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Establishing Training Capacity for Classroom Management Part 2 Heather Peshak George, Ph.D. Kim Herrmann, S.S.P. University of South Florida Marla Dewhirst.

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Presentation on theme: "Establishing Training Capacity for Classroom Management Part 2 Heather Peshak George, Ph.D. Kim Herrmann, S.S.P. University of South Florida Marla Dewhirst."— Presentation transcript:

1 Establishing Training Capacity for Classroom Management Part 2 Heather Peshak George, Ph.D. Kim Herrmann, S.S.P. University of South Florida Marla Dewhirst Illinois PBIS Network Forum for Change - SWPBS: Integrating Systems for All Students October 30-31, 2008 – Chicago, IL

2 Establishing Training Capacity for Classroom Management Build on what we know

3 Tiered Supports for Classroom Teachers Positive Behavior Support, Classroom Management: Self-Assessment Revised: All with Peer Review and Problem Solving Florida’s PBS Classroom Assessment Tool (CAT): Some (score below 10 on above) with Mentor Administrative Review and Problem Solving Florida’s PBS Classroom Assessment Tool (CAT): Few (with score below 7 on above) with Specialist Support and Problem Solving

4 PBS Classroom Management: Self Assessment Revision published May 15, 2006 Completed by Teachers Quarterly –Ratio of Positive to Negative –Opportunities to Respond –Yes/No rating on 13 items: structure and predictability, expectations, active engagement, strategies to recognize appropriate behavior, strategies to respond to inappropriate behavior

5 Activity Use the blank triangle template and fill in the following: On the right side: list supports in place @ building and district for all teachers to build Classroom Management Skills at each tier: (example: 1 day staff development at the beginning of the year, 2 hours of classroom observation per semester, Master Teacher Mentors On the left side: list the resources (people) that provide this support and data they use to determine its need and outcome: (example: multiple ODR’s or lack of ODR’s from a classroom results in Principal walk through)

6 Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions 1-5% _____________________ 1-5%Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions ___________________________ Tier 2/Secondary Interventions 5-15% ___________________________ 5-15%Tier 2/Secondary Interventions ____________________________ Tier 1/Universal Interventions80-90% ________________________ 80-90%Tier 1/Universal Interventions ____________________________ School-Wide Systems for Classroom Success: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Data and Support Staff Tiered Supports for Classroom Management Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 15, 2008. Adapted from “What is school-wide PBS?” OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Accessed at

7 Establishing Training Capacity All Teachers Master Teachers / Mentors Administrators Support Services Staff District Leadership Staff Technical Assistance outside of District: Training, Consultants, Resources (ASCD, Iris Media, etc)

8 Tier/TopicEvidence/DataRoadblocks Strategies and Resources Next Steps ActionWho?When? Master Teachers 2 in building Time to visit classrooms Floating Sub Principal Take Class Double up classes Survey Staff for strategies and report to team MarlaBy 11.2.08 School Action Plan

9 In Illinois Deliver Classroom Management as a Trainer of Trainers class for External Coaches rather than a workshop for teachers Skills embedded at the District and Building level where they are more accessible to Classroom Teachers

10 Step 1: Identify and Analyze the Problem Step 2: Develop the Plan Step 3: Implement the Plan Step 4: Evaluate the Plan (Response to Intervention) What do we do about it? What’s the problem and why is it happening? How do we do it? Is it working? Problem-Solving Process

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