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Central Okanagan Bursary and Scholarship Society Information Meeting 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Central Okanagan Bursary and Scholarship Society Information Meeting 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Central Okanagan Bursary and Scholarship Society Information Meeting 2013

2 CENTRAL OKANAGAN BURSARY AND SCHOLARSHIP SOCIETY Unique to School District 23 One application allows students to apply to hundreds of awards There are 2 types of awards 1.“No criteria awards” which are open to all students 2.“Specific criteria awards” which have been established by donors

3 1.Be a Canadian citizen or a Landed Immigrant, living as a permanent resident within the boundaries of SD #23. 3. Obtain a minimum of 60% average in all grade 11 and 12 courses. 2.Must be applying to and planning to attend FULL TIME an accredited post-secondary institution in September of graduation year. ELIGIBILITY 4. Be graduating for the first time this June. 5.Attending one of the member schools of COBSS during graduating year.

4 Applications are submitted to school counsellors who then forward them to COBSS directly. Application are read only by school counsellors, donors and members of the COBSS selection committee consisting of representatives from each of the member schools. Applications are strictly confidential. SELECTION PROCESS School counsellors are not part of the selection process.

5 SELECTION IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING THREE AREAS: 1.FINANCIAL NEED 2.ACADEMIC ABILITY – the average of all Grade 11 and Grade 12 marks 3.ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP – such as involvement in school and community

6 BURSARY – primarily based on financial need SCHOLARSHIP – based on excellence; excellence can be in a variety of areas - academic, fine arts, applied skills, sports, community involvement, etc. NOTE – COBSS awards contain both bursaries and scholarships so financial need is not part of the criteria for all awards. BURSARY vs. SCHOLARSHIP

7 The on-line application is available at: – and then follow this link: If you are having difficulties, please see your school counsellor. The on-line application opens on Dec. 4 th. ON-LINE APPLICATION


9 ON-LINE APPLICATION See your school counsellor for your school’s access code. Every member school has its own separate code.

10 INSTRUCTIONS Click on “Instructions” and follow them carefully. If you have any questions, please see your school counsellor.

11 ON-LINE APPLICATION There are three main components to the COBSS application package: 1.The application form 2.The “select awards” section 3.The reference form to be filled out by two people

12 Click on “My Application” to begin the application process. ON-LINE APPLICATION

13 MY APPLICATION There are nine sections to be completed. When a section is completed, the check mark will change from grey to green.

14 MY APPLICATION Fill in the application form carefully and as accurately as possible after reading all of the instructions. Students may go back and edit as often as they wish until the site closes at midnight on Jan. 21 st.

15 MY APPLICATION Use the drop down menus where given. Complete paragraph answers in the space provided. Be aware that the secure site will time out TIP: Compose paragraphs in a Word Document, and then cut and paste into COBSS application. Space is limited so write concisely as there are a maximum number of characters available. Please check spelling and grammar.

16 MY APPLICATION An “Update” button is provided at the bottom of each screen for students to save information.

17 One critical component of the application is the paragraph answers under “Student Personal Statements”. MY APPLICATION

18 QUESTION 1: Describe yourself to the selection committee. Include a description of your passions and motivations and explain how they relate to your educational plans and goals.

19 MY APPLICATION QUESTION 2: Describe your family (include custodial and non custodial parent information). Include financial and non-financial struggles that you and your family have encountered. TIPS: Remember that financial need is one of the areas that selection is based on for COBSS awards. This is a snapshot of your current financial situation.

20 MY APPLICATION QUESTION 3: Describe highlights of your academic achievements as well as highlights of your school and community activities. Please note - Your response to this question is shared with the donor upon receiving an award. TIPS: There is no need to state specific courses and grades as that will be on your transcript. Remember that award selection is based on active citizenship so this is a good place to expand on your activity involvement.

21 This is where your personality shows through and helps the committee with its decision. BE CREATIVE, HONEST and CONCISE and remember to proofread your answers. With your words, you are trying to create a vision in the donor’s mind of who you are, what your goals and dreams are and why you deserve to be selected for the award. MY APPLICATION

22 Another important part of the application is the “Student Activity Details”. In this section, students will include all the activities in which they have been involved in school and the community during their grade 10, 11 and 12 years.

23 MY APPLICATION For each activity, the total number of participation hours for each grade level is required.

24 MY APPLICATION When all sections of the application are completed, print one copy of “My Application” Form. Student signature is required to confirm he/she meets all eligibility requirements and all information is accurate. Parent or guardian signature is required to confirm that financial information is accurate.

25 Click on “Student” under the black bar near the top of the page to return to the main page menu. MY APPLICATION

26 Print one copy of “My Application” from the icon on the main page. MY APPLICATION

27 SELECT AWARDS Click on “Select Awards” to view all awards – no criteria and specific criteria. Please note that awards are subject to change.

28 SELECT AWARDS To view criteria for each award, hover over title. “No criteria awards” are also listed. All applicants are eligible for these awards by completing the application.

29 SELECT AWARDS Click on “Details” if eligible for the award.


31 SELECT AWARDS Fill in “Applicant Responses” to explain eligibility and additional information requested by the donor. A “Submit” button is at the bottom of each screen to save information. Please do NOT cut and paste the same answer for each award. It appears to the donor and the selection committee that the applicant has not put enough thought into each award.

32 SELECT AWARDS When all eligible awards have been selected, print one copy for application package. Click on “Print Statement of Awards” from main menu

33 Print two copies of the Statement of Reference form via the icon and give to referees ASAP. STATEMENT OF REFERENCE Click on “Statement of Reference” from main menu TIP: Do this IMMEDIATELY to give your referees enough time to do a quality job!

34 STATEMENT OF REFERENCE The Statement of Reference form is one page.

35 STATEMENT OF REFERENCE Consider community people, employers, and teachers as potential referees. Choose referees carefully. Print two copies before beginning application to give referees ample time to complete. Written comments must be contained to the front of form – no additional sheets accepted. Statement of Reference Forms are confidential and must be sealed in an envelope by your referees OR referees may hand in the forms directly to your school counsellor.

36 COMPLETION CHECKLIST When you have finished all instructions, click on “Completion Checklist” to ensure you have completed and printed all necessary documents.

37 ORDER OF DOCUMENTS You will be handing in ONE completed COBSS application package to your school counsellor. The order for each is as follows: 1. One printout of completed online “My Application” 2. One printout of the “Statement of Awards” 3. Two “Statement of Reference” forms (in sealed envelopes or handed in directly to school counsellor by referee) Transcript – will NOT need to be submitted as it will be added for you by your school counsellor

38 1.PAPER CLIP application package together. 2.Hand your application in personally! Don’t pass it along through your friends. 3.Applications must be submitted on time. OTHER

39 The COBSS Application Package is due on or before: Tues. Jan. 22 nd at 9:00 am Plan your time accordingly Remember that the online application form closes at midnight Jan 21 st. DUE DATE

40 If you are a COBSS award recipient: Write an immediate thank you note to your donor. A follow up thank you note in the early fall is always a kind gesture. PLEASE REMEMBER

41 Question: When do you know if you have received a COBSS award? Answer: Awards are presented to individual student recipients at either the school graduation ceremonies or a separate awards night. Check with your school.

42 Question: Will my COBSS award expire? Answer: Yes, COBSS awards presented this June are valid until March 1 st 2014.

43 Question: Can I take a year off for an exchange, a gap year, missionary work, etc. and still use my COBSS award? Answer: NO, COBSS awards given out this June are valid until March 1 st 2014. COBSS policy is to financially assist students who graduate and attend a post-secondary program FULL TIME within the next year.

44 Question: What does a student do with a COBSS award? Answer: A COBSS award is in the form of a voucher which the student takes to the post secondary school when paying tuition. The voucher is validated and then either sent by the post secondary school to COBSS for payment or returned to student who is asked to mail the voucher. TIP: Keep a binder of all your awards so that you can track them accurately and use them before they expire. FAQ’s

45 AWARD RECIPIENTS If your circumstances change after you have received a COBSS award and you are no longer able to use the award before the March 1 st deadline, please contact COBSS at The award money can then be given to an alternate recipient.

46 AWARD RECIPIENTS If you have any questions regarding an award that you have received, please address all inquiries to COBSS directly at and not the award donor.

47 Kelowna Secondary School POST-SECONDARY PREPARATION SESSION #3 Scholarship and Bursary Information December 2011 If you need help or further information, please see your school counsellor

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