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Carbon dioxide. RAG Sheet & WordBank RedAmberGreen (No idea) (Some clue) (Know it)

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Presentation on theme: "Carbon dioxide. RAG Sheet & WordBank RedAmberGreen (No idea) (Some clue) (Know it)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbon dioxide

2 RAG Sheet & WordBank RedAmberGreen (No idea) (Some clue) (Know it)

3 What do you know about CO 2 ? – < 1% of air is CO 2 – Plants used CO 2 for photosynthesis – Without photosynthesis, no food for animals and for humans

4 Preparation of Carbon dioxide In reactions of air and oxygen: Very expensive way to manufacture CO 2

5 Preparation of Carbon dioxide (MP) Reaction between dilute hydrochloric acid and marble chips – Marble chips = calcium carbonate = CaCO 3 Word equation: Calcium Carbonate + hydrochloric acid  Calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxide Formula equation (HL): CaCO 3 + HCl  CaCl 2 + H 2 O + CO 2 CO 2 collected by the upward displacement of air

6 Preparation of Carbon dioxide (MP) Main steps: 1.Dilute HCl is dropped onto marble chips, enough to keep chips fizzing 2.Jars of gas collected

7 Practical worksheet

8 Properties of Carbon dioxide (MP) Colourless, odourless, tasteless gas Limewater (calcium hydroxide) turns milky


10 Properties of Carbon dioxide (MP) Colourless, odourless, tasteless gas Limewater (calcium hydroxide) turns milky Word equation: Calcium Hydroxide + carbon dioxide  chalk + water Formula equation (HL) Ca(OH) 2 + CO 2  CaCO 3 + H 2 0 Carbon dioxide + water turns blue litmus paper red  acidic gas (carbonic acid) Carbon dioxide quenches a burning split Denser then air

11 Properties of CO 2 - Summary Physical PropertiesChemical Properties Colourless, odourless, tasteless gas Does not supports combustion Slight soluble in waterTurns limewater milky More dense then airDissolves in water to form carbonic acid

12 Practical worksheet

13 Uses of CO 2 Fizzy drinks – CO 2 under pressure provides fizz when opened Fire Extinguishers – Ideal as more dense then air and does not support combustion Refrigeration – Dry ice, CO 2 gas under pressure turns into white solid. – Sublimes – used in transportation of food Special effects in concerts

14 RAG Sheet & WordBank RedAmberGreen (No idea) (Some clue) (Know it)

15 Worksheet Exam questions Mind maps

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