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1 Semantic Web Mining Presented by: Chittampally Vasanth Raja 10IT05F M.Tech (Information Technology)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Semantic Web Mining Presented by: Chittampally Vasanth Raja 10IT05F M.Tech (Information Technology)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Semantic Web Mining Presented by: Chittampally Vasanth Raja 10IT05F M.Tech (Information Technology)

2 2 Outline  Stages of World Wide Web Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0  Semantic Web  Web Data Mining

3 Stages of WWW 3

4 Web 3.0  Definitions vary greatly  The most important features are the Semantic Web and personalization  Web 3.0 will allow the user to sit back and let the Internet do all of the work for him 4

5 Hard Work using the Syntactic Web…  Find images of Peter Patel-Schneider, Frank van Harmelen and Alan Rector… 5 Rev. Alan M. Gates, Associate Rector of the Church of the Holy Spirit, Lake Forest, Illinois

6 Semantic Web  In the Semantic Web we will need: Machines talking to machines – semantics need to be unambiguously declared Joined-up data – enabling complex tasks based on information from various sources Wide scope – from, say, home to government to commerce Trust – both in data and who is saying it This is not going to be easily achieved 6

7 XML Not Enough XML describes the syntax Does not provide semantics (what does DC.Creator mean?) The meaning may be agreed & understood within DC applications – but this does not allow for extensibility Similar applications may be described using different XML DTDs: e.g. is the same as or 7 Brian Kelly

8 Semantic Web Vision 8

9 Resource Description Framework 9  RDF: Resource Description Framework An XML application “Not just tags” – RDF makes use of a formal model Basis for “The Semantic Web” (SW)

10 RDF 10 Resource Value PropertyType Property RDF Data Model Brian written by 05-Mar-02 on page.html Resourcehas propertyvalue Page.htmlwritten-byBrian Known as triples or tuples

11 Ontologies Ontologies provide a shared and common understanding of a domain a shared specification of a conceptualisation ‘concept map’ for WWW resources defined using RDF(S) or OWL 11

12 Ontology Example  Taxonomy is a classification system where each node has only one parent – simple ontology 12

13 Ontology Example 13 Living Beings Plants Invertebrates Vertebrates Animals

14 OWL = Web Ontology Language  OWL is based on Description Logics knowledge representation formalism  OWL (DL) benefits from many years of DL research: Well defined semantics Formal properties well understood (complexity, decidability) Known reasoning algorithms Implemented systems (highly optimised) 14

15 Semantic Web Mining  Semantic Web mining knowledge makes it easier to achieve and improve the effectiveness of Web mining.  semantic-based Web Mining we can be divided into 1) Semantic Web content and structure mining 2) Semantic Web structure mining 3) Semantic Web usage mining categories 15

16 Frame work of Semantic Web Mining Model  Agents(Intelligent software entities) are used for accomplishing intelligent tasks 16

17  First step: In the beginning, you need to build an initial ontology. * we use clustering algorithm to obtain the document from the Web. * One way to get concept hierarchy is ONTEX (ontology Exploration)  Second step: * resource acquisition module collects task-related data sets according to received tasks instructions by ontology Agent from a Web mining 17

18  Third step: * RDF clustering module achieves ontology clustering learning to the data that resource acquisition modules have collected  Fourth step: * Data stored in the RDF data repository are mined by Semantic Web Mining module and the mining results are provided to ontology Agent.  Fifth step: * Ontology Agent completes semantic filtering and clustering of processing for results obtained by Semantic Web Mining module, to improve the relevance of return information 18

19 References  [1] WANG Yong-gui1, JIA Zhen2, ‘Research on Semantic Web Mining’ Dept of Software Liaoning Technical University Huludao, Liaoning, China, 201O International Conference On Computer Design And Appliations (ICCDA 2010)  [2] Semantic Web Mining State of the Art and Future Directions Gerd Stumme, Andreas Hotho, Bettina Berendt ECML/PKDD 2004 conference. 19

20 20 Questions…..

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