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Sanitizing Wash ‘n Walk TM Safety Focus. Drain Management. Sustainability.

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1 Sanitizing Wash ‘n Walk TM Safety Focus. Drain Management. Sustainability.

2 Wash ‘n Walk Redefines Floor Care Conventional Floor Cleaners  Chemistry:  Acid  Alkaline  Neutral  Benefits:  Clean floors 2 Before 2004 2004 Wash ‘n Walk  Chemistry:  Enzymatic  No-Rinse  Benefits:  Clean floors  Reduces risk of slip and falls  Save water  Save energy  Save labor

3 Introducing Sanitizing Wash ‘n Walk  Increases Coefficient of Friction  Cleans Floors and Grout Lines  Reduces Water, Energy, and Labor  Sanitizes Floors and Tools  Clean and Sanitize Drains  Reduce Malodors  Reduce Cross-Contamination  Reduce Fruit Fly Feeding and Breeding 3 Sanitizing Wash ‘n Walk KILLS 99.9% OF Pathogens* and reduces feeding & breeding grounds for fruit flies. *Including E. Coli, Listeria, Salmonella and Staphylococcus. With 5 minute contact time on non-food contact areas.

4 The Cost of Slippery Floors Number of foodservice employees injured as a result of a slip-and-fall accidents* Percentage of all worker compensation claims dollars that may be caused by foodservice back-of-house falls** Days away from work. About 22% of slip and fall incidents result in this much time away*** Amount the foodservice industry spends each year on slip and fall injuries. Increases by 10% yearly* 4 50% OF FALLS IN FOODSERVICE ARE DUE TO UNSAFE, UNCLEAN FLOORS* * NFSI Restaurant Slip-and-Fall Accident Prevention Program; ** Slip and Fall Prevention: A Practical Handbook by Steven Di Pilla 2003 *** US Bureau of Labor Statistics (2002)

5 Focus on Employee Safety PROBLEM Greasy, slippery floors lead to slips and falls. SOLUTION Sanitizing Wash ‘n Walk is a patented, enzyme based formula that attacks and helps eliminate “grease banks” that cause slipping. 5 CONQUER GREASY FLOORS Wash ‘n Walk Slip Resistance (COF) NFSI Standard

6 Are SLIPS & FALLS still the ONLY major CONCERN for foodservice operators in MAINTAINING FLOORS? 6

7 Are You Attracting Unwanted Guests? 7 Dangerous pathogens such as Listeria, Staphylococcus and Salmonella* are everywhere in foodservice. 49% KITCHEN FLOORS 46% MOPS & BUCKETS 66% FLOOR DRAINS * Data from 100 foodservice locations screened for Listeria, Staphylococcus and Salmonella. Presumptive positives. Fruit fly populations can multiply in a matter of days. A single female can lay 100 eggs/day.

8 The Cost of Foodborne Illness Outbreaks Direct cost of outbreak for one restaurant. Includes legal fees, medical claims, lost wages* Lost sales potential for such slip and fall injuries. Social media, traditional media speed harm to brand Foodborne illness outbreaks in the US per year. Results in a significant public health risk. With 128K hospitalizations and 3K deaths each year** 8 FINANCIAL AND BRAND DAMAGE CAN BE SIGNIFICANT * NRA Data **

9 Non-food Contact Surfaces Critical 9 Top 10 violations for the industryIndustry Physical facilities installed, maintained and clean44% Non-food contact surfaces clean33% Food and non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed and used29% Food contact surfaces: cleaned and sanitized27% Plumbing installed; proper backflow devices15% Contamination prevented during food preparation, storage and display14% Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible13% Proper cold holding temperatures13% Utensils, equipment and linens: properly stored, dried and handled11% Garbage/refuse properly disposed; facilities maintained10% TOP VIOLATIONS AROUND NON-FOOD CONTACT SURFACES Note: Only routine inspections included in analysis| Source: Managing non-food contact surfaces & cross contamination risks can significantly improve food safety

10 Focus on Food Safety PROBLEM Kitchen floors and drains are breeding grounds for bacteria increasing the risk of cross contamination. SOLUTION Sanitizing Wash ‘n Walk kills 99.9% of dangerous bacteria on floors and in drains, creating a cleaner, safer kitchen. 10 REDUCE CROSS CONTAMINATION RISKS SANITIZATION REDUCES THE RISK FROM: 1. Supplies stacked on floors and moved to counters 2. Dishes/cutleries dropped on floors 3. Bacteria reintroduced from dirty mops and buckets 4. Overflowing drains that contaminate floors 5. Strong smells from bacteria build-up

11 Focus on Pest PROBLEM Dirty drains can lead to development of fruit flies. SOLUTION Sanitizing Wash ‘n Walk reduces feeding and breeding grounds for fruit flies when used as a drain cleaner and sanitizer, creating a better guest experience. 11 REDUCE FRUIT FLY RISKS DID YOU KNOW:  A female fruit fly can lay up to 100 eggs per day which develop into adult flies in only 10 to 20 days - if kitchen drains are left unaddressed, fruit fly populations can explode in a matter of days  Fruit flies groom themselves on smooth surfaces, including food preparation surfaces, where they may transfer breeding and feeding material that could contain bacteria

12 Clean Floors and Drains BEFORE 12 ONE PRODUCT FOR MANAGING FLOORS AND DRAINS SANITIZING WASH ‘N WALK*  Conventional Floor Cleaner  Standard Drain Program  Clean Grout Lines  Clear, Sanitized Drains * After 6 weeks of testing

13 Floor & Drain Management Scrub – Break down grease and grime build-up 13 EASY APPLICATION PROCESS Foam drains – Help eliminate odor causing bacteria Mop Floors – Daily application cleans and sanitizes Squeegee away – Enzyme containing solution (do not rinse) No Personal Protection Equipment required when using product at recommended dilution

14 Customer Benefits Competitive Enzyme Floor Cleaner Competitive Drain Sanitizer Wash ‘n Walk Sanitizing Wash ‘n Walk Clean Floors Increase CoF; Reduce Slip & Fall Save labor, energy, water Easy to train & use Sanitizes Floors Clean & Sanitize Drains Helps reduce malodors Regular use helps keep bacteria level under control Helps reduce cross contamination risk Reduces feeding and breeding grounds for fruit flies PRIMARY BENEFITS SECONDARY BENEFITS Sanitizing Wash ‘N Walk, The F irst O f I ts K ind ENZYMATIC FLOOR CLEANER THAT DOES A LOT MORE : Benefit fully delivered : Benefit partially delivered : Benefit not delivered

15 Thank You

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