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E-Commerce E-Marketing By: Sadiq Ahmed Shariff S E-Business.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Commerce E-Marketing By: Sadiq Ahmed Shariff S E-Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Commerce E-Marketing By: Sadiq Ahmed Shariff S Sadiq_shariff10@hotm E-Business

2 E-Business means utilising electronic medium in every day business activities. E-Business is about using Internet technologies to provide superior customer service, streamline business processes, increase sales, and reduce costs.  WHAT IS E-BUSINESS?

3 E-Business HOW CAN E-BUSINESS HELP YOU? E-business can benefit all types of businesses. It is not limited to technology-related products and services; E-Business can be applied to any part of a company's operations, including marketing and sales, purchasing, production, design and engineering etc...,

4 E-Business Cut costs and transaction times. Promote, market and sell around the world and around the clock through a website. Improve customer support, communication and relationship management. Compete globally with your website against businesses of all sizes without setting up offices in other countries. EE - BUSINESS CAN HELP YOUR BUSINESS TO:

5 E-Business o E-Business merges internet technology with business processes to create new business value, new relationships & build trust for an enterprise. o E-Business refers to the paperless exchange of business information using network based technology. o Online purchase is very convenient for customers and can provide competitive advantage for vendors.  IMPORTANCE OF E-BUSINESS:

6 E-Commerce Electronic commerce, or e-commerce, refers to economic activity that occurs online. E-commerce includes all types of business activity, such as retail shopping, banking, investing and rentals. Even small businesses that provide personal services.  WHAT IS E-COMMERCE?

7 E-Commerce Electronic commerce refers to the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. However, the term may refer to more than just buying and selling products online. It also includes the entire online process of developing, marketing, selling, delivering, servicing and paying for products and services.

8 E-Commerce Faster buying/selling procedure, as well as easy to find products. Buying/selling 24/7. More reach to customers, there is no theoretical geographic limitations. Low operational costs and better quality of services. No need of physical company set-ups. Easy to start and manage a business. Customers can easily select products from different providers without moving around physically.  ADVANTAGES OF E-COMMERCE:

9 E-Commerce Any one, good or bad, can easily start a business. And there are many bad sites which eat up customers’ money. There is no guarantee of product quality. There are many hackers who look for opportunities, and thus an ecommerce site, service, payment gateways, all are always prone to attack.  DISADVANTAGES OF E-COMMERCE:

10 E-Commerce TYPES OF E-COMMERCE : Business to Business (B2B)Business to Customers (B2C) Customer to Business (C2B)Customer to Customer (C2C)

11 E-Marketing E-Marketing is a subset of E- Business that utilises electronic medium to perform marketing activities and achieve desired marketing objectives for an organisation. E-Marketing is a broader term that describes any marketing activity performed via electronic medium. WWHAT IS E-MARKETING?

12 E-Marketing Reduction in costs through automation and use of electronic media. Faster response to both marketers and the end user. Increased ability to measure and collect data. Opens the possibility to a market of one through personalisation. Increased interactivity  ADVANTAGES OF E-MARKETING:

13 E-Marketing Dependability on technology. Security, privacy issues. Maintenance costs due to a constantly evolving environment. Higher transparency of pricing and increased price competition. Worldwide competition through globalisation.  DISADVANTAGES OF E-MARKETING:

14 Difference between E-Business, E-Commerce and E-Marketing. E-BusinessE-CommerceE-Marketing E-Business is a very broad entity dealing with the entire complex system that comprises a business that uses electronic medium to perform or assist its overall or specialised business activities. E-Commerce is best described in a transactional context. So for example an electronic transaction of funds, information or entertainment falls under the category handled by principles of e-Commerce. Technically e- Commerce is a part of e-Business. E-Marketing is also a part of e-Business that involves electronic medium to achieve marketing objectives. e-Marketing is set on a strategic level in addition to traditional marketing and business strategy.


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