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The Writing Process Body Paragraphs. A body paragraph is a paragraph that helps support the argument or claim made in the thesis statement. A body paragraph.

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Presentation on theme: "The Writing Process Body Paragraphs. A body paragraph is a paragraph that helps support the argument or claim made in the thesis statement. A body paragraph."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Writing Process Body Paragraphs

2 A body paragraph is a paragraph that helps support the argument or claim made in the thesis statement. A body paragraph is a paragraph that helps support the argument or claim made in the thesis statement. All body paragraphs must have unity and coherence. All body paragraphs must have unity and coherence. –Unity means that one paragraph is about ONLY ONE main topic. That is, all the sentences—the topic sentence, the supporting sentences, the detail sentences, and (sometimes) the concluding sentence— are all telling the reader about ONE main topic. –Coherence means all the ideas in a paragraph flow smoothly from one sentence to the next sentence. This is done with transitions. With coherence, the reader has an easy time understanding the ideas that you wish to express.

3 Body Paragraph Format Body paragraphs are made up of… Body paragraphs are made up of… –A topic sentence –An introduction to supporting evidence –Direct quote, paraphrase, or summary –An analysis of your support THIS MAY BE REPEATED DEPENDING ON HOW MANY SUPPORTING DETAILS YOU ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE. THIS MAY BE REPEATED DEPENDING ON HOW MANY SUPPORTING DETAILS YOU ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE.

4 Body Paragraph Format In order to construct a body paragraph, follow the T.I.Q.A method. In order to construct a body paragraph, follow the T.I.Q.A method. –T opic Sentence –I ntroduce Quote (or evidence) –Q uote (or evidence) –A nalyze quote (or evidence) (R epeat as necessary)

5 Topic Sentences A topic sentence is one that defines and states the topic of the paragraph. A topic sentence is one that defines and states the topic of the paragraph. Your topic sentence should come from the thesis statement. Your topic sentence should come from the thesis statement. –Thesis statement: In “The Rights to the Streets of Memphis,” Richard Wright illustrates the power of the individual to overcome any obstacle as Wright overcomes conflicts of hunger, anger at his father, and fear of bullies to become a stronger and more confident person. –Second Body Paragraph’s Topic Sentence: As Wright works past the anger he has for his estranged father, he becomes a stronger and more confident person. Much like a thesis statement, a topic sentence includes the topic (strength/confidence) and a limiting idea (anger at his father). Much like a thesis statement, a topic sentence includes the topic (strength/confidence) and a limiting idea (anger at his father).

6 Introducing the Quote One of the most misunderstood ideas when writing is introducing the quote or evidence into the essay. One of the most misunderstood ideas when writing is introducing the quote or evidence into the essay. YOU CANNOT JUST PLUG A QUOTE IN WITHOUT CONTEXT! YOU CANNOT JUST PLUG A QUOTE IN WITHOUT CONTEXT! –Incorrect Example: As Wright overcomes the anger he has for his estranged father, he becomes a stronger and more confident person. “She took me to the corner store to show me the way. I was proud; I felt like a grownup” (Wright 39). –Notice how the quote is just dropped in without any contextual material or a signal phrase.

7 Introducing the Quote Correct Example: As Wright overcomes the anger he has for his estranged father, he becomes a stronger and more confident person. Although he is originally angry at his father for leaving the family, he works past this resentment to take on adult responsibilities. When learning to go grocery shopping, he explains, “She [My mother] took me to the corner store to show me the way. I was proud; I felt like a grownup” (Wright 39). Correct Example: As Wright overcomes the anger he has for his estranged father, he becomes a stronger and more confident person. Although he is originally angry at his father for leaving the family, he works past this resentment to take on adult responsibilities. When learning to go grocery shopping, he explains, “She [My mother] took me to the corner store to show me the way. I was proud; I felt like a grownup” (Wright 39).

8 Quoting Select the quote that best supports your point. Select the quote that best supports your point. The quote should look exactly as it is found in the text. The quote should look exactly as it is found in the text. –When quoting, you MUST provide the author and page number.  Example: The narrator explains, “She took me to the corner store to show me the way. I was proud; I felt like a grownup” (Wright 39). If you are not using a direct quote, be as specific as possible when explaining your evidence. Direct quotes usually work best, though. If you are not using a direct quote, be as specific as possible when explaining your evidence. Direct quotes usually work best, though.

9 Analyze the Quote This is the most important part of the entire body paragraph! This is the most important part of the entire body paragraph! The analysis should explain to the reader the importance of the quote and how it supports your topic sentence. The analysis should explain to the reader the importance of the quote and how it supports your topic sentence. –The analysis should NOT be shorter than the quote provided. –Avoid the phrase “This quote shows…” as it sounds too artificial and boring.

10 Analyze the Quote or Evidence Quote: The narrator explains, “She [My mother] took me to the corner store to show me the way. I was proud; I felt like a grownup” (Wright 39). Quote: The narrator explains, “She [My mother] took me to the corner store to show me the way. I was proud; I felt like a grownup” (Wright 39). Analysis: Wright becomes a stronger and more confident person by learning this adult task. Despite his initial anger at his father, he learns to grocery shop and feels like an adult at a young age. Wright would not have gained this independence if he had been consumed by the leaving of his father. By channeling his resentment toward his father into a purposeful task, he gains confidence and independence. Analysis: Wright becomes a stronger and more confident person by learning this adult task. Despite his initial anger at his father, he learns to grocery shop and feels like an adult at a young age. Wright would not have gained this independence if he had been consumed by the leaving of his father. By channeling his resentment toward his father into a purposeful task, he gains confidence and independence.

11 T.I.Q.A. As Wright overcomes the anger he has for his estranged father, he becomes a stronger and more confident person. Although he is originally angry at his father for leaving the family, he works past this resentment to take on adult responsibilities. When learning to go grocery shopping, he explains, “She [My mother] took me to the corner store to show me the way. I was proud; I felt like a grownup” (Wright 39). Wright becomes a stronger and more confident person by learning this adult task. Despite his initial anger at his father, he learns to grocery shop and feels like an adult at a young age. Wright would not have gained this independence if he had been consumed by the leaving of his father. By channeling his resentment toward his father into a purposeful task, he gains confidence and independence.

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