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ICM San Antonio – IH-10 Corridor Brian Fariello, TxDOT.

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Presentation on theme: "ICM San Antonio – IH-10 Corridor Brian Fariello, TxDOT."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICM San Antonio – IH-10 Corridor Brian Fariello, TxDOT

2 2 Operational – Why San Antonio needs ICM IH-10 primary corridor in San Antonio –Connects central business district with residential areas –Two main UTSA campuses –South Texas Medical Center –Major employment centers include USAA and Valero –Recreational attractions: Six Flags, shopping, River Walk, and the Alamo (Most visited tourist destination in Texas)

3 3 Operational – Why San Antonio needs ICM Need for ICM –Increased congestion and decreased reliability on expressway –Arterials are congested and lack single centralized signal control system to maximize throughput –Decreased bus transit reliability and spare capacity available –Future construction (BRT and expressway) will require improved transportation management

4 4 Operational - San Antonio ICM Corridor Overview Approximately 15 miles of IH-10 from suburbs to downtown –Split level expressway located near down-town –Parallel frontage roads Adjacent arterials run throughout corridor –Fredericksburg Road –Bandera –Military / Blanco Bus transit services –Significant ridership in corridor –Express service –Park and ride locations

5 5 Operational – How ICM will help San Antonio ICM Operational Approaches and Strategies –Information sharing / distribution –Improve the operational efficiency of network junctions and interfaces –Accommodate / promote cross-network and modal shifts –Manage capacity and demand in the corridor Specific examples: –Promoting alternative routes on DMS messages –Improving throughput on frontage roads and arterials with signal timing patterns to support diverted traffic from expressway –Improved traveler information services

6 6 Operational – San Antonio ICMS Operational Tactics

7 7 Institutional – Who are our ICM Stakeholders Texas Department of Transportation City of San Antonio VIA Metropolitan Transit San Antonio Police Department Emergency Operations Center San Antonio Fire Department Southwest Research Institute Texas Transportation Institute

8 8 Institutional – How San Antonio defined Roles and achieved Buy-in among ICM Stakeholders ICM mission and vision statements based on common transportation themes from public stakeholder agency’s mission statements, vision statements, and goals –Allows for executive level support from public stakeholder agencies Utilized existing facilities, forums and working relationships to facilitate institutional cooperation –Existing San Antonio ITS Technical Committee Establishes ICM policy and operational procedures Provides ICM oversight Manages fiscal and infrastructure planning for region –San Antonio TransGuide Facility Currently hosts public sector agencies in co-located operations facility

9 9 Technical – San Antonio ICMS System Architecture

10 10 Technical – How San Antonio facilitates ICM Existing Subsystems Key to ICMS –Center-to-Center (C2C) Collects data transportation related data from disparate regional systems Data “fused” into central server for distribution between agencies and systems Standards based –Data Archive Archives C2C data Historical data available –Incident detection based on historical trends –Data Analysis

11 11 Technical – Newly Proposed ICMS Subsystems Center-to-Center Interfaces ICMS Operations User Interface Decision Support Subsystem –Historical Data Analysis –ICMS Event Management –ICMS Arterial Travel Times Corridor Web Site –Personal Emergency Trip Planner –Corridor Data and Map –Mobile Device Accessible Web Site

12 12 Lessons Learned – Operational Operation co-location essential Working group meetings –Ensures stakeholder involvement –Forum to obtain input and reach a consensus –Recommend three to five meetings Involve stakeholders with –Operational knowledge –Decision making power –Could require more than one stakeholder per agency Leverage existing operational strategies –Example: San Antonio Ice Plan

13 13 Lessons Learned – Institutional Leverage existing agency coordination and relationships Utilize existing forums –San Antonio ITS Technical Committee Understand public agency objectives and current issues –Communicate ICM in terms of other’s needs

14 14 Lessons Learned – Technical Requirements Specification –Focus requirements on “what” the system will do functionally –Avoid designing system details during requirements development Utilize staff and consultants familiar with existing systems –Maximizes building upon existing systems and capabilities Arterial travel times / conditions data “challenge” –Lack of ITS infrastructure for gathering this data exists nationwide –Potential to use bus AVL data scaled to account for service related stops and reduced travel speeds Challenges exist in applying standard IDAS software results at a corridor level

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