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Global Conflict, Global (Dis)Orders. Global Peace Index: data/#/2008/scor/ data/#/2008/scor/

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Presentation on theme: "Global Conflict, Global (Dis)Orders. Global Peace Index: data/#/2008/scor/ data/#/2008/scor/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Conflict, Global (Dis)Orders

2 Global Peace Index: data/#/2008/scor/ data/#/2008/scor/ center/same-millennium-new-goals/ center/same-millennium-new-goals/


4 Armed conflict vs. order in international relations Armed conflicts arise from various causes International orders are created to prevent, resolve, or contain conflicts Rule-bound competition between interests? Controlled conflicts?

5 Main models of international order:  Hegemonic order  Balance of power  Democratic peace  Network-based multipolar order

6 “Six clusters of threats” to peace and security in contemporary world* 1. Socioeconomic threats, including  poverty  infectious disease  environmental degradation 2. Inter-state conflict 3. Internal conflict, including  Civil war  Genocide  Other large-scale atrocities ------------------------ *UN Secretary General’s report “In Larger Freedom”: Report - Table of ContentsReport - Table of Contents ; UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel’s report “A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility” : Report of the Secretary-General's High-level Panel

7 4. Proliferation and possible use of weapons of mass destruction  nuclear  radiological  chemical  biological 5. Terrorism 6. Transnational organized crime

8 In contemporary world, it is often hard to draw a line between international conflicts and internal conflicts within nations – there is a tendency toward globalization of conflict  Internal conflicts are more likely to have international implications  International developments tend to have more rapid and significant impact on internal situations Example: 4 levels of conflict in Afghanistan: 4 levels of conflict (Afghanistan as example):  Global – US and NATO vs. Al Qaeda and Taliban  Regional – interests of neighbouring states  National – Taliban vs. the Afghan Government, Pakistani Taliban vs. the Pakistani Government  Local – opium industry, arms trade, ethnic conflicts All 4 levels are closely interconnected

9 The tendency toward globalization of conflict has been developing since the start of World War I in 1914 What made world wars possible:  19 th century economic globalization led to growing interconnectedness, integration of societies  Struggle for power within countries acquired international dimensions  Availability of economic resources  Development of military technologies  The culture of war  New rationalizations of war  The idea of total war


11 National War Memorial, Ottawa

12 World War I: 1914-1918 World War II: 1939-1945 The Cold War: 1946-1991 The Global War on Terror: 2001-?

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