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TYPOGRAPHY BASICS Technical Foundations II. Typography Basics  Baseline Apple.

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Presentation on theme: "TYPOGRAPHY BASICS Technical Foundations II. Typography Basics  Baseline Apple."— Presentation transcript:

1 TYPOGRAPHY BASICS Technical Foundations II

2 Typography Basics  Baseline Apple

3 Typography Basics  Baseline  X-Height Apple

4 Typography Basics  Baseline  X-Height  Ascender Apple

5 Typography Basics  Baseline  X-Height  Ascender  Descender Apple

6 Typography Basics  Stroke Apple

7 Typography Basics  Stroke  Serif Apple

8 Typography Basics  Stroke  Serif  Fillet Apple

9 Typography Basics  Serif (Times, Garamond, Palatino)  Sans Serif (Century Gothic, Helvetica, Arial)  Script (Apple Chancery, Brush Script) Serif Sans Script

10 Five Basic Specs of Type  Size of Type  Linespace  Font  Line Length  Alignment/Format

11 Typography Basics  Size of Type  Measured in Points Adj

12 Typography Basics  Size of Type  Measured in Points Ascender to Descender Adj

13 Typography Basics  6 picas = 1 inch  12 points = 1 pica  ?? points = 1 inch

14 Typography Basics  6 picas = 1 inch  12 points = 1 pica  ?? points = 1 inch 72 Points

15 Typography Basics  Leading space between lines Adj

16 Typography Basics  Leading space between lines vs  Linespace space between lines plus (+) size of type Adj

17 Typography Basics  Leading space between lines vs  Linespace space between lines plus size of type  You use “leading” to move from one line to next! Adj

18 Types of Leading (Linespace)  Absolute Leading  12 pts over 14 pts  Auto Leading  12 pts over auto  Set Solid  12 pts over 12 pts

19 Typography Basics  Letter Spacing space between each letter Adj A by

20 Typography Basics  Letter Spacing space between each letter  vs Word Spacing space between each word  Both affected by kerning or tracking controls Adj A by

21 Typography Basics  Kerning  Adjust space between 2 characters  Tracking  Adjust space between multiple characters Adj A by

22 Typography Basics  Alignment/Format  Flush Left  Flush Right  Centered  Justified  Forced Justified

23 Typography Basics  Fonts  Family name of Type Helvetica, Avant Garde, Palatino, Times  Characteristics Plain, Bold, Italic, Shadow  Legibility is priority one!  Font is a Typeface of specific style and size. Examples??

24 Typography Tips  Line length  Wide of the columns of type  Too long a line, harder to move to next line  Don’t center large amount of type  Two fonts is enough! Too many fonts can compete for attention  Combine Serifs with San Serifs  Choice correct font for the topic

25 Fonts  Papyrus  Brush  Futura  Bauhaus 93  Apple Casual  Baskerville  American Typewritter  Curlz MT Pick Six of These Fonts Think of an appropriate company, slogan or purpose for each font, and tell why.

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