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Greek and Roman Art. Thought themselves to be superior Preoccupation of visual appearance, the idealized nude, and canon of beauty.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek and Roman Art. Thought themselves to be superior Preoccupation of visual appearance, the idealized nude, and canon of beauty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek and Roman Art

2 Thought themselves to be superior Preoccupation of visual appearance, the idealized nude, and canon of beauty

3 Dipylon Vase – 8 th cent BCE – 4’ 11”

4 Lady of Auxerre – 650-625 BCE – limestone – 2’

5 Kore – 510 BCE – Marble – 21”

6 Kouros – 570 BCE – marble – 5’

7 Kroisos – 530 BCE- marble – 6’ 4”

8 Kritios Boy – 480 BCE – marble – 3”

9 Warrior from Riace – 5 th cent BCE – bronze, bone, glass, silver, copper – 6 ½’


11 EUPHRONIOS – Herakles wrestling Antaios - 510 BCE

12 EXEKIAS – Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game – 540 BCE

13 ONESIMOS – Girl preparing to bathe – 490 BCE


15 Pompeii Provincial city, not major center The art found is geared more towards to daily life 79 BCE Vesuvius erupted Pliny the Elder stationed in Pompeii and we use his writings for many recourses of art

16 Venus Pompeiana

17 Venus

18 Venus in the court of the House of the Marine Venus

19 Portrait of Husband and Wife – wall painting – 70 CE

20 Nymph and Satyr – house of the faun and painting from a brothel


22 Grave Stele of Hegeso – 400 BCE – marble - 5’

23 Temple of Zeus – west pediment – Apollo – 460 BCE – 91 ft wide



26 Helios, his horses, and three goddesses – from East Pediment of Parthenon – 438 BCE - marble


28 MYTON - Discobolus (discus thrower) – roman copy after bronze original of 450 BCE – 5’

29 POLYKLETITOS – Dortphoros (Spear Bearer) – Roman copy after bronze of 450 BCE – 7’

30 Statue of Apollo (Belvedere) – 2 nd cent CE – 7 ½ ‘

31 Napoleon Bonaparte Showing the Apollo Belvedre to his Deputies - 1799

32 PRAXITELES – Aphrodite of Knidos – roman copy after original 350 BCE

33 Medici Venus – 1 st Cent CE – 5’

34 Venus di Milo – 150 BCE – 6’




38 Crouching Venus –

39 Venus Kallipygos

40 Aphrodite, Eros, and Pan – 100 BCE – marble – 4 ½’

41 Hellenistic Art

42 Seated boxer – 100 BCE – Bronze – 4 ½’


44 EPIGONOS – Dying Gaul – roman copy – 230 BCE

45 Old Market Woman – 100 BCE – marble - 4 ½’

46 ANTHANADOROS, HAGESANDROS, and POLYDOROS OF RHODES – Lacoon and his sons marbe – 8’ – 1 st cent CE

47 Drunken Old Woman

48 Sleeping Satyr (Barberini Faun) – 200 BCE – marble – 7’

49 Etruscans City states – Middle of Italy to Southern Italy Art is not as idealized, more factual, down to earth, descriptive Of the here and now, not eternal youth or gods Romans incorperated/took over Etrusia

50 Mars of Todi – 4 th cent BCE – bronze – 4 ½’

51 Apulu (Apollo) of Veii – 500 BCE – painted terracotta – 6’

52 Sarcophagus with reclining couple – 520 BCE – painted terricotta -6 ½’ long

53 Leopards, Banqueters, and musicians – Tomb of the leopards – Tarquinia Italy – 480 BCE




57 Capitoline Wolf – 500 BCE – Bronze

58 Aule Metele (arringator) – 1 st cent BCE - bronze

59 Roman Art Alexander came into power 336 to 323: conquered persia, Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Bactrian, and Indus Intermingling of different cultures - cosmopolitan After Alexander’s death, the empire dispersed Roman Republic became dominant power, although still greek influence in art and civilization (temples, assembly hall, theater, gymnasium, etc) and copied many greek sculptures Wealthy center of trade Philosophers (Aristotle), Sciences (Euclid), Inventors (Archimedes), Cartographers and Cosmologists (Eratostheres)

60 POLYEUKTOS – Demosthenes – roman copy after a bronze original of 280 BCE – 6 ½”

61 Head of a Roman patrician – 50 CE - marble

62 Portrait bust of a bearded man – 150- 75 AD - marble

63 Roman coin with Julius Caesar – 44 BCE

64 Portrait of a Roman general – 50 BCE – 6’

65 Augustus of Primaporta – 1 st cent CE – marble – 7’

66 POLYKLETITOS – Dortphoros (Spear Bearer) – Roman copy after bronze of 450 BCE – 7’

67 Aule Metele (arringator) – 1 st cent BCE - bronze

68 Vespasian – 75 AD

69 Portrait Bust of Flavian woman – 90 CE - marble

70 The Vestal Virgins and Janet Stephens’ hair archeology

71 Hadrian (117 – 138 CE)

72 Hadrian’s Villa

73 Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius – 1 st cent – bronze over life size


75 Sarcophagus – 250 CE - marble

76 Septimius Severus and family – 200 CE – tempera on wood

77 Caracalla – 217-230 - marble

78 Constantine – 330 BCE – marble – 8.5 feet tall

79 Arch of Constantine – 315- marble



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