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Performance Management Cont Feedback and Reinforcement.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Management Cont Feedback and Reinforcement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Management Cont Feedback and Reinforcement

2 Cases Dealing with Performance Management/Controlling Examples from Doug Durand (Ethics) Mary Martin (Perceptions) Consumate Materials Other

3 What are the tools a Manager has to deal with controlling?

4 Motivation is one element Address Controlling aspect of management.

5 Two elements Performance appraisal— Reactive performance management Add to that termination— presentation on that subject Training/development— proactive performance management (More HR)

6 Today Reactive and Performance Appraisal. Reactive because provided AFTER performance occurs (both good performance an poor performance).

7 Largely talking about Formal Performance Appraisals Assesses and provides feedback to employees on a periodic basis depending on organizational procedures. One minute manager is great with informal appraisals.

8 Debate Do you need formal appraisals? Use informal—more immediate and less threatening. Use formal--difficult to apply informal, general patterns to discuss, long term issues to address. Ideally combination

9 Ignore the forms Forms are important but more HR (mgmt 471 topic). Different types of forms make it easier/more difficult to give feedback. Especially forced distribution.

10 Functions of Feedback Motivational Instructional

11 Ironically feedback is not always effective 38% of the time performance declines after feedback. Demotivational Book fails to address why. Perceptions/attributions Mary Martin Not focus on positives Feedback done in formal manner not personal manner (4 th one done today). Feedback is judgmental not supportive linked to pay

12 Ways to giving Feedback (Related to Hershey Blanchard) Telling Selling Participative Telling does not work with good employees who are willing and/or able

13 Giving negative feedback Unpleasant-video What was basic approach Telling, selling, or problem solving. Why?

14 Some comments about giving feedback Work to get acceptance of feedback. It needs to participatory in some ways. Develop a sense of trust and minimize power distance. In giving negative feedback, be descriptive of the problem. Gather information from subordinate. Challenge is then accept/reject/warn/work together.

15 Feedback needs to be done at appropriate level of frequency When giving negative feedback, focus on suggestions for improvements. There should be no surprise in giving feedback. Should summary what employee knows already. (mix informal and formal).

16 More Relate feedback to goals Give specific tied to behaviors Focus on performance not personality Make sources of information credible and accurate.

17 Role play. Practice. So many supervisors have no experience. Observer: Was it telling, selling or participative. Explain. Did the person leave with a clear sense of what they could do to improve?

18 Reinforcement—Behavior modification I suspect all of you know and understand Skinner. Increase or decrease the frequency of a behavior with unpleasant or pleasant responses Reinforcement increases the frequency Punishment and extinction reduce frequency See page 347

19 Applications to management New employees are critical. What do you do? How can you get indicators of someone’s performance with constant direct monitoring? Take two positions—Cashier What does Cashier do and how do you address without direct monitoring? UPS truck driver. What behaviors do you monitor? What can be done without direct monitoring?

20 How do you address inappropriate behaviors. Example, Cashier underages, customer complaints, spending too much time gossiping with co-workers? Loan officer—Loan amounts, loan quality, not communicate information to peers.

21 Issues with groups of employees Behavior Modification Set up a system to ensure whole units operate within capacities. Examples Loggers and loads Safety on oil rigs Cashiers with rings per minute. Air shippers and Using cargo containers.

22 Steps Determine desired behavior by group(s) of employees. Find objective measurable indicator of the behavior. Monitor performance of that indicator (commonly using information systems approach). Chart it. Needs to be frequent (hourly, daily, weekly). Acknowledge good performance. No discussion of how to change. Just make change.

23 Apply it classroom instruction Pick behavior This will be a real challenge.

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