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Records Management and Organisational Change Presentation by Martin Bradley.

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Presentation on theme: "Records Management and Organisational Change Presentation by Martin Bradley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Records Management and Organisational Change Presentation by Martin Bradley


3 Organisational Change Decentralisation Mergers Moving Offices New QA Procedures / Legislation Staffing Changes

4 The Issues Moving Archives / Records Staff Knowledge Management New Procedures / Regulations / QA Electronic Records & the future?

5 Moving Archives/Records Where to put them? – On / Off-site? How to ensure they arrive safely How to ensure they arrive in order Cost factors Risks? Space constraints – 20 square metres

6 Staff Knowledge Management Will change affect staff turnover? Can no longer depend on individual familiarity Must have Policies and Procedures in place Cannot be solved by software

7 New Procedures / Legislation QA Issues - ISO 9000 -Transparency Data Protection Act 2003 Change Freedom of Information Act extension

8 Electronic Records & the future… Electronic Records need to be captured into the same system as hard copy files Electronic Records are not the exclusive domain of the IT Department Extra care needs to be taken, Email, SMS, Messenger all legally admissible as records Decisions need to be policy driven, not hardware or software driven

9 How do you plan for change? Policy Procedures Training Implementation Certification Audit

10 How do you sell Records Management? TCI vs TCF Vital Records & Business Continuity Administrative efficiency = cost saving Public Perception - ISO

11 Incidence of having written document policy* Yes No FinanceIT Professional Services Public Sector Total % Sector *Drury Research

12 Document Disposal when legal retention period is uncertain* Store it indefinitely Ask advice on how documents should be stored Store it for a year Dispose of it anyway Dispose of it when think its appropriate Other Don’t know *Drury Research

13 Records Management Statistics Offices worldwide used 43% more paper in 2002 than they did in 1999 The average organisation makes 19 copies of each document, loses 1 out of every 20 documents and office workers can each spend 400 hours per year looking for lost files. Between 1% & 5% of all documents are misfiled When e-mail is introduced into an office, the percentage of printed documents increases by 40 per cent.

14 What is a Record? Information created, received and maintained as evidence and information by an organisation or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of business – ISO 15489 Format and Medium not primary issue: Identify what are Records and include them in Records Management Policy

15 Records Management Policy Assigns responsibility Covers all records Identifies Records at creation and follows their life-cycle Sets out Retention Periods Ensures Security and Business Continuity Enables legal destruction of listed records

16 Creating a Records Management Policy Survey and List all Records Create File Series Taxonomy Decide on Retention Periods Assign Responsibility Index and reference records – create metadata Electronic Records mirror Hard Copy Accreditation and Audit

17 Choosing a Standard ISO 15489 – Records Management Standard BIP 0008 – Admissibility of E-Records BSI PD 5000 – Admissibility of Emails MOREQ/MOREQ II ANSI/ARMA 5-2003 – Vital Records Protection

18 ISO 15489 European Standard Flexible Best International Practice Certification available

19 Benefits Legal compliance Administrative efficiency Public Perception - ISO Accreditation Cost savings – manpower and storage Business continuity through Vital Records

20 Further Reading Archives Ireland: Society of American Archivists’ Moving Archives engseth-aa66_2.asp NSAI: BSI: ISO: ARMA:

21 Martin Bradley Director Lo-Call: 1850 786 748 Mob: 087 286 2274

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