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Sport Books Publisher1 Muscle Fibre Types Slow twitch fibres: Slow Oxidative (Type I) Fast twitch fibres: Fast Glycolytic (Type IIb) Fast Oxidative Glyc.

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Presentation on theme: "Sport Books Publisher1 Muscle Fibre Types Slow twitch fibres: Slow Oxidative (Type I) Fast twitch fibres: Fast Glycolytic (Type IIb) Fast Oxidative Glyc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sport Books Publisher1 Muscle Fibre Types Slow twitch fibres: Slow Oxidative (Type I) Fast twitch fibres: Fast Glycolytic (Type IIb) Fast Oxidative Glyc. (Type IIb)

2 Sport Books Publisher2 A. Slow Twitch Fibres Suited for repeated contractions during activities requiring a force output of < 20-25% of max force output Examples: lower power activities, endurance events

3 Sport Books Publisher3 B) Fast Twitch Fibres Significantly greater force and speed generating capability than slow twitch fibres Well suited for activities involving high power Examples: sprinting, jumping, throwing

4 Sport Books Publisher4 The Muscle Biopsy Used to determine muscle fibre type 1. Injection of local anesthetic into the muscle being sampled 2. Incision of approximately 5-7mm is made in the skin and fascia of the muscle 3. The piece of tissue (250-300mg) removed via the biopsy needle is imbedded in OCT compound 4. The sample is frozen in isopentane cooled to –180C

5 Sport Books Publisher5 Muscle Biopsy

6 Sport Books Publisher6 The Histochemistry The biopsy samples are first sectioned (8-10 μm thickness) Sections are processed for myosin ATPase: Fast twitch fibres – rich in myosin ATPase – white in colour Slow twitch fibres – low in myosin ATPase – Red in colour

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