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“Educating individuals for a collective future” * With thanks to Crockett High School.

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Presentation on theme: "“Educating individuals for a collective future” * With thanks to Crockett High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Educating individuals for a collective future” * With thanks to Crockett High School

2 “Educating individuals for a collective future”

3 Competency-based Assessment Competency-based Assessment means your marks will be based on your knowledge and skills in each content area, not on an accumulation of “points”.

4 “Educating individuals for a collective future”

5 Competency-based Assessment Competency-based Assessment will show you your level of learning on EACH outcome. At the end of the year, your mark will still be reported as a percentage.

6 At the beginning of each unit, your teacher will give you a list of the most important things you will need to learn. (Essential Content/Competencies) (Progress Chart) During each unit, you and your teacher will keep track of how well you are learning each competency, and you’ll receive specific help and feedback to get better and better along the way. (Progress Chart) Your mark will be based on how well you learn each standard.

7 Wm. E. Hay Competency-based Assessment Rubric E, Exemplary E, Exemplary You understand and can do all the simple and complex parts, plus you can make higher level connections on your own. C, Competent C, Competent You understand and can do all the simple and complex parts. P, Progressing P, Progressing You understand and can do all the simpler parts. B, Beginning B, Beginning You will be required to receive help and re-do work until you have achieved at least basic mastery.

8 Essential Content Home work Quiz 1Quiz 2ProjectTest I understand the effects of forces on objects.CCC70%75% I know how to identify the main idea and supporting evidence.PCC85%75% I can use maps and charts to analyze regional climate patterns.PCE70%60% Can you guess these subjects ?

9 Formative Understand expressions of nationalism Explores reconciling nationalist loyalties Analyze how the development of nationaism is shaped by… Explore multiple perspectives on national identity in Canada Examines historical perspectives of Canada as a nation Evaluates various perspectives of future visions of Canada Evaluates the challenges & opportunties associated with the promotion of Canadian Unity Summative Exploratory Essay Nationalism in class presentation Exhibition Unit Exam Student 1CPCBECP78%84%93%72%

10 “Educating individuals for a collective future”

11 ADVANTAGE #1: It’s easier to a hit a target when you know exactly where to aim. Competency-based Assessment ADVANTAGE #1: It’s easier to a hit a target when you know exactly where to aim. Competency-based Assessment means you will know clearly - and ahead of time - exactly what you are supposed to learn and exactly what an “Exemplary” or a “Progressing” looks like

12 ADVANTAGE #2: Competency-based Assessment Competency-based Assessment helps marks become more accurate and more fair. Traditionally, marks included factors other than what you have learned (ex. behavior). Now, your marks will be about learning. You will get feedback on non-learning items, but your marks will be about what you have learned and what you can do.

13 ADVANTAGE #3: first try secondthird fourth Competency-based Assessment For example, in traditional grading, your first try was “averaged in” with your second, third, and fourth tries. With Competency-based Assessment, your mark “grows” as you learn more. In the example above, your fourth try is the one that counts. It’s easier to do well when you get practice and feedback along the way.

14 ADVANTAGE #4: Competency-based Assessment Competency-based Assessment gives you more specific feedback and the ability to analyze any work you do more accurately. For example, let’s say you got a six question test back with three right and three wrong. Then you discover that you got all three questions right about one competency. It was the other competency, you didn’t understand yet. Celebrate one! Study for the other! It’s easier to figure out your strengths and identify your weak areas. You know where to focus your energy.

15 ADVANTAGE #5: Competency-based Assessment Competency-based Assessment encourages more critical thinking and stretches your abilities. It gets you to focus on LEARNING and on GETTING BETTER. College and career professionals want to know how good you are at what you do. They are looking for thinkers,for writers, for readers. They are looking for workers who know how to analyze their performance and can make specific plans to get better. That’s what you do regularly with standards-based grading. It’s better preparation for college and for a professional career.

16 “Educating individuals for a collective future”

17 What about my college applications? Competency-based Assessment What about my college applications? In Competency-based Assessment your final mark continues to be a percentage. However, this percentage is a more accurate reflection of what you know and can do.

18 What if I just don’t want to do it and am willing to take a zero? NOT AT WM. E. HAY!! What if I just don’t want to do it and am willing to take a zero? NOT AT WM. E. HAY!! We care enough about you to MAKE you do the right thing. You will thank us later! Failure to turn in work is considered unacceptable behavior and will receive consequences just like any other poor behavior.

19 Other Questions? We will be collecting questions and providing more information throughout the year. So now let’s look at the ESSENTIAL COMPETENCIES we will be learning in our first unit…

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