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Presentation for health and safety coordination CERN Safety Coordination Mission and Role M. Arnaud, C. Bedel, J. Etheridge, E. Paulat.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation for health and safety coordination CERN Safety Coordination Mission and Role M. Arnaud, C. Bedel, J. Etheridge, E. Paulat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation for health and safety coordination CERN Safety Coordination Mission and Role M. Arnaud, C. Bedel, J. Etheridge, E. Paulat

2 CERN Safety; who is Responsible?  The line management all the way up to: The Director General The Directors The Department Leaders/Department Safety Office-Safety Coordinators The Group Leaders All CERN staff members. CERN organizes and put in place all aspects relating to health and safety on it’s sites. (Europeans directives, French/Swiss laws, CERN rules and regulations). M. Arnaud, C. Bedel, J. Etheridge, E. Paulat


4 1998 Start of safety Coordination at CERN (CERN/TIS-GS/98-10) 2000 Start of the dismantling of the LEP, working for an out side work package contractor under TIS responsibility 2004 Internalization within the then TS Department 2007 Transferred to departments BE, EN, PH, 2009 Appointment of a fourth safety coordinator for GS M. Arnaud, C. Bedel, J. Etheridge, E. Paulat

5 MISSION The Safety Coordination is involved from the conception stage and they are consulted if there are major modifications to be carried out. There by ensuring that prevention is built in where ever possible. This improves the working conditions, reduce risks, improves the quality of the work and therefore save time and money. We take part in all phases of the operations we are involved, CERN wide. M. Arnaud, C. Bedel, J. Etheridge, E. Paulat

6 A. The function and the name:“Safety Coordinator at CERN" applies only to category A work B. The security for category B work remains the responsibility of contracts managers (in each group) and work supervisors M. Arnaud, C. Bedel, J. Etheridge, E. Paulat

7 ROLE  To protect everyone working on CERN sites.  We take into account all the risks, resulting from co- activity and successive activities.  We ensure that the general principles of prevention are implemented.  We endeavor to prevent incidents and accidents.  Our work is based upon the information provided by CERN staff members, collaborators, users, work package contractors… M. Arnaud, C. Bedel, J. Etheridge, E. Paulat

8 How does the Safety coordination operate  All work, tests, interventions, are: Planned. A notice to start work are issued (AOC) and signed A Health and Safety Protection Plan is produced, issued and commented upon.(PPSPS, Pdp, PCTS) Work package analyses meetings are arranged DIMR, consignations, hot work permit, IS 37 etc. A Joint Inspection is then carried out Site visit are carried throughout the duration of the works M. Arnaud, C. Bedel, J. Etheridge, E. Paulat

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