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Only Connect : The Collaboration Conundrum. Dr Nicola J Millard Head of Customer Insight & Futures BT Technology, Service & Operations

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Presentation on theme: "Only Connect : The Collaboration Conundrum. Dr Nicola J Millard Head of Customer Insight & Futures BT Technology, Service & Operations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Only Connect : The Collaboration Conundrum. Dr Nicola J Millard Head of Customer Insight & Futures BT Technology, Service & Operations @DocNicola

2 Copyright BT Global Services, 2015 The 6 ‘D’s driving the future of work Dr. No Dolly Distance Dilbert Diversity Droids

3 Copyright BT Global Services, 2015 The rise of diversity: 5 generations at work by 2020 2010 20202030 TraditionalistsBoomersGen XGen YGen Z 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Source: London Business School, 2013

4 Copyright BT Global Services, 2015 The rise of diversity: mind the generation gap! My day would be significantly more productive if there was better info sharing 52% 68% 54% Gen Y Gen X Baby boomers Use IM at work: Gen Y – 31% Gen X – 28% Baby boomers – 19% 62% 38%42% Gen Y Gen X Baby boomers 56%64%59% Gen Y Gen X Baby boomers Note: (Gen Y, 18-34), (Gen X, 35-50) and (Baby boomers 50+) “Baby boomers will remain committed to email and deeply suspicious of social media at work, whilst Generation Y and Z rely on a number of social and mobile platforms to communicate” London Business School FoW Consortium, Generational Cohesion Report, 2013. I am frustrated with the technology available at work I don’t mind working out of work hours if I can do my own thing during work hours

5 Copyright BT Global Services, 2015 Are we wired to share? * Randstad survey, 2014. ** London Business School, 2015 *** MIT Center for IS Research, 2013 74% Believe their employer should spend more time promoting collaboration*. Only 1 in 4 People are good at managing their personal networks up & down the organisation** 150 Maximum number of team members for effective collaboration networks**. 61% Say that they spend more time collaborating than they did 5 years ago*. 70% Of enterprise social networks fail**. 66% Agree that people are innately co-operative*. Orgs with above average information reuse experience 4% higher margins and 12% higher revenue growth than those with below average reuse***.

6 Copyright BT Global Services, 2015 Digital footprints: Social physics Digital connections Collaboration: Trader performance vs. idea flow Physical spaces: friends meet at a few meaningful places, strangers pass randomly Thanks to Sandy Pentland, MIT

7 Copyright BT Global Services, 2015 Collaboration effects: study of a Czech bank Branch 1 Branch 2Branch 3 132 Thanks to Andy Lippman, MIT

8 Copyright BT Global Services, 2015 Socialising in the Office, working in the Cloud Home worker “Coffice” worker Activity/ sensory based working Virtualised working 1.3 billion people (40% of the global workforce) work remotely, London Business School, 2015 1.3 billion people (40% of the global workforce) work remotely, London Business School, 2015

9 Copyright BT Global Services, 2015 The death of distance: Connecting the inner Neanderthal Poor Rich

10 Copyright BT Global Services, 2015 The 3 U’s: Why we accept or reject technologies. “What is usable isn’t always used!” Professor Alan Dix, University of Birmingham

11 Thank you Dr Nicola J Millard Head of Customer Insight & Futures BT Technology, Service & Operations @DocNicola

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