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Walk Like an Egyptian By Sheryl Johnson Where is Egypt located? Nile River NileDelta Cataracts Deserts Upper/Lower Egypt Mediterranean Sea.

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Presentation on theme: "Walk Like an Egyptian By Sheryl Johnson Where is Egypt located? Nile River NileDelta Cataracts Deserts Upper/Lower Egypt Mediterranean Sea."— Presentation transcript:


2 Walk Like an Egyptian By Sheryl Johnson

3 Where is Egypt located? Nile River NileDelta Cataracts Deserts Upper/Lower Egypt Mediterranean Sea

4 Life on the Nile Social levels Working Families-Trades-farming, smith, painter, mason, leather tanner, carpenter, etc. Pharaohs were considered to be living gods! They believed that when the pharaoh died, he would achieve eternal life.

5 The World is Born! First there was only darkness. The god Nun was a big, black sea in chaos, The god Ra came from the sea, he was the sun. Order was established and life was made possible.

6 Gods and Goddesses The Egyptians had many gods and goddesses-one source lists 740! Only a small number were worshipped at the same time. Some examples are Ra, Horus, Isis, Osiris, Nephthys, Hathor, Ptah, Bastet, Anubis, and Thoth.

7 Where’s my mummy? Egyptians believed in life after death Procedure: the ritual was performed by 4 priests. Important parts were placed into canopic jars. The body was dried using natron and then wrapped with long strips of cloth. Lastly, it was places in a coffin.

8 Pyramids Most pyramids were the final resting place of pharaohs and queens. There were about 30 pyramids built in ancient Egypt. Each took about 20 year to build. They were 480 ft. high & 760 ft. long. Some block weighed as much as 15 tons.

9 What did that mean? The Egyptians used many symbols such as an Ankh, Flail&Crook, Eye of Horus, Ba, Jackal, Scarab Beetle, and Sphinx.

10 So what do you remember? What body of water was the most important to the Egyptians? What is a delta? How many cataracts are along the Nile? Did the Egyptians have any social levels? What level contained the most people? Was a Pharaoh very important? Why? What two gods were responsible for the beginning of the world?

11 Quiz Continued… Pick a god of goddess for your presentation!!!!_________________________ ___________________ Did the Egyptians believe in life after death? List the steps of the mummification process.

12 Work Cited –Egyptian Gods –Gods of Ancient Egypt –Mummies of ancient egypt –The History of Egypt –Symbols and Definitions – –Eye on Ancient Egypt, L.L. Owens –Ancient Civilization Egypt, Jane Pofahl

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