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Java Prof. Oum Saokosal Master of Engineering in Information Systems, South Korea 012-252-752

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1 Java Prof. Oum Saokosal Master of Engineering in Information Systems, South Korea 012-252-752

2 Java

3 References () Java – Java Platform Standard Edition, Bou Chhun, Editions Angkor, 2008 Beginning Programming with Java™ For Dummies®, 2nd Edition, by Barry Burd, 2005, Wiley Publishing Introduction to Java Programming, 6ed, by Y. Daniel Liang, 2007

4 About Me Name: Oum Saokosal Mobile: 012-252-752 Email: Education: –Master of Engineering in Information Systems, Jeonju University, South Korea –2007: Teaching Pedagogy, National Technical Training Institute –2004: Teaching Fellowship Training in IT, Woosong University, South Korea


6 Publication Research Title: An Empirical Study on the Determinants of the Intention to Participate in User-Created Contents (UCCs) Services First author: Oum Saokosal Co-author: Dr. Han Dongwook (Advisor) International Journal: Expert Systems with Applications Accepted Date: May 28, 2011 Available online: June 13, 2011 URL: Aim: The thesis aim is to find out why millions of people use UCC, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube? 6

7 International Certificates 2010: TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication): 795 2004: Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) 7

8 Jeonju University, South Korea 8

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11 Seoul, South Korea 11

12 Seoul, South Korea 12

13 Seoul, South Korea 13

14 Home, Jeonju, University 14 안녕하세요

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