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What is the Alcohol social marketing programme trying to achieve?  Contribute to NHS Vital Signs: “Reducing the rate of hospital admissions per 100,000.

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2 What is the Alcohol social marketing programme trying to achieve?  Contribute to NHS Vital Signs: “Reducing the rate of hospital admissions per 100,000 for alcohol related harm”  Specifically targeting higher risk (previously “Harmful”) drinkers  Build a consistent social marketing approach across all regions  Measure regional activity against national progress  A best practice approach

3 Who are we targeting?  Higher risk drinkers (previously known as harmful) -Men who regularly consume over 50 units of alcohol per week -Women who regularly consume over 35 units of alcohol per week  Scoping study: -Lower social and economic groups (SEGs) experience greater alcohol related health harm -Males over the age of 35 were most commonly at risk -Identification and brief advice (IBA) was an effective way of engaging with the audience

4 Why use social marketing?  The NHS is becoming increasingly more responsible for addressing higher risk drinkers across the regions  Social marketing is one of many elements that can be applied locally to address the problem  The Department of Health will support the NHS in delivering this effectively  Social marketing has proved an effective way to change behaviour across other campaigns such as smoking  (NSMC will talk about what is social marketing)

5 Where are we now?  Lots of interest in ‘Alcohol’  Lots of activity already going on but a lack of consistency  Lots of social marketing being planned  Mixed understanding of what social marketing is  Appetite for guidance and support

6 DH... National ATL and PR noise Insight, evaluation, planning and products Knowledge management National partnerships Local campaigns and partnerships Inform national social marketing Experimentation and development Greater granulation NHS...

7 National units campaign Local campaigns Self-help pathway Solo IBAs* Partnerships Insight, evaluation, planning and products *Both to public and through NHS, multiple channels

8 How will we deliver the programme?  Together….  Central support for the NHS and partner organisations -Guidelines on all stages of social marketing -Alcohol Learning Centre -Templates for commissioning social marketing activity  Build and share best practice -Bespoke support for PCTs -‘On the ground’ shared best practice through ALC  Open and transparent communications -Practical conferences and seminars -Regular newsletters and updates on progress and best practice -Training and support through ALC

9 Who will deliver the programme?  Social marketers within PCTs  Other partner organisations delivering against the Vital Signs indicator -DAATs / CDRPs -NGOs  Specialist social marketing agencies alongside PCTs

10 What support is available now?  Initial guidance on social marketing (available today!) -What is social marketing -Key stages involved in social marketing -How social marketing can be used -Case studies and best practice -Practical advice on conducting social marketing -Where to go for additional support  Alcohol social marketing in action -First issue of newsletter available today

11 What support is available now?  Alcohol Learning Centre – knowledge hub (  Collateral -Materials for healthcare professionals -Materials for patients -Self help materials (via the drinkcheck website)  Support from Forster -To help signpost and provide guidance on the social marketing programme  National segmentation to support the commissioning of clinical and service changes

12 What support is coming up?  National segmentation to support social marketing and communication activity  Further guidance on evaluation, monitoring and updating Department of Health  Support to PCTs in delivering social marketing activity -Telephone and online support -Alcohol team at Forster (020 7403 2230)

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