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WALT talk about how we use the internet.. Talk Time 1. Do you use the internet? 2. What do you use it for?

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Presentation on theme: "WALT talk about how we use the internet.. Talk Time 1. Do you use the internet? 2. What do you use it for?"— Presentation transcript:

1 WALT talk about how we use the internet.

2 Talk Time 1. Do you use the internet? 2. What do you use it for?

3 Mind Map What do we use the internet for?

4 BIG Questions… What is the internet? Where is the internet? Let’s find out……

5 We reach the internet by clicking on a web browser

6 We can get to the internet on….

7 2 BILLION people use the internet EVERY DAY. That’s a lot of people: 2,000,000,000 (how many zeros?) Not just in our school, or our town, or our country ….but in schools, homes and offices ALL OVER THE WORLD!

8 Let’s see how Jeremiah uses the internet! My Online Neighbourhood: o/modal/2102075 Stop at 2 min 28 secs.

9 On the internet you can…. …send an email message to America and it will arrive there in just 1 or 2 seconds. If you wrote a letter on paper and sent to America in the post it would take over a week (7 sleeps!) to be delivered.

10 On the internet you can…. … buy things from shops on the other side of the world, without leaving your house! ….talk to friends on when it is not possible for you to meet up.

11 Record some ways that we use the Internet.

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