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RC Circuit Experiment 1. Set up three different RC circuits using the components supplied. 2. Measure the voltage across the capacitor as a function of.

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Presentation on theme: "RC Circuit Experiment 1. Set up three different RC circuits using the components supplied. 2. Measure the voltage across the capacitor as a function of."— Presentation transcript:

1 RC Circuit Experiment 1. Set up three different RC circuits using the components supplied. 2. Measure the voltage across the capacitor as a function of time using the Pasco voltage sensor. 3. Do a best fit for your V vs. t plot for RC charging. 4. Use your best fit to determine the experimental time constant of the circuit. Compare this value with the theoretical time constant using a percent error. Circuit 1: R = 10k  C = 470  F Circuit 2: R = 470k  with two 47  F capacitors in series Circuit 3: R = 470k  with two 47  F capacitors in parallel

2 1. Show using V(t) = V max (1-e -t/  ), that the time required for the capacitor to charge to ½ of the maximum voltage is  ln(2). 2. For discharging, the theoretical expression is V(t) = V o e -t/RC. If one time constant has passed, show that V = 37% V o. Questions Circuit 1: R = 10k  C = 470  F Circuit 2: R = 470k  with two 47  F capacitors in series Circuit 3: R = 470k  with two 47  F capacitors in parallel

3 Report Items 1. A best fit equation for each circuit for RC charging. 2.An experimental time constant from each best fit equation. 3. A theoretical constant for each circuit with a percent error between the experimental and theoretical . 4. Questions 1 and 2. 5. Summary

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