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The 3 Life Changers of Summer Camp

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Presentation on theme: "The 3 Life Changers of Summer Camp"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 3 Life Changers of Summer Camp
Curt “Moose” Jackson

2 An Austrian

3 The 3 Life Changers of Camp
Environment Firsts Relationships

4 The 3 Life Changers of Camp

5 Environment Physical Property Activities Layout Safety
Working Condition Cleanliness Whimsy

6 Environment VS.

7 Environment – Physical Property
Working Condition Program Supplies Restrooms Dining Hall Cabins Vehicles Waterfront Pool Walkie Talkies Overnight Gear Nature Center

8 Environment VS.

9 Environment – Physical Property
Cleanliness Program Supplies Restrooms Dining Hall Cabins Vehicles Waterfront Pool Behind buildings

10 Environment VS.

11 Environment – Physical Property
Whimsy Camp Signs Cabin Names Dining Hall Special Events Apparel Camp Store

12 Environment – Physical Property

13 Environment – Physical Property

14 Environment – Physical Property

15 Environment Organization Signing In Down Time Dining Hall
Activity Sessions Nurse’s Station

16 Environment Staff Smiling Attentive Fun Teamwork Supportive
Take Initiative Don’t Appear to be Stressed Out Do as I Do

17 Environment VS.

18 Environment Culture Respect Traditions Camp Names Recycle and Reuse
Unplugged Love of Art and Nature Everyone Tries Their Best Supportive and Encouraging Environment Celebrating Camper Accomplishments Empowering

19 Environment Program (activities, events, and everything in between)
Fun Safe Memorable Exciting Colorful Positive Magical Happiest Place on Earth

20 Environment How can the camp environment change lives?
As adults former campers will appreciate the organization, cleanliness, culture of camp. It can help develop imagination, positive and creative thinking. A love of the outdoors. Empowerment Campers are more open to change. Ropes Staff Nature

21 The 3 Life Changers of Camp

22 Firsts Activities Community Teachable Moments Relationships
Feeling a Part of a Group Feeling Emotionally Safe Experiencing Nature Being Away from Home/Family

23 Firsts Activities Archery Catching a Fish Riding a Horse Acting
Deep End of Pool Kayaking/Sailing Rock Climbing

24 Firsts Community Feeling Safe in a Group Bonding
Connecting with Others Dining Etiquette Community Showers Sleeping and Living with Others Respecting Others in a Close Community

25 Firsts Teachable Moments Wildlife/Nature
When we as adults make mistakes we can admit and apologize Consequences

26 Firsts Team building Debriefing Leadership Teamwork Being heard

27 Firsts Other Receiving applause Making a touchdown
Hearing a well told story Off of a diving board

28 The 3 Life Changers of Camp

29 Relationships Camper to Camper Staff to Camper

30 Relationships Camper to Camper Shared Interests Kindness
Making Friends (#1 reason kids come back to camp) Think about when you went to a new school. Making new friends can be scary. Help campers make friends with lots of icebreakers and questions (favorite movie).

31 Relationships Staff to Camper
Listening (kids need to be heard and appreciated) Supportive Moral Fun Understanding Positive Engaging A Teacher Role model / mentor Don't have a favorite

32 Relationships Dog Whisperer - Be the Pack Leader


34 Relationships Dog Whisperer - Be the Pack Leader
Calm-Assertive Leadership Not Passive Not Aggressive Setting rules, boundaries and limitations Exercise, discipline, affection Protect your pack Boredom = possible trouble

35 Set Goals / Change Lives
To have every camper make two good friends To not allow any teasing To encourage each camper in my group at least once per day. To engage each and every camper of my group daily To applaud my campers daily To be a Pack Leader To look for positive values - in Dodgeball a kid gets hit and goes out without being told (honesty/fair play), a kid blocks a ball from hitting another (protection/community)

36 Training Staff Spend time training your staff to think of themselves as mentors with the power to change lives. Have them look for teachable moments. Have them find out what activities are new to each camper so they can make sure that experience is awesome. Have them look at camp through different lenses: New Camper Return Camper Parent Director Be an example

37 The 3 Life Changers of Camp
Environment Firsts Relationships

38 Facebook: Summer Camp Program Director Pinterest/ Facebook: Summer Camp Program Director

39 Enjoy Your Summer!

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