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Solar power is created from strong beams of light from the sun shining down on a solar panel to create electricity. It is created by the energy call.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar power is created from strong beams of light from the sun shining down on a solar panel to create electricity. It is created by the energy call."— Presentation transcript:



3 Solar power is created from strong beams of light from the sun shining down on a solar panel to create electricity. It is created by the energy call photons hitting a solar cell, which excites light electrons, freeing them to flow. The sun is made of hydrogen, that fuses with the nuclei of hydrogen atoms to form helium, radiating huge amounts of energy into space.

4 1.Encapsulate- It is made up of glass or other clear material like plastic, which seal the cell from the outside environment. 2.Contact Grid- is made up of a conductor, like a metal, and it serves as a gatherer of electrons. 3.AR Coating- The antireflective coating, or AR coating, serves to guide light into the cell. Without it, light would bounce off the cell. 4.N-Type Silicon- only four electrons are supposed to bond with the four adjacent silicon atoms, the fifth valence electron is available for conduction. 5.P-Type Silicon- when Silicon is doped with atoms that have one less valence electron only, three electrons are available for bringing together with four adjacent silicon atoms, which creates an incomplete hold, which can attract an electron from a close by atom. This action is called conduction. 6.Back Contact- the back surface oaf solar cell that acts as a conductor. Layers of a Solar Panel

5 First, the photons hit the top of the solar cell, the antireflective coating and contact grid work together to bring the sunlight into the cell. Next, the silicon layers work to start conduction, with the help of their structures, which causes an electric current. Lastly, the back contact also works as a conductor, that ensures energy is taken from the sun. Panel Layers

6 Solar Power comes from the sun, and the sun’s power comes from nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is when the nuclei of two atoms join together. It can be found anywhere that uses solar power systems. We can always use solar power until the sun burns out, if we continue with our technological advancements. Where is it Found?

7 Nuclear fusion causes the sun’s high temperature, around 10,000 °F. Almost all energy starts off as solar energy, including the energy produced from fossil fuels, hydroelectric power, and wind power. Bell Laboratories created the first silicon solar cell in the year 1954. Every year, electronics become smaller in size and weight, because most of these devices run on solar cells that work in dim lighting as well. Fun Facts!

8 A question for the future: How can we capture Solar Power for use on earth’s surface? There are giant solar panels orbiting the earth, that may someday transfer solar light, heat, and other parts of the sun’s electromagnetic spectrum, into a kind of energy that we can use. Scientists are working on a way to bring this energy back to earth through “energy beams”, like microwaves. As of now, none of our solar power sources have gone into our atmosphere and beyond. Solar Power of the Future

9 Solar power can be used purify and heat water. It can heat or cool a home, providing heat and warmth. It can power cars, airplanes, and satellites. Uses for Solar Power

10 Male Connector Safe Touch Fuse Holder When you are installing solar panels you must use special equipment including: Female connector Electrical Inverter Power Box Safe touch fuse holder Male connector Equipment Needed for Solar Energy

11 ~ Saves natural resources ~ No pollution is produced ~ It won’t go to waste because you can recycle it ~ It doesn’t have to be in an electric grid ~ It’s a renewable energy source. ~ Clean and plentiful type of energy. Solar Power Pros

12 Currently the cause that is keeping most people from using solar power is the fact that there is no perfect way to store solar power for later use. There are some ways to store the energy in a battery, but not 100% of the energy can be stored. Also not everywhere in the world is sunny all year round, and the solar cells are many times to expensive. Current Solar Power

13 ~ It is expensive. ~ It is not available at night or whenever there is not any sun. ~ Only 20% of sunlight that hits the solar panels is transferred into electricity. ~ Not all energy is transferred into the batteries that store the energy. ~ Solar energy makes up less than 1% of the energy used in the united states today. ~ It is nit as efficient as other energy sources. Solar Power Cons

14 Faur, Dr. Maria, and Dr. Mircea Faur. "Solar Cell Structure." SPECMAT. Web. 6 Mar. 2012. Geographic, National. "Video." National Geographic. Web. 09 Mar. 2012. power/. power/ Gibson, Diane. Solar Power. Mankato, MN: Smart Apple Media, 2002. Print. Northern Tool + Equipment. "Solar Power Buyer's Guide." Solar Energy Buyers Guide. Northern Tool + Equipment Catalog Co. Web. 09 Mar. 2012. Parker, Steve. Solar Power. Milwaukee, WI: Gareth Stevens, 2002. Print. Sherman, Josepha. Solar Power. Mankato, Mimm.: Capstone, 2004. Print. Bibliography

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