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Gavin Astin 06 May 2011 Survey of markets. Markets 06 May 2011 2 Survey of Existing Markets - Method  Definition: “An technical measures is a device.

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Presentation on theme: "Gavin Astin 06 May 2011 Survey of markets. Markets 06 May 2011 2 Survey of Existing Markets - Method  Definition: “An technical measures is a device."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gavin Astin 06 May 2011 Survey of markets

2 Markets 06 May 2011 2 Survey of Existing Markets - Method  Definition: “An technical measures is a device or system”  How did we identify the market and its suppliers: - Responses to IM and RU survey provided knowledge of existing technical measures. - Further direct communication with some IMs and RUs to find out more details of the specific types of measures used. - Internet research of sector suppliers to establish their catalogue of technical measures. - Research institutions / universities etc - Other sources as available.  The survey…

3 Markets 06 May 2011 3 The Survey Method  Approached about 30 suppliers (Europe and world-wide) inviting them to reply.  For those agreeing to respond issued questionnaire or held interview to establish: - Product technical details. - How it helps in the fight against derailment. - Market information (product sales, competitors, potential market).  Also asked about future developments and new technology.

4 Markets 06 May 2011 4 The Survey Scope  Technical measures included in our survey: - Hot axle box detectors. - Acoustic bearing monitoring equipment. - Wheel load and wheel load impact detectors. - Bogie performance monitoring equipment. - Wheel profile measurement systems. - Loading gauge infringement detectors. - Derailment detection technology. - Machine vision systems. - Anti-lock devices for freight wagons. - Sliding wheel detectors. - Track geometry inspection.

5 Markets 06 May 2011 5 Selected Results (1)  Received over 30 detailed responses for technical measures, covering all categories of technical measures in scope.  For some technical measures it is possible to conclude market status without much external consultation (for example the quantity of suppliers in a particular area tells us a lot about the market / market share).  Additional information (for example Network Statements) provide some information on installed base for some technical measures.

6 Markets 06 May 2011 6 Selected Results (2)  Some details: - Hot axle box detectors. Mature market, many suppliers. Many installed systems. - Acoustic bearing monitoring equipment. New market (in Europe). Few suppliers. - Wheel load / wheel load impact detectors. Many different solutions. Many suppliers. - Bogie performance monitoring equipment. Few (none?) installed in Europe. Few suppliers. - Wheel profile measurement systems. Mature market, many suppliers. - Loading gauge infringement detectors. Few (none?) installed in Europe. Few suppliers. - Derailment detection technology. Growing market, several new market entrants. - Machine vision systems. New market (in Europe). Few suppliers (USA and China use these). - Anti-lock devices for freight wagons. New market, few suppliers. - Sliding wheel detectors. New market, few suppliers. - Automatic track geometry inspection. Existing / improving technology. Few major suppliers.  Bias towards rolling stock monitoring by trackside equipment.

7 Markets 06 May 2011 7 Other information collected  Includes: - Reliability and maintainability information (intrinsic). - Reliability and maintainability information (in-service). (However in most cases IMs do not keep detailed information in this regard.) - Product purchase and life costs. - Installed base in Europe and further afield.

8 Markets 06 May 2011 8 Summing Up  Identified technical measures from IM and RU responses and other sources.  Established suppliers from internet searches, project team knowledge and other means.  Invited suppliers to contribute.  Analysed results and supplemented with additional data and conservative assumptions where required.

9 Markets 06 May 2011 9 End of Session - Any Questions

10 Markets 06 May 2011 10 Safeguarding life, property and the environment

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