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Status and Plans for Professional Development in Modeling in Indiana in Physics, Chemistry and Biology Gordon Berry, Physics Department University of Notre.

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Presentation on theme: "Status and Plans for Professional Development in Modeling in Indiana in Physics, Chemistry and Biology Gordon Berry, Physics Department University of Notre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status and Plans for Professional Development in Modeling in Indiana in Physics, Chemistry and Biology Gordon Berry, Physics Department University of Notre Dame Funding support: IN-DOE - Math Science Partnership ICHE – Improving Teacher Quality Siemens Foundation – Teacher Fellowships

2 What do we mean by “Models”? Concept Or idea Picture * Modeling in physics & Chemistry as developed at Arizona State University The American Modeling Association – AMTA - MULTIPLE!

3 Why Models? Models are basic units of knowledge In all Science Research: –A few basic models are used again and again with only minor modifications. Models help students connect –Macroscopic observations –Sub-microscopic representations –Symbolic representations The students become SCIENTISTS – learning by DOING

4 Why modeling?! To help students see science as a way of viewing the world rather than as a collection of facts.To help students see science as a way of viewing the world rather than as a collection of facts. To make the coherence of scientific knowledge more evident to students by making it more explicit (quantitative).To make the coherence of scientific knowledge more evident to students by making it more explicit (quantitative). Models and Systems are explicitly recognized as major unifying ideas for all the sciences by the AAAS Project 2061 and the NGSS for the reform of US science education.Models and Systems are explicitly recognized as major unifying ideas for all the sciences by the AAAS Project 2061 and the NGSS for the reform of US science education.

5 5 1. Asking questions & defining problems 2. Developing & using models 3. Planning & carrying out investigations 4. Analyzing & interpreting data 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking 6. Constructing explanations & designing solutions 7. Engaging in argument from evidence 8. Obtaining, evaluating, & communicating information The NGSS’s Framework of Scientific and Engineering Practices

6 The Modeling Curriculum In Physics and Chemistry: A consistent and linked storyline developed over 20 years At Arizona State University for the complete semester/year not a separated series of lessons Developed using the “particle model” (atoms, molecules, etc) Follow the historical development…

7 How about Biology? Difficulties: Not developed at ASU Taught before the particle models of Chemistry and Physics Contrasts between micro and macro development What are the themes and links of a “Biology story”? Summer workshops in the past 2 years at Notre Dame, Marian University and at University High School developed by 35 Inspired, hard-working Indiana biology teachers

8 BIOLOGY: Themes and story development See NISMEC website for teachers’ guides to the 9 UNITS:

9 Indiana Modeling PD Workshops In the past 3-4 years 1. At Notre Dame (north), Indianapolis (central) and Evansville (south) 1-week and 2-weeks for Physics and Chemistry Modeling About 150 teachers have attended, and are now using modeling at least partially in their classrooms. 2. Developmental workshops in biology (last 2 years) Goals for 2013 – to continue offering modeling workshops for north, south and central Indiana teachers in Chemistry, Physics and Biology Difficulty: $ Money $ Money $ - Principally to pay teacher stipends and instructors

10 Plans for 2013 Summer workshops Bad news: no modeling workshops in the South – USI –Evansville and no modeling workshops in Indianapolis Good news: modeling workshops in the North 1: June – 3 weeks of workshops at Morgan HS, Hammond for ICP and Biology teachers 2: July – 3 weeks of workshops at Notre Dame for ICP and Biology teachers Bad news: only limited funding for stipends

11 Detailed schedule of summer 2013 workshops WorkshopParticipants Dates Week-1 begin ModelingICP and Bio teachers 10-14 June – A Week-2 ICP modelingICP teachers 17-21 June – B Week-3 Bio modelingBio teachers 24-28 June – C 1. Hammond modeling workshops 2. Notre Dame modeling workshops WorkshopParticipantsDates HS - ICP ModelingICP teachers15-26 July – D HS - Biology modelingBiology teachers8-12 July - E Applications: Fill in form or email – or NISMEC website

12 How to Teach Modeling? constructivist vs transmissionist cooperative inquiry vs lecture/demonstration student-centered vs teacher-centered student-centered vs teacher-centered active engagement vs passive reception student activity vs teacher demonstration student activity vs teacher demonstration student articulation vs teacher presentation lab-based vs textbook-based lab-based vs textbook-based Guided Inquiry -> group investigations -> peer learning of concepts

13 Inquiring minds may want to know different answers to the same question: In Science, Literature, Life

14 Modeling and Guided Inquiry Problem-setting (Engagement) Investigate (Explore) Publish (Evaluate) A 3-part lesson-plan: PIP and the SIP* Process Each part must be Satisfying, Intentional Problem-solving* *SIP - concept – ref. - Mary Hynes-Berry – “Don’t Leave the Story in the Book”

15 Elegant Solutions are the highest order of what might be termed Quality Intellectual Work To produce good scientists, good humanists, good world citizens, our goal must be to support quality intellectual work in teaching and learning at all levels, i.e. from earliest childhood til’ death do us part. Learning in science or the humanities is the same process IN and OUT of the classroom

16 A Science problem: Goldilocks and the Three Bears Has the science in this story ever worried you?

17 How could the porridge in the Bears’ bowls be too hot, too cold and just right? Working with your group Develop an explanatory scenario that is consistent with your scientific understanding. Prepare a whiteboard with your explanation…. Include as many “modeling representations” as you can You remember those representations!!! Verbal, pictorial, algebraic, symbolic, diagrammatic, graphical Today’s special: Include an equation (algebraic representation)


19 Learning Quality Intellectual Work Play Research Every child is a scientist at play: Wondering and problem-solving about how the world works. Every scientist/teacher was (is?) a child at play.

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