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Aug 5, 2014, MNLA Pollinators and Pesticides a 360 Degree Perspective, An Entomological Perspective, Neonicotinyl and bees Vera Krischik, Associate Professor,

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Presentation on theme: "Aug 5, 2014, MNLA Pollinators and Pesticides a 360 Degree Perspective, An Entomological Perspective, Neonicotinyl and bees Vera Krischik, Associate Professor,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aug 5, 2014, MNLA Pollinators and Pesticides a 360 Degree Perspective, An Entomological Perspective, Neonicotinyl and bees Vera Krischik, Associate Professor, Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota and others

2 Arbo study: Nursery/greenhouse bedding plants compared to native plants are not visited by bees

3 Native LandscapeBedding PlantsStatistics: F, df, P Insect taxa TotalMean ± SEMTotal Mean ± SEM Cantharidae 4,88869.58 ± 0.722210.39 ± 0.10 166.44, (1,364), 0.0001 Syrphidae 3430.52 ± 0.123590.62 ± 0.06 0.49, (1,364), 0.4845 Bombus spp. 3360.68 ± 0.10910.16 ± 0.02 26.95, (1,364), 0.0010 True bugs 2750.52 ± 0.16730.13 ± 0.03 5.86, (1,364), 0.0160 Other bees 1850.38 ± 0.07710.12 ± 0.02 12.19, (1,364), 0.0005 Totals 6,252 971 21.04,(1,364), 0.0001 Observations 189 191

4 Arbo study: Nursery/greenhouse compared to native plants are not visited by bees Alternatives to systemic insecticides are contact insecticides, which are available to professional applicators. For the last 10 years the EPA has been registering selective insecticides that conserve beneficial insects and pollinators. pymetrozine, Endeavor, stops mouthparts from feeding/working; flonicamid, Aria, stops mouthparts from feeding/working; pyriproxifen, Distance, diflubenzuron, Adept, Dimilin, or novaluron, Pedestal, IGR, insect growth regulator, stops larval growth; Beauveria bassiana, Botanigard, microbial; s-kinoprene, Enstar II, juvenile hormone mimic; spinosad, Conserve, Entrust, bee friendly when dried; Mites only, Akari, Floramite, Hexygon, Judo, ProMite, Sanmite

5 Contact insecticides:  Many used; sprayed on foliage  Insect must eat leaf or walk on leaf to be killed  Toxicity lasts 1-3 weeks  Flowers that open after spraying do not contain insecticides. Systemic insecticides:  Uncommon; treated-seed, soil drench, trunk-inject  Insect must eat leaf, pollen, or nectar to be killed  Toxicity can least for months to years, unknown  Flowers that open will have the insecticide in pollen and nectar for months to years Contact compared to systemic insecticides

6 Most insecticides kill bees Organophosphates + Pyrethroids, are very toxic to bees. OP, Dimethoate is highly toxic, LD 50 15 ng/bee OP, Chlorpyrifos is toxic, LD 50 70 ng/bee OP, Methyl parathion is highly toxic, LD 50 11 ng/bee Coumaphos is 180 times less than methyl parathion, with LD50 of 2030 ng/ bee P, Esfenvalerate is highly toxic, LD 50 15 ng/bee P, Cyfluthrin is highly toxic, LD 50 37ng/bee P, Zeta-cypermethrin is extremely toxic, LD50 2 ng/bee P, Lambda cyhalothrin is highly toxic, LD 50 38 ng/bee P, Permethrin is extremely toxic, LD 50 8 ng/bee

7 Controversy over neonicotinyls and bees  2013 June: European Union enacts a 2 year ban on neonicotinyl insecticides starting in December 2013  2013 January: EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) concludes neonicotinyl treated-seed are a bee risk  2012 March: US Beekeepers petition for clothianidin to be withdrawn from sale  2008-2011: Bee deaths are linked to neonicotinyl treated- seed crops by some  2009: California calls for a review of the effects of neonicotinyl insecticides on bees  2004-2009: New York restricts use of imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, dinotefuran, and clothianidin  1996: France bans imidacloprid use as treated-seed on sunflowers, Germany, Spain, Italy and Slovenia, follow

8 Neonicotinyl insecticide toxicity to bees. Sublethal dose >20 ppb (2ng/bee) reduces foraging, memory, and navigation by binding to nACHRs, N- nicotinic acetycholinesterase receptors. Bees have 40% more receptors. LD50 mortality, not foraging. Lethal dose Oral LD 50 ng/bee in 20µL Pollen/ nectar ppb ng/.1gbee Reference imidacloprid 4-4037-400 Schmuck et al. 2001, EFSA 2013 clothianidin 3-2230-220Iwas et al. 2004, EFSA 2013 dinotefuran 23-47230-470EFSA 2013 thaimethoxam 5-3050-300 EFSA 2013

9 US neonicotinyl insecticide use in 2011 143/442 US million acres use neonicotinyl insecticides 83+ million acres of corn have neonicotinyl treated-seed and honeybees use corn for pollen Active ingredient (ai) in lbs imidaclopridclothianidinthiamethoxam MN52,04843,66368,876 CA348,2473,81230,687 US700,0001,2000,000990,000

10 Imidacloprid, USGS map, EPA registered 1994

11 Thiamethoxam, USGS map, EPA registered 2000

12 Clothianidin, USGS map, EPA registered 2003

13 Dinotefuran, USGS map, EPA registered 2004

14 Incident Around 25,000 bumblebees and others were found dead under trees at the Target store in Wilsonville, Oregon on Monday, June 17, 2013. The neonicotinyl insecticide dinotefuran (label Safari) was applied pre-bloom according to label. Dead in the parking lot, Bombus vosenesenskii

15 Residue data confirmed dinotefuran, but data was not released by Oregon Depart. Agriculture. Another bee kill occurred in Hillsboro, OR. Trees were covered in nets and dinotefuran use is banned for 6 months in Oregon. Incident

16 Incident: 2009 Imidacloprid residue in linden trees. Report from 2009 Imidacloprid soil injection at a golf course State of California, Department of Pesticide Regulations, Evaluation report on Merit 2F applied to 11 Tilia cordata linden trees at a golf course in Willimington DE in 2006 and 2007 and hundreds of dead bees found at the trees in 2008 Imidacloprid in leaves was 2,600 -11,700 ppb Imidacloprid in dead bumblebees was 146 ppb For regulatory purposes, the LD 50 of imidacloprid to the honey bee is 3.7 ng/bee=37 ppb. Bayer CropScience indicated the amount in the bees exceeded the LD50.

17 Duration of imidacloprid from 1X application 12 months on linden (Frank et al. 2007, Johnson and Williamson 2007) 12 months on poplar (Tenczar and Krischik 2007) 12 months on ash (McCullough et al. 2003) 24 months on hemlock (Cowles et al. 2006) 24 months cotoneaster (Szczepaniec and Raupp 2007

18 Site Imidacloprid Treatment Rate Seed treatment Gaucho* 0.11 mg AI/seed canola 0.625 mg AI/seed corn EFSA 2012 Field crops4 mg/sg ft Dively and Kamal 2012, Stoner and Eitzer 2012 Greenhouse/ nursery pot 300 mg AI/pot Krischik et al. 2014 Landscape, rose 600 mg AI/plant (2 times) Krischik et al. 2015 10 in DBH 24 in DBH 28 g AI 67 g AI Krischik et al. 2014

19 0.11 mg/canola seed 0.625 mg/ corn seed 300 mg 3 gal pot 480 times more in pot compared to corn seed 2,700 times more in pot compared to canola seed Landscape Ornamental tree label: Used 29 g on basswood tree and 33 ppb found in Flowers (Krischik et al. 2015). Agricultural citrus tree label: Used 4 g on citrus tree and 10 ppb found in nectar (Byrne et al. 2013). Comparing seed treatment, agricultural rates, and landscape rates.

20 Residues of neonicotinyls in pollen and nectar Plant Imidacloprid ppb Reference Sunflower (treated-seed) 2 ppb nectar 4 ppb pollen Schmuck et al. 2001 Pumpkin (soil drench) 4 - 12 ppb nectar 37 - 87 ppb pollen Dively & Kamal 2012 Milkweed nectar (soil drench) 2007 6,030 ppb (1X) 10,400 ppb (2X) Krischik and Rogers 2014 Milkweed nectar (soil drench) 2011 1,568 ppb (1X) 2,950 ppb (2X) Krischik et al. 2015 Buckwheat nectar (soil drench) 6,600 ppb (1X) 12,300 ppb (2X) Krischik et al. 2015 Anise hyssop (soil drench) 1,973 ppb (1X) 5,265 ppb (2X) Krischik et al. 2015 Clover nectar (soil drench) 171 ppb (1X, clothianidin)Larson et al. 2013

21 Residues of neonicotinyls in pollen and nectar Plant Imidacloprid ppb Reference Maple tree199 ppb flower USDA APHIS 2003 Eucalyptus tree (soil drench) 550 ppb nectar Paine et al 2011 Horsechestnut (trunk injection) 5-283 ppb flower Bayer, Maus et al. 2004b Serviceberry (soil drench) 1,038- 2,816 ppb flower Bayer, Doering et al. 2005a,b Rose outside (soil drench) 95-1175 ppb pollen Krischik et al. 2015 Rose GH (soil drench) 32 ppb pollen Krischik et al. 2015 Yellow bells (soil drench) 106 nectar ppb Krischik et al. 2015

22 Insect SpeciesLevel Kills lady beetle, lacewing, parasitic wasp, and bumble bees 1X label rate Krischik 5 papers Kills honeybees in one sip 185-192 ppb (CA EPA290, Fischer and Chalmers 2007) Foraging behavior6-100 ppb Foraging behavior reduced, which results in less colony weight and fewer queens produced 6-100 ppb

23 Bee ppb Reference Honey bee recruit to food 20 ppb imidacloprid Schmuck et al. 2001; Schmuck 1999 Honey bee orientation 25 ppb clothianidinLambin et al. 2001 Honey bee foraging 6 ppbColin et al. 2004 Honey bee foraging 50 ppbColin et al. 2004 Honey bee dance effectiveness 50 ppbSchneider et al. 2012 Honey bee directionality during flight 75 ppb imidacloprid 25 ppb clothianidin Menzel et al. 2014 Other aspects of foraging and neonicotinyls

24 Bee ppb Reference Honey bee foraging 15 ppb imidaclopridSchneider et al. 2012 Honey bee foraging 5 ppb clothianidinHenry et al. 2012 Honey bee foraging 67 ppb thiamethoxamSchneider et al. 2012 Bombus terrestris foraging 10 ppb imidacloprid Mommaerts et al. 2012; Gill et al. 2012 Bombus impatiens foraging 30 ppb imidacloprid Morandin and Winston 2003 Bombus impatiens foraging 10 ppb imidacloprid, 50% did not return Gill et al. 2012 Foraging and neonicotinyls

25 Bee ppb Reference Bombus terrestris 0.7 nectar and 6 ppb pollen imidacloprid Colony weight lower 8% - 12% Queen production lower 85%. Whitehorn et al. 2012 Bombus terrestris 10 ppb, Pollen collecting efficancy and brood care reduced Gill et al. 2012 Bombus impatiens 114 ppb, reduced colony weight, no queen production Larson et al 2012 Bombus terrestris10 ppb, reduced pollen foraging Gill and Raine 2014 Bombus terrestris 0.7 nectar and 6 ppb pollen imidacloprid, reduced pollen foraging Feltham et al. 2014 Foraging and neonicotinyls

26 Conclusions 1. Most bedding plants and hanging baskets contain cultivars not visited by bees. 2. So neonicotinyl use in nurseries and greenhouse do not affect beneficial insects as they do not feed on these plants. 3. Many new EPA registered insecticides can be used on native and heirloom plants visited by bees. 4. Seed treatments result in the lowest levels of neonicotinyl insecticide in nectar and pollen. Few studies demonstrate that seed treatments reduce honeybee health. 5. However, greenhouse and landscape applications use higher rates compared to agriculture. 6. However, many, many papers demonstrate that neonicotinyl insecticides affect foraging, learning, and orientation at sub lethal levels below 192 ppb. 7. The n-nicotinic acetylcholinesterase receptors are 40% higher in bees that use dancing, navigation, and learning to find food.

27 Soil-applied imidacloprid alters predator and parasitoid survival and behavior: 1. Coleomegilla maculata, Harmonia axyridis, Hippodamia convergens (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) 2. Anagyrus pseudococci (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) 3. Chrysoperal carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) 4. Bombus impatiens (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

28 Soil-applied imidacloprid alters survival and behavior of Coleomegilla maculata by 14 d sunflowerdandelionchrysanthemum FecundityP < 0.010ns Walk rateP < 0.010 Flip timeP < 0.010

29 Soil-applied imidacloprid alters behavior and survival of Coleomegilla, Hippodamia Harmonia

30 Soil-applied imidacloprid alters behavior and survival of Coleomegilla, Hippodamia Harmonia

31 Soil-applied imidacloprid alters survival and behavior of Anagyrus pseudococci (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae)

32 0 25 50 75 100 % Survivorship Experiment 2 Day 1 ** 0 25 50 75 100 2X1XAZUFUFSLVSSN Treatments % Survivorship Experiment 3 Day 1 * * 0 25 50 75 100 % Survivorship Experiment 1 Day 1 * * * % survivorship of Anagyrus pseudococci at 1 d Soil-applied imidacloprid alters behavior and survival of Anagyrus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae)

33 % survivorship of Anagyrus pseudococci at 7 d 0 25 50 75 100 % Survivorship Experiment 2 Day 7 * * 0 25 50 75 100 2X1XAZUFUFSLVSSN Treatments % Survivorship Experiment 3 Day 7 0 25 50 75 100 % Survivorship Experiment 1 Day 7 * * Soil-applied imidacloprid alters behavior and survival of Anagyrus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae)

34 Soil-applied imidacloprid alters behavior and survival of Chrysoperal carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)



37 Bumble bee colonies with flight box Flight boxBrood box

38 Colony consumption A A: Week 2: F = 52.51, DF = 4, 16, p < 0.001 Week 4: F = 27.40, DF = 4, 14, p < 0.001 Week 6: F = 22.61, DF = 4, 12, p < 0.001 Week 8: F = 7.67, DF = 3,17, p = 0.002 B: Week 2: F = 42.05, DF = 4, 17, p < 0.001 Week 4: F = 91.96, DF = 4, 14, p < 0.001 Week 6: F = 42.77, DF = 4, 28, p < 0.001 Week 8: F = 48.52, DF = 4, 8, p < 0.001

39 Colony weight A: Week 0: F = 1.84, DF = 4,16, p = 0.170 Week 11: F = 16.20, DF = 4,35, p < 0.001 B: Week 0: F = 0.87, DF = 4,37, p = 0.492 Week 11: F = 16.10, DF = 4,37, p < 0.001

40 Syrup pots added A: F = 2.72, DF = 4,35, p = 0.045 B: F = 12.07, DF = 4,37, p < 0.001

41 Systemic neonicotinyl insecticides reduce foraging and survival in beneficial insects and bees Imidacloprid first reduces movement and foraging. Sublethal dose: 20 ppb (2ng/bee) reduces foraging, memory, and navigation Lethal dose: LC50 for honey bees of 185 ppb (EPA CA) or 192 ppb (Bayer) Bees have 40% more n-acetylcholinesterase receptors that are associated with memory and foraging. In 1990 goal was IPM in 75% of the US crop. Neonicotinyl insecticides were considered compatible with IPM due to lower mammalian toxicity and reduced spray drift as the insecticides were applied to the soil. Bayer researcher Schmuck et al. 1999 said, 1 ppb was in pollen only. We now know that was an under estimation. Systemic neonicotinyl insecticides kill beneficials and are not compatible with IPM.

42 2012 Imidacloprid residue in basswood trees Basswood trees 10 in DBH, 28g/tree 2012 June Aug leaves 554 ppb 1,023 ppb soil 15,436 ppb 5,956 ppb flowers 33 ppb (n=8, 11-72 ppb) Landscape Ornamental tree label: QualiPro or Xytect label 0.1 to 0.4 fl/oz per inch DBH, 0.3 to 0.4 fl oz trees >15 in DBH Used 29 g on basswood tree and 33 ppb found in flowers Agricultural label: Admire Pro, Bayer CropScience imidaloprid label Byrne et al. 2013 Used 4 g on citrus tree and 10 ppb found in nectar

43 Plant Imidacloprid ppb Reference Sunflower (treated-seed) 2 nectar 4 pollen Schmuck et al. 2001 Pumpkin (soil drench) 4 - 12 nectar 37 - 87 pollen Dively & Hooks 2010 Milkweed (soil drench) 6000 ppb nectar Krischik 2013 Eucalyptus tree (soil drench) 550 ppb nectar Paine et al 2011 Horsechestnut tree (trunk injection) 5-283 blossom Bayer, unpulished,Maus et al. 2004b Serviceberry (soil drench) 1,038- 2,816 blossom Bayer, unpublished, Doering et al. 2005a,b Residue in pollen and nectar, very few papers

44 Site Imidacloprid Treatment Rate Seed treatment Gaucho* 0.11 -0.625 mg AI imidacloprid/1 plant FRENCH RESEARCH Field crops4 mg/sg ft NOT RESEARCHED Greenhouse/ nursery pot 300 mg AI/pot KRISCHIK Landscape, rose 630 mAI/plant NOT RESEARCHED 15 in DBH 24 in DBH 50 g AI 76 g AI NOT RESEARCHED

45 2011 Imidacloprid residue plants Dose in mg/soil Dead bees on Agastache Agastache spp. nectar ppb Asclepias spp. nectar ppb Esperanza spp. nectar ppb Rosa spp. pollen ppb 00.6b6b3c0c26b 250.6b52b80c8c36b 500.5b133b175bc21c30b 300 1X 3 gal pot 1.1ab1973b1568bc106c95b 600 2X 3 gal pot 2.4a5265ab2950b276b332b 12002.4a9335a8337a9162a 720a F=3.2, 0.01F=3.7, 0.017F=25.8, 0.0001F=166, 0.0001F=5.7, 0.0025

46 Imidacloprid residue and bee kills in field Dose in mg/soil Dead bees on Agastache Agastache spp. nectar ppb 00.6b6b 250.6b52b 500.5b133b 300 1X 3 gal pot 1.1ab1973b 600 2X 3 gal pot 2.4a5265ab 12002.4a9335a F=3.2, 0.01F=3.7, 0.017

47 2009, 2010, 2011 Imidacloprid residue rose Dose in mg/soil Marathon 1%G Rose 2009 field Rose 2010 GH Rose 2011 field 09d0c26b 25na5c36b 50na7c30b Homeowner 1X 270 mg 812cna Homeowner 2X 270 mg 1648ana 300 1X 3 gal pot 1175b32bc95b 600 2X 3 gal pot na161ab332b 1200na268a 720a F=256, 0.0001F=4.9, 0.0045F=5.7, 0.0025

48 2005, 2007, 2011 Imidacloprid residue buckwheat, milkweed Dose in mg/soil Marathon 1%G Buckwheat 2005 Nectar ppb Milkweed 2007 Nectar ppb 2011 Milkweed Nectar ppb 03c 25na 80c 50na 175bc Homeowner 1X 270 mg na Homeowner 2X 270 mg na 300 1X 3 gal pot6000 1568bc 600 2X 3 gal pot12000 2950b 300 21 days laterna20000na 600 21 days laterna34000na 1200na 8337a F=25.86, (2,22) 0.001 F=22.72, (2,6) 0.0016 F=25.8, 0.0001

49 2012 Imidacloprid residue canola pollen Dose in mg/soil April 5 2010, E June 1 flowers 1 app April May 19, 2010, W July 2 flowers 1 app May July 2, 2010, E August 18 flowers 2 app April+July July 29, W Sept 15 flowered 1 app May Black WI aust 00 Poncho blue invigor 601 00 Gaucho red invigor 701 00 00c0b 40c0b313b5b 814c7b179b8b 80461b15b342b24b 1602072a341a3860a162a F=410, 0.0001F=271, 0.001F=7.5, 0.0002F=70.6, 0.0001

50 2012 Imidacloprid residue canola soil Dose in mg/soil April 5 June 1 flowers 1 app April May 19 July 2 flowers 1 app May July 2 August 18 flowers 2 app April + July 6 July 29 Sept 15 flowered 1 app May 7 Seed trt no insect 51 Ponchona 4 Gauchona 77 0na 01316 4na 1552199 8na 743257 80na 1816517 160na 97273913 F=2.8, p=0.07F=5.3, p=0.0009

51 Insect SpeciesLevel Kills beneficial insects: lady beetle, lacewing.. 15 ppb Kills honeybees in one sip 158-185 ppb Altering honey bee behavior 6-100 ppb Altering bumblebee behavior 10-30 ppb. LD50 imidacloprid LD50 clothianidin 40 ng/bee = 400 ppb 43 ng/bee

52 Table 1. Level applied for commodities and level detected in nectar CommodityTreatment rate (AI) Residue in nectar/pollen Research Paper Seed Treatment Gaucho* * most research on this treatment level 0.11mgAI/ seed 0.6-0.8 ppb canola nectar 1.9ppb sunflower nectar 6 ppb bee pollen loads in France Scott-Dupree and Spivak, 2001 Schmuck et al, 2001 Chauzat et al, 2006 Field crops Formulas Admire Pro, etc. 4mgAI/sqft10 ppb nectar, 14 ppb pollen squash 122 ppb pollen pump 17 ppb nectar 2012 Stoner + Eitzer 2012 Dively + Kamal Greenhouse/nursery pots before planting outdoors; can reapply Marathon 300mgAI/3g al pot 20 to 54 ppbKrischik et al, 2007, 2012 3ft plant in landscape, rose 630mg AINot researched

53 Table 1. Level applied for commodities and level detected in nectar ?DBH apple-tree method ?DBH eucalyptus method 16 in DBH tree- soil drench 24in DBH tree-soil Maple flowers Rhododendron Amelanchier Cornus mas Tilia chordata Aesculus Unknown 50g AI 76g AI Soil soil Soil Trunk inject 4000 ppb 550 ppb Not researched 130 ppb 19 ppb 3 - 6 yrs post application 27-850 ppb 6 mo 66-4560 ppb18 mo 1038-2816 ppb 17 mo 146 ppb dead bees 134 ppb olefin 5-283 ppb 7dy Bayer, unpublished Tim Payne, UC Riverside 2003 USDA APHIS Doering et al 2004 Doering et al 2005 CA DPR 2009 Maus et al. 2004

54 Insect SpeciesEffectResearch Paper Greenhouse research Kills beneficial insects: ladybeetle predator (4sp), green lacewing predator, parasitic wasp 15 ppbKrischik et al 2007 Kills honey bees in one sip NOEC Acute oral Acute contact 158-185 ppb <5ppb 20 ppb 40 ng/bee = 4-400 ppb 40-102 ng/bee Bayer report 2007 Pan-Europe 2009 letter Maus et al, 2003 Suchail et al, 2001 Nauen 2001 honey bee behavior24 ppb disrupts learning and olfactory conditioning Decourtye et al 2004 6 ppb disruption of feeding Colin et al. 2004 100 ppb decrease in foraging Kirchner 1999

55 ppbEffectResearch paper honey bee behavior All bees show abnormal forage behavior 100- 37% 200 -34% 400-74% 600-78% (34% missing bees) 800-83% (51% missing bees) Ingest 36.3 to 86.5 microl/bee 1.82ng/bee=18 ppb 4.33 ng/bee =43 ppb 8 ppb-50 ppb bees in free flight sig dif in mortality except at 4ppb, but sig decline in PER learning for all concentrations 24 ppb 1/3 decrease syrup consumption, decrease brood production, strong decrease in no. of foraging bees, sig. lower responses PER Yang et al 2008 Bortolotti et al 2003 Decourtye et al et al. 2004

56 Efficacy and duration imidacloprid in field grown poplars at 12 mo Cottonwood leaf beetle, Chrysomela scripta (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) 4 generations occur in MN, >8 in southern US. Adults overwinter under bark and leaf litter. Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University, Lacy L. Hyche, Auburn University,

57 Efficacy and duration imidacloprid in field grown poplars at 12 mo Treatment1 mo10 mo12 mo Control 90.0±3.0 a 100.0±0.0 a 91.2±4.3 a Granular 0.12x 3.3±2.6 ef 33.3±16.7 bc 55.6±6.7 bcd Granular 0.25x 0.0±0.0 f 16.7±16.7 bc 41.7±7.3 cd Granular 0.5x 0.0±0.0 f 0.0±0.0 c 0.0±0.0 e Drench 0.25x 30.8±8.5 cd 50.0±12.9 abc 73.6±7.4 ab Drench 0.5x 0.8±0.8 f 25.0±17.1 bc 36.1±8.9 d Drench 1x 3.3±2.6 ef 0.0±0.0 c 24.1±8.2 de Tablet 0.12x 15.0±7.2 def 16.7±16.7 bc 68.5±9.3 abc Tablet 0.25x 20.8±9.3 cdef 0.0±0.0 c 2.8±2.8 e Tablet 0.5x 54.2±9.7 b 0.0±0.0 c 2.8±2.8 e Stick Soak 0.5x 55.0±8.6 b 100.0±0.0 a 76.5±7.9 ab Stick Soak 1x 42.5±8.8 bc 75.0±17.1 ab 70.3±6.9 abc Stick Soak 2x 22.8±9.2 cde 75.0±17.1 ab 70.1±8.1 abc F (df), P ANOVA17.6 (12, 182), <0.00110.1 (12, 65), <0.00121.8 (12, 216), <0.001

58 Efficacy and duration of imidacloprid in container grown poplars at 12 mo

59 Treatment1 mo8 mo12 mo Control88.8±2.79 a 76.2±8.8 a 86.4±7.0 a Granular 0.12x0.0±0.0 c0.0±0.0 b0.0±0.0 c Granular 0.25x0.0±0.0 c0.0±0.0 b0.0±0.0 c Granular 0.5x0.0±0.0 c0.0±0.0 b0.0±0.0 c Drench 0.5x0.0±0.0 c0.0±0.0 b0.0±0.0 c Drench 1x0.0±0.0 c0.0±0.0 b0.0±0.0 c Drench 2x0.0±0.0 c0.0±0.0 b0.0±0.0 c Tablet 0.25x 27.9±8.0 b0.0±0.0 b0.0±0.0 c Tablet 0.5x 13.9±7.3 bc0.0±0.0 b0.0±0.0 c Tablet 1x 13.9±6.1 bc0.0±0.0 b0.0±0.0 c Stick Soak 0.5x0.0±0.0 c0.0±0.0 b 20.8±11.4 bc Stick Soak 1x0.7±0.7 c0.0±0.0 b20.8±9.6 bc Stick Soak 2x0.0±0.0 c0.0±0.0 b8.3±5.6 c Root Dip 1x0.0±0.0 c0.0±0.0 b 39.4±13.2 b Root Dip 2x0.0±0.0 c0.0±0.0 b 7.1±7.1 bc Root Dip 4x0.0±0.0 c0.0±0.0 b5.0±5.0 c F (df), P ANOVA49.8 (15, 269), <0.00162.6 (15, 81), <0.00115.3 (15, 165), <0.001

60 Rose ‘Mr. Lincoln’ Efficacy and duration imidacloprid in container grown rose at 12 mo Japanese beetle adult (Coleoptera: Scarabidae) Adults feed on foliage Grubs feed on grass roots

61 Treatment % Mortality ±SEM Mean flip time ±SEM (s) % Leaf eaten area ±SEM (cm 2 ) 200620072006200720062007 Control2.6±0.4 e0.7±0.7 e30.4±2.e29.5±2 e 100.0±0.0 a 89.4±1 a GR 1x35.9±4 b25.0±4 bc101.9±3 bc74.4±7 cd3.4±0.3 cd12.1±1 de GR 3x42.7±4 b37.5±5 b106.0±3 ab61.5±7 d2.7±0.cd11.8±1 de DR 1X30.1±3 bc2.1±2 de98.6±3 bc57.6±4 d2.1±0.3 cd38.6±6 b Tab 1X9.1±2de20.8±3 cd82.0±3 d109.7±2 a11.8±2 b7.5±1 de Tab 2X10.6± 22.2±3 bcd 95.5±3 bcd 100.9±3 ab 7.1±1 bcd5.0±0.3 de IRt Dip, 3.1 ml 21.3±3cd36.1±3 b95.9±3bcd106.9±3 a2.3±0.3 cd23.9±3 c Discus83.3±2.a75.0±4a120.0±0 a112.7±2 a0.2±0.1 d2.9±0.7 e F (df), P treatment 66.3(9, 218), <0.0001 41.7 (9, 302), <0.0001 72.5 (9, 218), <0.0001 47.4 (9, 302), <0.0001 631.4 (9, 218), <0.0001 180.1 (9, 302), <0.0001

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