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Technology Briefing for SGA Presented by: Keith Ellenberg March 10, 2011 Putnam County Charter School System1.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Briefing for SGA Presented by: Keith Ellenberg March 10, 2011 Putnam County Charter School System1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Briefing for SGA Presented by: Keith Ellenberg March 10, 2011 Putnam County Charter School System1

2 Technology is a critical component in Putnam County Schools fulfilling its mission. Technology continues to evolve and change how we live our lives everyday. Putnam County Schools is committed to using and taking advantage of these advancements in Technology to prepare its students, educators, and parents for lives filled with change, learning and exploration. Putnam County Charter School System2

3  Students and teachers will expect the internet in their classroom to be as fast if not faster than the internet in their homes.  Instruction will be delivered over the high speed network with telepresence technologies enabling real-time face-to-face instruction from an instructor located elsewhere in the world. Students and educators will receive their instruction and professional development using the same types of technology  Instructional software will evolve to be Georgia Performance Standard aligned.  Students will have access to their instructional software at home using their home internet connection  Parents will have access to their children’s grades, attendance and assignments via the student information system’s parental portal  All employees will manage their human resource and payroll withholdings and enrollments via a web-based employee portal  Financial and human resource business processes will use electronic documents instead of paper-based documents  Electronic textbooks will begin to replace the traditional hardcopy textbook  1 to 1 computing will evolve to include personal devices like Apple’s iTouch and Amazon’s Kindle  Broadcasting video throughout the system will not be an event, but a daily commonplace occurrence.  Community members and parents will increase their involvement in the schools due to the quality of information disseminated to them via the schools website and training classes. Putnam County Charter School System3

4  Networks ◦ Local Area Networks, Phone, Intercom, Cable TV ◦ Internet Connection ◦ Wide Area Network  Computers, Laptops, Netbooks  Servers  Audio/Visual Equipment ◦ Projectors, DVD/VHS players, Speakers  Instructional Devices ◦ Cameras, Video cameras, MP3 players, eReaders, Student Response Systems, Slates, wireless stuff (keyboards, mice, microphones), headphones, assistive technology  Intercom  Phones  Copiers  Software (about 100 different applications)  Printers Putnam County Charter School System4

5 5 PCPSPCESPCMSPCHSTotals Classrooms66444341194 Network drops67560068010683023 Computers3752441873511157 Projectors20404341144 Interactive Boards 103740 127 Labs/Computers2:60 3:885:14512/353 iPads/iTouch003036/5366/53

6  Three employees (Keith, Willie, Dennis)  Software and Repair Budget of $274,349 ◦ Recurring software of about $100,000/year ◦ Contract Engineer $41,000/year (2 days a week)  $300,000 year in SPLOST purchases for replacement equipment  Federal money from Title I and Title II grants  CTAE purchases  Grants from business  Erate from the FCC ◦ Discounts our phones, cell phones, Internet connection and network maintenance bills ◦ Discounts network infrastructure costs every 3 years Putnam County Charter School System6

7  Erate funding  SPLOST revenues  Maintaining our current service levels  Keeping the old stuff running  Shrinkage means breakage and theft  When the “killer app” won’t run on our older equipment  Educating staff and students on respectful social networking behavior Putnam County Charter School System7

8  PCHS ◦ Wireless network completion ◦ Security cameras ◦ vBrick setup and training ◦ CableTV to the school ◦ Solar Panel installation  PCMS ◦ Complete network switch replacement ◦ Rewire downstairs and renovated wing (800 drops) ◦ Install wireless network ◦ vBrick setup and training ◦ Security cameras  PCES ◦ Complete network switch replacement ◦ Install wireless network  PCPS ◦ Complete projector and Promethean Board installations Putnam County Charter School System8

9  Tablets (iPad, Tab, Xoom, TouchPad) ◦ IOS vs Android vs WebOS ◦ Software for these platforms will evolve rapidly  Netbooks  eTextbooks  Smartphones going to 4G (LTE)  3D projectors  Video streaming  Windows 7 going to Windows 8  Office 2010 going to Office 2012  Internet Explorer 8 going to IE 9  Delivering services and applications using the cloud  The New Thang Putnam County Charter School System9

10  Money drives everything ◦ Service Levels ◦ Bleeding Edge or Middle of the Pack ◦ Upgrade (keep the same numbers, but newer) ◦ Expand (keep the old, but have more) ◦ How to leverage technology to save costs Putnam County Charter School System10

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