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2015 User Conference Document Management April 24, 2015 Presented by: Susan M. Hannon Training Specialist General Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 User Conference Document Management April 24, 2015 Presented by: Susan M. Hannon Training Specialist General Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 User Conference Document Management April 24, 2015 Presented by: Susan M. Hannon Training Specialist General Workshop

2 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Objectives ● Analyze their existing document management plan ● Create a document management plan ● Access the scanning center to customize document Categories ● Edit scanned items Attendees will be able to:

3 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Agenda ❖ Discuss the components of a comprehensive document management plan ❖ Review Types of Items/Categories ❖ Add/edit categories ❖ Search for a previously scanned item and re-file it

4 2015 Office Practicum User Conference ❖ What is the office comprehensive document management plan? ➢ Scanning of charts ➢ Entering structured data ➢ Daily current scanning ■ specialist letters, test results, etc. ❖ Besides the “What”, does the plan include Who, Where, When, Why and How?

5 2015 Office Practicum User Conference ◆ Determine what documents and data will be entered into OP. ● ***Reminder, not everything needs to be in the computer. The “What” and the “Who” ◆ Identify the staff that will be entering the data and documents into OP. ●***Reminder, this may vary by document type.

6 2015 Office Practicum User Conference The “Where” and the “When” ◆ Determine the location of the data by Type of Item/Category. ◆ Edit to your practice's needs. ◆ Scanning of charts requires a long- term plan while on-going is permanent. ◆ By scheduling time for staff to perform these tasks will ensure electronic charts are up to date.

7 2015 Office Practicum User Conference The “Why” ◆ Accessibility - of patient medical records by providers ◆ Portability - we can eliminate the chart hunt, we just carry them all with us ◆ Manageability - of the incoming stream of documentation ◆ Consistency - a comprehensive plan mean that we know where to look

8 2015 Office Practicum User Conference The “How” ◆ Institute workflow for document management charts, data entry and ongoing ◆ Educate staff on the plan ◆ Ensure equipment is ready and available

9 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Let’s Try It!

10 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Take it home! ❖ Analyze your existing document management plan and revise as necessary or ❖ Create a comprehensive document management plan ❖ Access the scanning center to customize document Categories ❖ Edit mis-scanned items

11 2015 Office Practicum User Conference Questions?

12 2015 Office Practicum User Conference We want your feedback!

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