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In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful Islamic Education for Children - Importance, Challenges & Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful Islamic Education for Children - Importance, Challenges & Solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful Islamic Education for Children - Importance, Challenges & Solutions

2 Program Outline Importance of Islamic Studies Introduction to the course A Typical Class

3 Kids after 20 years – the grown-ups How would you like to see our kids after 20 years? – –Morally upright, confident in their Deen, having Self-esteem and self-worth, without any identity-crisis. – –They don’t have a sense of guilt that they are Muslims

4 At Our Deathbed! – –Among the moments we will treasure are those we spent in this class. – –We will have some sense of satisfaction that this was one of the best things we did

5 3 Options for educating children (about Islam) Send them to a Full time Islamic School. Send the children to a weekend Islamic school – OR YOUR PERIOD OF ISLAMIC STUDIES Educate them at home.

6 Four Topics Status of our kids Our Environment The solution: Qurán & Hadith Your role as a TEACHER

7 Our Kids Don’t like our language – they want to speak English Don’t like our dress – they want to dress western style Don’t like our culture Don’t like our countries – of course because of our backwardness but also because they are so much impressed by the west Don’t like to mix with elders - lack of communication as well as lack of respect for elders of the community

8 Our Kids Have lack of confidence (because they don’t have enough information) in their own Deen – Al-Islam. Live physically here but mentally in the west Do not see any future role in their own community Would love to disappear in some western city, if given a chance Most probably the vision they have is: Get money and enjoy life when they grow up.

9 When they grow up, they!!! DON’T KNOW THE QURÁN (PERHAPS NOT EVEN 2% OF IT). Have almost no exposure to Hadith Consequently, have no self-esteem as a Muslim.

10 Environment – 1. At Schools Under peer pressure, they may do wrong things Smoking; CDs;..

11 Environment – 2. At Home Over-exposure to harmful TV watching, Computer games, and now the internet Standard Complaint: They are bored Their topics of conversation – Latest Electronic games They don’t like school homework, They don’t like to help parents in household chores Looking always for an easy wayout

12 Environment – 2. At Home We had some connection with Deen at our home, however faint. But now the situation is reverse. Grandmother vs. grand- daughter

13 Media Very hostile towards Islam and Muslims Challenges are going to perhaps worsen Well-trained experts / orientalists etc. are systematically bombarding the Muslim society. They are MIS-QUOTING Quranic verses and ahadeeth left and right Unless our children is equipped with Qurán and Hadith, it is impossible for them to walk with dignity.

14 Environment – In general Highly corrupting

15 A typical Muslim Youngster

16 Qurán A book of Guidance – And that is the status we have not given to it Human Being – surrounded by enemies and self-weaknesses Daily Exposure – Thru Recitation in Salahs / and in homes How – Always reminds him as to who he is, where he is, what is his role, his destination – Thru Promises, Threats, Examples, Stories, …


18 الله

19 By Teaching Qurán You will open up this gate of daily tarbiyah You will establish connection between the student and Allah directly and for the rest of his life. This Book will not change. A Permanent Solution. Yes, not all Arabs are good… But the guidance depends on Inabah, in addition to the knowledge. InshaAllah, many will benefit from it.

20 Qurán Solutions to all problems is in Qurán and Sunnah Just establish direct connection between them and Allah thru Allah’s book and they can walk with dignity But the most critical challenge is – they don’t know Qurán Give them the master key and they will open all the doors

21 Why don't the Students understand the Qur'an (In general) they learn Arabic to pass exams (my case of Telugu) Not motivated to go beyond … because they do not realize the value and importance of understanding Qur'an. In fact, they DO NOT know what Qurán is! Most importantly: Nobody told them that understanding Quran could be so simple.

22 Your Role as a Teacher of Qurán and Hadith To show them the path to Paradise. To show the way to success not only in this world but for the ever-lasting life of the hereafter the representative of Prophetic guidance and knowledge. The Prophet (pbuh): I am sent as a teacher.

23 Your Role as a Teacher of Qurán and Hadith How close you fit to this definition. How lucky you are!!! What a unique opportunity has Allah placed at your disposal. Excellent choice at your disposal - shape the generation We know that you have been doing hardwork. But let us take the MOST important jump here and that is: To get the students connected with Qurán directly.

24 Opportunities Students will always remember you Among the best category of people on earth in the sight of Allah, “The best among you are those who learns Qurán and teaches it.” Parents will be very grateful to you

25 Opportunities In this time of information explosion, what a disaster it will be, if we, the inheritors of this Book, miss this excellent opportunity to pass on the real book of Information, the book of guidance, not only for this World but for hereafter. There are "misinformation storms" running around this world; strong winds of opposition to our faith, our culture, and our existence as true Muslims.

26 Opportunities Let us make struggle with this Book. Here is the real weapon, the weapon of the ultimate knowledge. And if we don’t do that!!!! May be we may be severely questioned by Allah for neglecting this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT DUTY. They will know everything except the Book which changed the course of humanity and the history of the world.

27 A Historical Opportunity A source of thawab-e-jariyah – where the light may spread to hundreds perhaps thousands Almost equally important role or perhaps more than a Masjid’s Imam or an Islamic Scholar – because you will teach them the Book of Allah. A model for other schools to follow

28 Opportunities Once truly attached with the Book, they will graduate with a strong trust in Allah, with self-esteem, with dignity, and with a commitment to change not only themselves but their society. Yes, there may be some weak students; but even if we succeed 60%, it is still first class! Or even if they learn 60% of the Book, it is still "First class". If we plan for 100%, then we will reach at least 60%.

29 Difficult to understand? Confusing? Do not underestimate their intellect. They are very sharp and pure. When you teach them the pure book of true nature (fitrah), their intellect will surely grow extensively.

30 What Course are we talking about! Just to help them understand the basic message of Qur'an Not for making experts or scholars of Qur'an.

31 An Easy Starter Course Simplified grammar Using Daily and Frequent Recitations Will cover 70% vocabulary of Qur'an !!! Almost 1000 words of Qurán per day!

32 Last Word All that I have presented is based on my humble experience We are all going thru a learning curve We will learn from each other.

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