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…. Stories From The Old Testament That Build Faith & Devotion.

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2 Stories From The Old Testament That Build Faith & Devotion

3 General Introduction  Reading to a child, grandchild is special  Many books = “generational favorites”  They teach important lessons in a fun way Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion


5 Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes

6 The Tortoise vs. The Hare The Boy Who Cried Wolf The Lion & The Mouse

7 General Introduction  Reading to a child, grandchild is special  Many books = “generational favorites”  They teach important lessons in a fun way  Other stories are of favorite “heroes” or a great adventurer  Children pretend to be these characters Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion



10 General Introduction  Reading to a child, grandchild is special  When read to, children come to “expect” the story to be read with enthusiasm…almost as if the characters come alive  The story seems real…they feel as if they are there in the story Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

11 General Introduction  We want to spend time reading stories of a different nature…stories that are TRUE  Stories from the O.T.  Stories that point toward salvation in Christ Jas 1:21 2 Tim 3:4-15 Gal 3:19, 22-25  Stories that can perfect us 2 Tim 3:16-17 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

12 General Introduction  Though we live under the N.T. covenant of Christ, these O.T. stories are invaluable  They contain timeless principles from a God who never changes Jas 1:17-18  They give assurance in a godless world  They are the beginnings to The Bible Story Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

13 General Introduction  God wants all to develop a “…love of the truth” 2 Thess 2:10  This certainly includes what is in the O.T.  Echoed by Peter 2 Pet 1:19, 20-21  Echoed by the author of Hebrews Heb 2:1, 2-3a Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

14 The Story Of Creation Gen 1-2  The story of how all things have their “beginnings”  Important to know this story & tell it to our children & grandchildren because of the prevailing theories of evolution and a culture growing more godless by the day Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

15 The Story Of Creation Gen 1-2  The Spirit of God was present 1:2  The Son of God was also there 1:26a cp. Jn 1:1-3, 14 Col 1:16  The Scripture plainly teaches the Godhead (Deity) was present before anything was created Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

16 The Story Of Creation Gen 1-2  All creation came into existence by God’s spoken word 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24  Other passages (O.T. & N.T.) emphasize the power of His word re: creation Psa 33:6, 9 148:3-5 Heb 11:3 2 Pet 3:3-7 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion

17 God’s power is emphasized by use of His commands. The command (“Let it be…) is followed by the comments of the sacred historian (“And there was…and it was so.”) The impression is conveyed that God merely spoke the universe into existence. The world then is not – - the product of blind chance - eons of trial and error - a struggle between God and equally powerful contrary forces God’s power is emphasized by use of His commands. The command (“Let it be…) is followed by the comments of the sacred historian (“And there was…and it was so.”) The impression is conveyed that God merely spoke the universe into existence. The world then is not – - the product of blind chance - eons of trial and error - a struggle between God and equally powerful contrary forces

18 The God of Gen. 1 is in complete control from that point which can be called “The Beginning” to the present. - James E. Smith O.T. Survey Series, Vol. 1, pg. 50 The God of Gen. 1 is in complete control from that point which can be called “The Beginning” to the present. - James E. Smith O.T. Survey Series, Vol. 1, pg. 50

19 The Story Of Creation Gen 1-2  At each “creative stage,” God saw His work as “good” 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25  When everything was completed, God saw all He had made as “very good” 1:31 Stories From The O.T. That Build Faith & Devotion


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