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University of Helsinki Eva Isaksson Helsinki University Library / Kumpula Campus Library arXiv MAB meeting 2014-10-07.

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1 arXiv @ University of Helsinki Eva Isaksson Helsinki University Library / Kumpula Campus Library arXiv MAB meeting 2014-10-07 1

2 Kumpula Science Campus 2 Largest science campus in Nordic countries University of Helsinki disciplines include: physics, astronomy, mathematics, computer science, geosciences, and chemistry Several independent national research institutes are located at Kumpula arXiv support pledge was made by Helsinki University Library

3 Physics and astronomy: 1/3 in arXiv NASA ADS affiliation search for UH 2013 + limiting search to results with links to full text in arXiv; comparison to 2013 publication list Mathematics and computer science: List of 2013 articles from the UH research database, and manual search in arXiv Mathematics: 1/2 in arXiv CS: 1/10 in arXiv Harvesting articles from arXiv to chart the current situation 3

4 We noticed that a large number of the same articles were posted on ResearchGate All UH 2013 mathematics papers were checked 146 mathematics papers: 77 in arXiv 88 in RG 29 papers could additionally be requested from the author on RG We decided to include questions about RG activity Are social media sites taking over? 4

5 Brief arXiv query @UH (last week) 5

6 Distributed to physics, astronomy, mathematics and cs mailing lists 85 researchers from the following fields sent their replies within 2 days: 28 mathematics 21 physics 21 astronomy 11 CS 4 ’other’ Quick questions, quick replies 6

7 AstroCSMathPhysicsOtherTotal Actively1231915150 Occasionally7586228 Passive231017 How actively do you contribute to arXiv? Very few are not contributing (as expected), CS is the odd one, math is the most dedicated

8 AstroCSMathPhysicsOtherTotal Very actively1331517250 Fairly actively5193119 Occasionally3741116 How actively do you read arXiv? 8 CS seems to be the most passive overall – they don’t even seem to read much

9 How about your ResearchGate activity? 9 AstroCSMathPhysicsOtherTotal Very Active202004 Fairly active4569226 Not member 1562012255 … but who put all those math papers on RG then??

10 AstroCSMathPhysicsOtherTotal arXiv2162421375 RG010001 depends003003 neither041016 Which is your preference for sharing your paper? 10 No surprises here…

11 My own homepage (13) Often with links to arXiv UH Research database (5) (2) Other (4) Vixra NORDITA Preprints Youtube Other university research database Any other sites you use for sharing your work? 11

12 Archiving video files Mobile readers Commenting and discussion Ssl support Special characters: searching for Blåsten Better search and browsing capability Better BibTeX exports Better tailoring for Catchup Abstract field size limit warning comes too late Mostly technical comments on various topics 12

13 More history of science and humanities in arXiv Consistent policies for blog link section Steer away from adding any features that might be seen as adding value to posting as such Lots of ”happy with arXiv” comments “Very happy with the current version.” “Submissions have become very user friendly.” “Great service as it is! “ “long life to the arXiv” And still more comments 13

14 arXiv is much more important to mathematics than we (and some of the mathematicians) had realized “Expand your information skills: Information literacy for Doctoral school in natural sciences” – doctoral school courses taugh by the library, starting in late 2014 We are planning to expand our section on arXiv to increase skills & awareness among doctoral students Conclusions for the library 14

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