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ProCal Calibration Software
Writing Procedures Using ProEdit
ProEdit :: Complete Procedure Management
ProEdit provides all the tools to allow creation, editing and general management of procedures. Procedures can be added to the library by : Writing a procedure manually Using a wizard to automatically create procedures Importing a procedure from external sources, e.g. Procedures written on a another ProCal system Procedures supplied on a CD Procedures downloaded from the Internet Additional management tools such as delete, copy and export are also available in ProEdit.
ProEdit :: Procedure Builder Wizard Overview
This function provides automatic creation of procedures based on key information, including : Instrument details (model, description, manufacturer etc.) Instrument functions Instrument ranges Instrument specifications The procedure builder will produce a fully formatted procedure, including section titles. Although it is possible to produce a fully complete procedure, it may be necessary to edit some tests to adjust specifications (e.g. the DC current range may be the same specification Except for the 10A range)
ProEdit :: Multimeter Procedure Builder
This function provides automatic creation of Multimeter procedures, including the following functions : DC Voltage & Current AC Voltage & Current DC Resistance Linearity (with custom defined step size) Additional checks for continuity bleeper & display The procedure can be configured to use uncertainty statements or to Implement the automatic uncertainty calculation system.
ProEdit :: Oscilloscope Procedure Builder
This function provides automatic creation of Oscilloscope procedures, including the following functions : General operation checks (pass/fail type tests) Amplitude Timebase Bandwidth (frequency sweep) The procedure builder allows the Setup of multiple channels using Either number of letter channel Identifiers e.g. Channel A,B,C etc or Channel 1,2,3 etc. The procedure can be configured to use uncertainty statements or to Implement the automatic uncertainty calculation system.
ProEdit :: Power Supply Procedure Builder
This function provides automatic creation of power supply procedures, including the following functions : Voltage ranges – with custom step size Current ranges – with custom step sizes 2 Fixed output function tests Output resistance test The procedure can be configured to use the Transmille power supply calibration adaptor (recommended as this provides all the required functionality including a built in current load). Use of a normal multimeter for voltage Readings and General type tests for current measurements (obtained using other methods) is also supported.
ProEdit :: Insulation Tester Procedure Builder
This function provides automatic creation of insulation tester procedures, including the following functions : Continuity resistance Continuity test current Insulation resistance Insulation test voltage AC voltage measurement General operation checks This procedure requires use of a Transmille 2100 Electrical Test Equipment Calibrator.
ProEdit :: RCD Tester Procedure Builder
This function provides automatic creation of RCD tester procedures, including the following functions : Trip current tests Trip current multiplier ½, 2 & 5I Trip time tests Additional checks (including mains voltage measurement) This procedure requires use of a Transmille 2100 Electrical Test Equipment Calibrator.
ProEdit :: PAT Procedure Builder
This function provides automatic creation of Portable Appliance Tester procedures, including the following functions : Earth Bond (including linearity) Insulation Resistance Leakage Current Flash (Class 1 & 2) Load Tests (0.13kVA & S/C) This procedure requires use of a Transmille 2100 Electrical Test Equipment Calibrator.
ProEdit :: Loop Tester Procedure Builder
This function provides automatic creation of Loop tester procedures, including the following functions : Loop resistance (up to 3 ranges) General checks This procedure requires use of a Transmille 2100 Electrical Test Equipment Calibrator.
ProEdit :: Pressure Indicator Procedure Builder
This function provides automatic creation of pressure Indicator procedures. Tests are set up as a pressure span (min/max) with test points automatically determined and displayed graphically : Tests can be set to use a Druck 515 pressure calibrator or to use General type tests for manual data entry.
ProEdit :: Pressure Transmitter Procedure Builder
This function provides automatic creation of pressure transmitter procedures. Tests are set up as a pressure span (min/max) with test points automatically determined and displayed graphically : Tests can be set to use a Druck 515 pressure calibrator or to use General type tests for manual data entry.
ProEdit :: Searching For a Procedure
Procedures can be selected using the search screen. This allows procedures to be located using a variety of search parameters, including : Procedure Number Version Number Manufacturer Description Model Number Date Created/Edited Enter one or more Parameters, then click Start Search Use ‘wildcard’ searches, eg. Trans* to search for any manufacturer beginning with Trans.
ProEdit :: Selecting a Procedure
Once located using the search screen, a list of procedures found will be displayed. Simply highlight one of these procedures and click Accept. The re-search button allows the user to go back to the search screen to refine the search if required.
ProEdit :: Instrument Information
The instrument information screen records the main details about the instrument. Additional information includes : Report Filename Comment lines 1-5 Certificate Titles Stock code / price Results type Pass/Fail or % Spec. The technical help file can also be accessed from this screen.
ProEdit :: Uncertainty Statements & Traceable Instruments
The uncertainty statements for this procedure are displayed. Up to 10 statements can be selected. Traceable instruments can also be set within a specific test, e.g. a Standard Resistor Traceable instruments used for this procedure can be selected using the lower section of this screen. The instruments need only be selected here if they are not one of the system references (as set in ProSet) as these references will automatically be recorded.
ProEdit :: Editing a Test : Overview
A test is comprised of a test type and test function (where applicable). These test types determine which settings are required on the test edit screen. A set of ‘tabs’ is available which allows properties to be set for a specific test : Test – Main test information Prompts – Text, picture and video prompts Instruments – RS232 / GPIB instrument control Advanced – Formulas, autostep control etc. Print – Print settings for current test
ProEdit :: Editing a Test : Navigation
ProEdit displays preview of the current test (plus 2 tests either side) To see a scrollable list of all tests, click
ProEdit :: Editing a Test : Navigation (Cont’d)
Move up and down the tests To add a new test to the end of the procedure, move to the last test. The NEXT button will change to NEW TEST – click to add a new test to the end of the procedure. Insert a test above the current test Delete a test (this will ‘shuffle’ all tests up) Paste a test (will query user if existing data already exists in the current test) Copies test data into memory – use with paste function
ProEdit :: Editing a Test : Test Type
The test type is the first item to select when creating a test : The test type selected determines which system reference ProCal will control when the procedure is run : Oscilloscope Reference Instrument 3 Meter Reference Instrument 1 Measurement Reference Instrument 2 General None Pass/Fail None Certificate Format None Continuity / Ins… Reference Instrument 4 PAT Reference Instrument 4 RCD Tester Reference Instrument 4 Loop Tester Reference Instrument 4 Pressure Reference Instrument 6
ProEdit :: Editing a Test : Test Function
The test function is displayed based on the test type selected. This is not relevant for test types which are generic (General, Pass/Fail and Certificate Format)
ProEdit :: Editing a Test : Test Tab
The test tab allows the main test settings to be entered : Test Title Test Value Instrument Range Accuracy -> % or Reading + % of Range + Zero/Total Accuracy + Counts Test Value Decimal Places Reading Decimal Places (optional) Result Input -> Keyboard (Manual) • Keyboard (Deviate) • Deviate Calibrator Uncertainties ProEdit will perform a check to ensure all data entered is valid. This check can be run at any time by clicking the ‘C’ button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
ProEdit :: Editing a Test : Prompts Tab
The prompts tab allows multiple user prompts to be set up : ‘Show prompt screen before test’ option Before test prompt file (text, picture or video) Before test prompt text Calibration test prompt file (text, picture or video) Calibration prompt text Calibration prompts will be available using the calibration help button during a calibration.
ProEdit :: Editing a Test : Instruments Tab
The instruments tab allows reference to and/or control of other instruments be set up. Selection of a specific uncertainty table & line is also done on this screen : Ref. Inst : Select an instrument from the traceable list for use by this test. If a measured value is stored, this will be used as the nominal value e.g. a standard resistor Uncert Template : Manually select an uncertainty template (AUTO will be displayed if the traceable instrument has a default uncertainty template) Uncert. Line : Manually select an uncertainty line from the uncertainty table of the selected traceable instrument (will display AUTO if only one line available)
ProEdit :: Editing a Test : Instruments Tab (Cont’d)
The Pre and Post command windows provide a powerful way of controlling additional devices using the GPIB / RS232 interfaces where available. Pre Test Command Commands entered here will be run before the test screen is displayed This is useful for setting up instruments or test stations to the correct state prior to performing the measurement or outputting a value. Post Test Commands Commands entered here will be run after the test is completed, or if a test is aborted. This is useful for setting an instrument or test station to standby condition between tests.
ProEdit :: Editing a Test : Instruments Tab (Cont’d)
The Pre and Post command windows use a built in language designed to be easy to use. Commands are entered in the format <Address / COM Port> <Instrument Command> <Terminator> R1/O100/S0>CR This command talks to traceable instrument 1 and sends a command followed by a carriage return terminating character.
ProEdit :: Editing a Test : Advanced Tab
The advanced tab provides access to additional test settings : Peak Hold : This option allows peak hold to be activated (measurement test) Formula : Nominal or reading values can be recalculated using a formula Enable Dual Units : Set the test value and DMM range to different units – e.g. measuring current using a shunt to read back in volts Number of Coil Turns : Allows ProCal to automatically scale output based on coil connected Autostep : Set up test to automatically step on if within a specific % of spec Samples Before Autostep : Number of reading taken before automatically moving to the next test External UUT Control Program Run an external program to perform a custom function at beginning of test (eg. Setup UUT) External UUT Adjustment Program at the end of a test (eg. Adjust UUT)
ProEdit :: Editing a Test : Print Tab
The print tab allows the print setting to be configured. This tab will display different setting depending on the test type For all tests except a Certificate Format type test the print tab displays the following settings : Always print test : Print test regardless of result Print only if failed : Print test for a failed result only Do not print test : Never print test – ideal for ‘setup’ or connection checks Print Only If Completed : Print only if the test has been performed Note : This function intelligently hides a test title preceeding this type of print format to allow ‘optional’ sections of a procedure to be created – ideal for instruments which have optional functions, allowing a single procedure to cover all combination of functions
ProEdit :: Editing a Test : Print Tab (Cont’d)
For Certificate Format type test the print tab displays the following settings Print Type : Comment Line, Title Line, Blank Line or Page Break Comment or Title : Up to 80 characters Edit During Calibration : When a title or comment line is set for edit, ProCal will present the user with a dialog box asking user to edit the text. This is ideal for entering specific values (eg. Temperature) or even readings which cannot be entered in the conventional way.
ProEdit :: Copying a Test
ProEdit allows a single procedure to be copied and creates a duplicate Simply select a procedure to copy (eg. MIC39 multimeter), click accept and the procedure will be copied and added to the library as ‘Copy of MIC39’
ProEdit :: Deleting a Test
ProEdit allows one or more procedures to be deleted at a time Simply select procedure(s), click accept and the procedure(s) will be deleted.
ProEdit :: Edit Uncertainty Statements
Use the uncertainty statements editor for adding or editing statements. Additional lines can be added by clicking on the Add New Line button. The Search For Procedures button will search the procedure library and list all procedure numbers which use this uncertainty statement.
ProEdit :: Import / Export Procedures
The import function allows procedures to be loaded from another source (CD / USB drive) which has been exported by ProEdit on another computer . Use the export function to save procedures to disc (eg. For backup purposes) – procedures can be saved to CD by exporting to the local hard drive first then using another program to copy to a CD. Exported procedures are saved in compressed format. The import function must be used to add procedures to the library to allow registration on the system (procedures cannot be copied manually)
ProEdit :: Edit Custom Lists
ProEdit allows user customisable lists for manufacturer names and Instrument descriptions. These custom lists are used In various locations to make selection of descriptions and manufacturer names easier.
ProEdit :: View / Edit Procedure Costing
Each procedure can have either a calibration price or a stock code stored. This editing screen allows Prices / codes to be entered without needing to edit each Procedure individually.
ProEdit :: Advanced Functions
Compact & Update All Procedures This function will step through all procedures and compact to minimise disc space required. This function should also be run when advised after a software update to ensure all procedure structure are up to date. Archive Procedure Before Editing This option turns on/off the archiving of procedures when editing. A message will ask if the procedure should be archived when the procedure is opened using the edit function.
ProEdit :: Web Procedures – Set-up
This cost option allows credits to be registered on the computer and procedures to be downloaded from the Transmille web site. To activate this system, obtain your unlock code from Transmille and enter in the box provided :
ProEdit :: Web Procedures – Importing
The WEB procedures import function is separate from the normal import function. Simply select the procedures which have already been downloaded from the Transmille web site and select to import.
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