001). The international classification of sleep disorders: diagnostic and coding manual. 157-159. Arkin, AM. (1966). Sleep talking: a review. Journal of nervous and mental disease, 143, 101-122. Arkin, AM., Toth, MF., Baker, J., & Hastey, JM. (1970). The frequency of sleep talking in the laboratory among chronic sleeptalkers and good dream recallers. Journal of nervous and mental disease, 151(9), 369-374 Pareja, JA., de Pablos, E., Caminero, AB., Millan, I., & Dobato, JL. (1999). Native language shifts across sleep- wake states in bilingual sleeptalkers. Sleep, 22(2), 243-247.


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