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Perspectives and Differences in Methods Chapter 2 Pages 38-71.

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Presentation on theme: "Perspectives and Differences in Methods Chapter 2 Pages 38-71."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perspectives and Differences in Methods Chapter 2 Pages 38-71

2 Psychological Perspectives There are 4 different perspectives in Psychology. All interpret human behaviour differently

3 Biological Paul Broca Wilder Penfield Roger Sperry Behavioural John Watson Ivan PavlovB.F Skinner Cognitive Herman Ebbinghaus Jean Piaget Howard Gardner Socio Cultural Solomon Ash Stanley Milgriim Phillip Zimbardo Psychological Perspectives

4 Biological Perspective Focus on how physiological structures and bodily functions influence our thoughts/ feelings. View humans as biological organisms Two major concepts 1)Materialism: all behaviour has a biological base 2)Heredity: all behaviours can be inherited. Biological psychologist look at hormones, genes and the nervous system and how these influence how we learn, remember, think, feel and perceive. There are three big theorist who support the biological perspective. They are; – Paul Broca – Wilder Penfield – Roger Sperry

5 Behavioural Perspective AKA: the learning perspective. Focuses on learning. Looks at the effect of the environment (external influences) on behaviour. Looks at the relationship between the behaviour (response) and the environmental events (stimuli) (ie) the bell rings (stimuli) ----------> pack your books up (response) ----------> There are three big theorist who support the behavioural perspective. They are; – John Watson – Ivan Pavlov – B.F Skinner

6 Cognitive Perspective Emphasises the effect of mental processes on behaviour. Looks at how humans mentally deal with information they receive from the environment. Cognitive psychologist study memory, problem solving and language. There are three big theorist who support the cognitive perspective. They are; – Herman Ebbinghaus – Jean Piaget – Howard Gardner

7 Socio-Cultural Perspective This is a combination of two different but related areas of psychology Social psychology and Cultural psychology. Social Psychology: how people think about, interact with, influence and are influenced by the thoughts, feelings and behaviours of others. Cultural Psychology: the ways in which culture can influence people and their lives. There are three big theorist who support the socio cultural perspective. They are; – Solomon Ash – Stanley Milgriim – Phillip Zimbardo

8 Evaluation of the different perspectives. Biological ADVANTAGES only perspective that explains behaviour in relation to the body. Biological psychology has advanced through the help of technology. Our understanding of the brain has increased dramatically. Better understanding of mental illnesses LIMITATIONS Lack of recognition of environmental factors Only looks at internal activities and their effects on behaviour

9 Evaluation of the different perspectives. Behavioural: aka, learning ADVANTAGES Behaviour principles alone are not enough to explain learning. Emphasised the importance of careful observation of behaviour which influenced other perspectives. LIMITATIONS Only recognise behaviours that can be directly observed and measured. Refuse to recognise the importance of mental processes.

10 Evaluation of the different perspectives. Cognitive: ADVANTAGES Only approach that emphasises the thinking processes as a significant influence on human behaviour. How cognitions influence behavour and emotions. LIMITATIONS Uses metaphors as the basis for its model pf the mind. Eg; information processing model. Comparing the mind to a computer when humans and computer are different

11 Evaluation of the different perspectives. Socio Cultural ADVANTAGES Led to the inclusion of a diverse range of groups in research. Making psychology more representative. LIMITATIONS Stereotyping

12 Your assessment 1) You need to make a poster or power point presentation which explains the 4 different perspectives in psychology. 2) You need to explain each perspective Biological Cognitive Behavioural Socio Cultural 3) You need to include all the theorists from each perspective and what they have contributed towards that perspective. 4)Your poster needs to be neatly organised so it can be easily read. It needs to include pictures and diagrams and be colourful. 5) Posters need to be bigger that A3 otherwise you will not have enough room to fit everything on it. 6) DO NOT copy straight from the book or cut and paste information from the internet. You will lose marks. It needs to be in your own words. DUE DATE: 2012

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