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1 Virtual Recruiting Center US Army Recruiting Command.

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1 1 Virtual Recruiting Center US Army Recruiting Command

2 2 Virtual Recruiting Center Mission The Virtual Recruiting & Social Media Center (VRC) is a 21 st Century capability purposed to enhance the recruiting efforts of the United States Army Recruiting Command and adjacent commands as required through the employment of virtual information technologies. The VRC also manages web based collaborative platforms and leverages multiple social media activities to support USARECs prospecting, processing, Future Soldier and Family requirements.

3 3 Virtual Recruiting Center Army Career Explorer o E-Processing  On-line explanation of qualifications, options & benefits Special Mission Support  Linguist Recruiting, Medical, Chaplain & Officer Lead Refinement Center  Future Soldier/Family Support  Chat and forums  Telephonic Contact for retention Social Media for Recruiting  Site Trend Analysis  Evaluation of platforms  Mission focused – Middle Eastern languages, Future Soldiers and families only

4 4 Benefits  Gets information to prospects that may be hesitant to talk to a recruiter initially  Target market is online with schooling and banking  More effective than “cold calling” prospects are assisted virtually with pre-qualification and application completion from central location  Qualified applicants and packets are sent to local Recruiting Center to complete enlistment  Not designed to replace recruiters – youth still want to deal face-to-face eventually Features Army Career Explorer (ACE)  Web-based job search and applicant self-processing tool available through  Supports RA and AR NPS Enlisted Missions  Uses WebCAST predicted or actual ASVAB score for real-time job search against REQUEST  MOS descriptions and basic qualification information provided & job compare feature  Prospects can input information to begin enlistment process

5 5 Talk to Us : Emails with contact information and questions Request Info: Creates a lead and is sent email from agency Apply Online Redirects to Army Career Explorer Army Career Explorer Can test and see available Jobs/MOS on live system and Apply on Line Information covers all recruiting missions Enlisted and Officer programs.

6 6 Public facing Future Soldier and Family training; chat rooms, and forums require login to participate* Provides a thorough Orientation for new Future Soldiers and family members One stop for everything Future Soldiers and family need to prepare for transition into the Army * VRC responsible to operate chat rooms, forums and validate family members

7 7 The U.S. Army GoArmy USAREC The U.S. Army Reserve AMEDD Future Solder Center Future Soldier Family 09L Translator Social Media Operations Oversight* Only Operational Responsibility to Maintain w/ G7/9 Oversight Does not post content, responds to Recruiting Questions only

8 8 Lead Refinement Email Future Soldier & Family Social Media Apply On Line Virtual Recruiting Center Many inputs… Need one record

9 9 Establishing a virtual interactive Presence Population Regional differences are real –Local environment –Political attitudes Regional differences change # of Personnel # of Counties > 150 2 60 - 149 25 20 – 59 53 10 – 19 141 1 – 9 435 Where we are Where we need to be

10 10 US Army Recruiting Command G3 Operations Questions

11 11 Virtual Recruiting & Social Media Center Current Capabilities – Customer Service and Mission Support focused On-Line enlistment packet assistance:  Email, Dedicated #800 Presents official recruiting information via inquiries;  Operates M-F 16 hrs daily, After Ctrs are closed covers 4 Time Zones  Bi-lingual and language specific engagement  All assigned missions, AMEDD, Chaplain, Jag, linguists, in-Service & Prior Service  Responds in 24 hrs, RA and AR National Advertising Lead Refinement  Allows recruiters to focused on the propensed and qualified

12 12 Virtual Recruiting & Social Media Center Current capabilities 2 FutureSoldiers   Supports Future Soldiers and Family members  Mass texting for Future Soldiers in natural disasters,  Chat rooms, Forums, emails, and dedicated #800s  Future Soldier sustainment operations  Future Soldier Family assistance through orientation and training till first assignment Focused SM on FS & Families & Friends – Target aged &oversight on Command level pages

13 13 Virtual Recruiting & Social Media Center 100% E- Processing capability: How do I Locate the best practice to allow a prospect to upload personal documents into an electronic enlistment file? Obtain the capability to validate enlistment source documents when the prospect uploads them into their e- enlistment file?  Drivers License is Valid (or suspended)  SSN is validated to the name of the applicant  Quick criminal search  Address matches Zip code and Area code matches state

14 14 Virtual Recruiting Center GAP Customer Centric  Provide real time live help platforms i.e. Live streaming, chat, telephone; recorded for evaluation and remote assistance  Close to real as possible response capability  Communicate on multiple mediums from a computer  Feedback mechanism for service improvement  (CRM) System that stores and provide recall capability of previous engagements  Texting capabilities independent of mobile service providers  Merge social media interactions into CRM solution

15 15 Virtual Recruiting Center GAP 2  Market Intelligence  Analytics location, system platforms, frequency and demographic  How do they communicate,  Trending, local values (Important to them ) for proper messaging.  Analytics on the messaging Education system (A or B Mkt) is there sufficient market to work volume  What is success  Merge social media interactions into CRM solution

16 16 Virtual Recruiting Center GAP 3  Geographically target market demographics (Here vs There  Know what message to use by location  Message analytics  capture and record results  Use this to locate and generate:  Civil Life Gain Prior Service leads  STEM Prospects  Utilize Geo fencing effectively  Utilize Trending topics and key word search sites to target and determine engagement strategy

17 17 Create interactive training modules that keep the Future Soldier engaged and excited while learning about the Army Replace static learning with “game” style lessons, capable of assessing learning, tracking progress and measuring knowledge.

18 18 Virtual Recruiting Center Messaging requires Analytics - Did it work? Market Segmentation Capture & record Effort for analysis Message to Prior Svc What is interesting/intriguing geographically What is success

19 19 Virtual Recruiting & Social Media Center Customer Service and Mission Support focused Expanding the Army Recruiting presence beyond the recruiter’s reach, exploiting technology to inform and educate the public, to the advantages of an Army enlistment while dispelling myths and rumors.

20 20 Click to Ship 20

21 21 Family Information Cell (FIC) Initial Contact Actions: – Telephonic: All married Future Soldiers receive a direct telephone contact attempt by our FIC Representatives. If contact is successful, direct communication with the new Spouse is often established. – Email: Once contact has been established with the spouse or Future Soldier, they are sent an FIC Welcome letter to their verified email address. This letter will introduce the FIC as well as: o Welcome them to the Army Family o Provides information for Army Support Programs and links (TRICARE, AER, DEERs and others) o Provides a link to the AFTB (Army Family Team Building) classes o Provides links to the Spouse and the TRICARE Standard Handbook o Provides information on the Future Soldier Family Facebook page dedicated to Family Members – FIC Online Community: During FIC enrollment, the Spouse is registered and introduced to the FIC Online Community at which provides a “one-stop” for information from the sustainment phase to the first-duty station The earliest introduction of the FIC, associated Army programs and support systems available to the new Soldier and their Spouse is critical to ensure a smooth and positive transition from civilian life to the Army Family.

22 22 Family Information Cell (FIC) All married Future Soldiers are identified by the FIC team and initial contact actions are conducted through a combination of direct telephonic, email and social media contact strategies. Participation in the FIC program and website initiatives are completely voluntary. If the decision is made to participate, new Family members are given an opportunity to meet, interact and develop a common bond via digital platforms and resources as they move with their Future Soldier and Trainee through the enlistment and training process. Family members often support each other as they encounter similar concerns and issues.

23 23 Future / FSTS Create interactive training modules that keep the Future Soldier engaged and excited while learning about the Army Replace static learning with “game” style lessons, capable of assessing learning, tracking progress and measuring knowledge.

24 24 Family Information Cell (FIC)

25 25 Family Information Cell (FIC)

26 26 Family Information Cell (FIC)

27 27 Family Information Cell (FIC)

28 28 Click to Ship

29 29 AMEDD GoArmy Future Solder Center USAREC The U.S. Army Future Soldier Family 09L Translator The U.S. Army Reserve

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