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By: Wendy mena, Jennifer & Rodrigo.  Goals  Leaders  Actions  Allies  Opponents  Outcomes  Inspirational words  Connection to the present  Common.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Wendy mena, Jennifer & Rodrigo.  Goals  Leaders  Actions  Allies  Opponents  Outcomes  Inspirational words  Connection to the present  Common."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Wendy mena, Jennifer & Rodrigo

2  Goals  Leaders  Actions  Allies  Opponents  Outcomes  Inspirational words  Connection to the present  Common elements  Artwork

3  Right’s  Freedom’s  Job’s & salary’s  Bysexuality

4 Gloria steinem  Cambio leyes  Hiso nuevas leyes  Organizo protestas

5  Protests  Boycotts  Forming organizations


7  William Graham Sumner’s  Professor Edward A. Shills


9  “Imagen what It Would Be Like If Women Win”  “These poor women in academia have to talk this silly language that nobody can understand in order to be accepted...”

10  education  Jobs  Marriage  Divorece




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