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Lecture 21: LM3S9B96 Microcontroller – System Control.

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1 Lecture 21: LM3S9B96 Microcontroller – System Control

2 Stellaris® LM3S9B96 Microcontroller Data Sheet Chapter 6 System Control

3 zSystem control configures the overall operation of the device and provides information about the device. zreset control zNMI operation zpower control zclock control zlow-power modes

4 Power Control zWithin the MCU, an integrated LDO regulator is used to provide power to the majority of the MCU's internal logic zVoltage output can be programmed z1.08v ~ 1.35v, max 60ma

5 Clock Control zFundamental Clock Sources zPrecision Internal Oscillator (PIOSC): on-chip clock source, 16MHz + 1%  Main Oscillator (MOSC): an external crystal is connected across the OSC0 input and OSC1 output pins; if PLL is being used, crystal frequency range 3.579545 MHz through 16.384 MHz (inclusive); if not, between 1 MHz and 16.384 MHz zInternal 30-kHz Oscillator: on-chip clock source, 30kHz + 50%, used during Deep-Sleep power-saving modes zThe internal system clock can be derived from all above clock sources and the output of PLL and PIOSC divided by four (4MHz + 1%)

6 Clock Configuration The Run-Mode Clock Configuration (RCC) and Run- Mode Clock Configuration 2 (RCC2) registers provide control for the system clock zSource of clocks in sleep and deep-sleep modes zSystem clock derived from PLL or other clock source zEnabling/disabling of oscillators and PLL zClock divisors zCrystal input selection

7 Main Clock Tree

8 Initialization and Configuration zThe PLL is configured using direct register writes to the RCC/RCC2 register zThe steps required to successfully change the PLL-based system clock are:  1. Bypass the PLL and system clock divider by setting the BYPASS bit and clearing the USESYS bit in the RCC register  2. Select the crystal value ( XTAL ) and oscillator source ( OSCSRC ), and clear the PWRDN bit in RCC/RCC2.  3. Select the desired system divider ( SYSDIV ) in RCC/RCC2 and set the USESYS bit in RCC  4. Wait for the PLL to lock by polling the PLLLRIS bit in the Raw Interrupt Status (RIS) register  5. Enable use of the PLL by clearing the BYPASS bit in RCC/RCC2

9 Register Map zThe System Control base address: 0x400F.E000 zTable 6-8 on page 117 lists the System Control registers, grouped by function. zKey registers: zRCC/RCC2, GPIOHBCTL, RCGCn zCheck those registers with their descriptions

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