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Dashboard Designs Best Practices and Graphical Objects Nethra Sambamoorthi.

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Presentation on theme: "Dashboard Designs Best Practices and Graphical Objects Nethra Sambamoorthi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dashboard Designs Best Practices and Graphical Objects Nethra Sambamoorthi

2 Dashboard Best Practices Concepts This document is created for design purposes only Creating data base connected application that updates your dashboard on a regular basis requires software application development work, which is not part of the course.

3 Dashboard Best Practices Layout for dashboard should be one page of Microsoft word landscape view or one slide of Microsoft PPT All the measures put together should have a consistent story for follow up actions Use conceptual charts, graphs, and components objects (items) given below as ideas to build your dashboard design These charts are available in EXCEL/PPT or as object downloadable templates available from, unless mentioned by me in the last column below for some special advanced objects

4 Dashboard is … A quick visual way of capturing and presenting the current status of operations/sales/production/logistics in an organization It should – Stimulate discussions – Identify and communicate clearly the status, trends, and exceptions

5 Different Layers and Different KPIs Capturing Information Designs There are different layers of dashboards built for different levels of communications – CEO/board related – Sales/customer engagement – Finance/HR (internal) – Production/Logistics Different KPIs used to summarize different processes and yet all are connected to the same enterprise level consumer 360 database that is live 24 x 7. The more information details you pack the more powerful dashboard design becomes. Restating, Steve Jobs, for our dashboard designs: Design is putting together 5,000 information details for clear, precise, and engaging communication and follow ups

6 Current Trends Real time All dashboards are served from enterprise level single consumer 360 database engine so that the quality and diversity of information designs are consistent Dashboards are supported by not only micro consumer level details from consumer 360 super data engine covering HR, facility management, finance, marketing, production, logistics, consumer experience, competitive intelligence, but also (for large companies) weather impacts, health trends, national security, and macro economic trends You may learn some design considerations looking at marketing-dashboard/ or something similar to such sites marketing-dashboard/

7 Graphical Objects – Bar Chart This is useful for simple comparisons. Here we compare 3 segments across 4 regions kLpc&feature=player_detailpage

8 Graphical Objects – Stacked Bar Charts Useful for simple comparisons when total is fixed with in each region or when there are too many segments Aw&feature=player_detailpage

9 Pie Chart Most commonly used chart and it is useful if we want to communicate percentage distributions of different parts Regional Differences in Sales RegionsSales Total Region18,60060% Region22,90020% Region31,40010% Region41,40010% 5tk&feature=player_detailpage

10 Line Chart This is useful to show trends There are some interesting trend patterns you can bring out looking at the line graphs Note the horizontal time axis er_detailpage&v=KaQ58LDLxwQ

11 Meter Gauge Useful to show some continuously varying production or consumer engagement is under control or not. The excel work book which you can use to create meter gauges There are two important parameters; the one which provides the dial range (here it is 0 to 50) and the other is the accomplished pointer (that is 20 in the chart)

12 Another way of creating Meter Gauge er_detailpage&v=f6c93-fQlCs

13 Editable USA State Level Map Individual states can be colored for highlight – click the state you would like to color and use the shape fill tool. Tip

14 Basic Control Charts Proportion conforming vs. not conforming. There are many other control charts also. The graph should be between upper and lower bounds Think about why we need lower bound also Eos&feature=player_detailpage

15 How to Draw a Pareto Chart

16 How to Draw and Use Fishbone Diagram?

17 Some Additional Usable Indicators

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