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The ABCs of Construction Site Safety Craig Hamelund OR-OSHA (503) 229-5910.

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Presentation on theme: "The ABCs of Construction Site Safety Craig Hamelund OR-OSHA (503) 229-5910."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ABCs of Construction Site Safety Craig Hamelund OR-OSHA (503) 229-5910

2 A Accident Prevention Accident Investigation frequent inspections ‘qualified’ operators investigate “lost time” injuries – including soft tissue injuries!

3 B Barricades & Other Traffic Control when on or adjacent to highway, street, roadway per MUTCD or ODOT’s handbook high visibility garments

4 C Chemicals (HAZCOM) MSDSs labels training written program

5 D OR-OSHA’s safety & health rules for construction activities don’t forget Program Directives and Interps Division 3 Construction Rules

6 E GFCI assured grounding prg. working near overhead high voltage lines Electrical

7 F general fall protection six & 10 foot rules also required in other OR- OSHA standards falling object protection Fall Protection

8 G grinders, saws, etc. point of operation,, pinch points, rotating parts, etc. flying debris Guarding

9 H Div 3/Sub C, D & Z silica, CO, lead, etc. confined spaces heat stress plants & insects Health Hazards

10 I many other specific standards require frequent & regular safety committee documented? Inspections

11 J an effective pre-task plan employee involved establishes safe job procedure enhances training Job Hazard Analysis

12 K housekeeping sanitation material handling right of way Keeping The Site Clean

13 L proper selection inspections set-up & safe use training Ladders

14 M provisions for prompt medical attention accessible first aid supplies (checked weekly) exposure control Medical & First Aid

15 N action plan (85dBA TWA) periodic monitoring & audiograms engineering controls hearing protectors Noise

16 O bring workers and mgt. together in cooperative effort to promote safety OR-OSHA requirements currently being revised Organizing A Safety Committee

17 P evaluate work site eye/face protection head, hand, foot, & respiratory prot. high visibility PPE

18 Q definitions requirements in several specific standards Qualified/Competent Person

19 R frequent inspections operator training & card written procedures suspended platforms Rigging & Cranes

20 S foundation & platforms fall protection safe access aerial lifts training Scaffolding

21 T utilities safe access/egress exposure to mobile equipment/accessories shoring Trench/Excavation

22 U hazard + exposure corrective measures Unsafe Condition

23 V new vehicle rules pinch points right of way high visibility garments Vehicles & Mobile Equipment Backing Zone (Distances in ft)

24 W fire prevention chemical exposure burns/flash noise PPE Welding & Cutting

25 X lasers ionizing & nonionizing X-Ray & Other Radiation

26 Y can it affect others? “work smarter, not harder” – ergonomic awareness Your Attitude

27 Z lockout/tagout when servicing equipment & machinery procedure, training, and periodic inspections “Zero Energy State”

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