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Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application Community-Based Disaster Risk Management: The Philippine Experience.

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2 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application Community-Based Disaster Risk Management: The Philippine Experience 1 Session 4

3 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application Legal Bases for Philippine Local and Participatory Approach in DRM  RA 7160  PD 1566  Article X: The Philippine Constitution 2

4 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application Republic Act 7160 - The Local Government Code of 1991  Section 16, 17, 389, 391, 324d “All LGUs shall ensure public safety and protect the general welfare of its constituents and provide the basic social services that they need…”  Sections 24, 35, 36 “LGUs shall recognize and promote the participation of local actors in the delivery of basic services…”  Section Sec. 324 (d) as amended by RA 8185, s, 1997 Funding of DRM activities “Five percent (5%) of the estimated revenue from regular sources shall be set aside ….” 3

5 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application Presidential Decree 1566 Strengthening the Philippine Disaster Control Capability and Establishing the National Program on Community Disaster Preparedness 4

6 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application PD 1566 Section 1-A  Self reliance shall be developed by promoting and encouraging the spirit of self-help and mutual assistance among the local officials and their constituents. Section 1-B  Each political and administrative subdivision of the country shall utilize all available resources in the area before asking for assistance from neighboring entities or higher authority. Section 1-C  The primary responsibility rests on the government agencies in the affected areas in coordination with the people themselves. Section 1- E  Planning and Operation shall be done at the barangay/community level. Section 1-G  Responsibility for leadership rests on the provincial governor, city mayors, and municipal mayors, (and barangay chairmen), each according to his area of responsibility. 5

7 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application Article X: The 1987 Philippine Constitution  Section 13: Local government units may group themselves, consolidate or coordinate their respective efforts, services, and resources for purposes commonly beneficial to them in accordance with law 6

8 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application BDCC Structure 7 Chairman Barangay Captain Vice Chairman Damage ControlMedicalFire Brigade Warning Security EvacuationRelief Communicatio n Transportation Supply Rescue DOC Staff Teams Operating Teams

9 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application Tasks of Barangay Captain 8  Developing the Disaster Preparedness Plan to protect life & property & to minimize damage in the event of a disaster/calamity  Coordinating such planning with the next higher local authority  Selecting, organizing, & training and adequate staff to conduct the emergency operations required by the Plan  Establishing designated primary alternate evacuation areas  Directing & supervising the activities of the evacuees/victims during an enforced stay in the shelters

10 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application Tasks of the Barangay Council  Enact ordinances as necessary to discharge the responsibilities conferred upon it by law or ordinance & to promote the general welfare of the inhabitants therein  Enact tax & revenue ordinances, subject to the limitations imposed in the code  Enact annual & supplemental budgets in accordance with the provisions of these Rules  Provide for the construction & maintenance of barangay facilities & other public works projects chargeable to the general fund of the barangay or such other funds actually available for the purpose  Submit to the Sangguniang panglungsod or Sangguniang bayan such suggestions or recommendations 9

11 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application Other Local Actors  Community  Schools/Academe  Business groups/Small and Medium Enterprises  Non-Government Organizations  Media  People’s Organizations  Religious and interfaith groups 10

12 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application Business groups/Small and Medium Enterprises  Resource generation, supply of basic necessities during emergency period, price control, linkages/networking, capacity building, public awareness, disaster preparedness in workplace, livelihood assistance 11

13 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application Non Government Organizations  Capacity building, resource mobilization, research and documentation, advocacy, organizing, DRM services (pre, during, post), linkages/networking, participatory PDME 12

14 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application CBDRM Processes & Activities  Pre-disaster responses: Preparedness Disaster Management Orientation Disaster Preparedness Training Grassroots Disaster Response Organization Formation Counter Disaster Planning Design a Community Specific Warning System Design an Evacuation Plan & Conduct Drills Emergency Response Training 13

15 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application 14 CBDRM Processes & Activities  Pre-disaster responses: Mitigation Diversification of crops according to different planting season Propagation of disaster resistant crops Seed banks & nurseries Production of different nutritional value crops Post harvest facilities Encourage proper land use management & sustainable agriculture practices

16 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application CBDRM Processes & Activities  Pre-disaster responses: Mitigation Community health workers Village pharmacy & medicinal / herbal garden Functional literacy classes Improve mobility during disaster situation Collective marketing of products 15

17 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application CBDRM Processes & Activities  Response During Disaster Event: Emergency Assistance Search & Rescue Relief Delivery Operation Temporary Shelter Evacuation Center Management Medical Mission Psycho-social Assistance Networking & Negotiation Mobilization of Less Vulnerable Sectors 16

18 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application CBDRM Processes & Activities  Post Disaster Response: Rehabilitation Rebuild Houses Seed Dispersal Farm Tools & Machinery / Fishing Gear Dispersal Dispersal of Working Animals & Livestock Rehabilitation of Irrigation Works Rehabilitation of Foot Bridges & Trails Rehabilitation of Water Supply Systems Negotiation & Networking 17

19 Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework Module 2: Philippines Application CBDRM Processes & Activities  Continuing Responses Continuous People’s Organization Capacity Building Public Information Networking & Advocacy Alliance Building among Communities 18

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