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Health and Physical Activity Institute 2012 Dr. Susan Nye

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Physical Activity Institute 2012 Dr. Susan Nye"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Physical Activity Institute 2012 Dr. Susan Nye

2 As Deb Tackmann said Real Relevant Right Now

3 William Glasser once said: “We learn…  10% of what we read  20% of what we hear  30% of what we see  50% of what we see and hear  70% of what we experience with others  80% of what we experience personally  and 95% of what we teach someone else.

4 Defined:  A student centered approach that focuses on empirically measuring student performance, which are called outcomes.  Students must demonstrate that they have learned the required skills and content.

5  300-500 repetitions (Schmidt & Wrisberg, 1991) to develop a new motor pattern and burn into muscle memory  3000-5000 repetitions to erase and correct a bad motor pattern

6 1. Students must have Choice 2. The outcome(s) must be Meaningful and Valuable to the students

7 Outcome: To run a 5k road race What do the students have to know and be able to do to be successful with this outcome?

8 Look to standards for alignment

9 Psychomotor (example for 5k outcome)  Biomechanics of running ( form, running up hill and down hill, different surfaces)  How to breathe when running?  Apply FITT principle and or other principles of training (overload, progression, etc.)  Plan, implement, evaluate and modify personal fitness plan  LR vs tempo, vs speed vs intervals  Warm-up / Cool Down  Mental and Physical Competencies

10 Example for 5k outcome  Goal setting / monitoring process (use of technology)  Benefits of performing an aerobic activity  Common running injuries (side stitch, IT band syndrome, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, arch pain, etc.)  Common issues for beginning runners (feeling out of breathe, face turning red, why is my stomach cold)  When does running become easier?  Nutrition and Hydration  Clothing (socks, shoes, running attire)  Physiological and psychological benefits

11 Example for a 5k outcome  Running alone or with a buddy  Road /Race etiquette  Accepting different characteristics of others (running speed, etc.) – understand similarities and differences of others  Providing compliments

12  Running a 5k event  What objective data will be collected?  What cognitive, affective, and psychomotor assessments will be gathered?  Personal fitness plan  What are the components?  What will be collected daily/weekly to created the culminating experience?

13  Progression using Bloom’s Taxonomy for content, activities, and experiences  Create mile markers to guide progress  Use formative and authentic assessments

14  Lessons use a variety of teaching styles  Lessons guide progress  Lessons are detailed plans to reach the desired outcome  Lessons contain opportunities and experiences to aid in student learning and success  Lessons are infused with assessments to measure student progress Without lesson plans, a teacher has no idea what the students will be learning or the progress students are making.

15  Culminating experience  Creating tee shirts  Developing teams  Ceremony  ??

16 How can you make physical education content Real Relevant starting RIGHT NOW

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