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Testing Times! What you need to know about psychometric testing Amanda Gartshore C.Psychol.

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Presentation on theme: "Testing Times! What you need to know about psychometric testing Amanda Gartshore C.Psychol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Testing Times! What you need to know about psychometric testing Amanda Gartshore C.Psychol

2 Why is this important?

3 Psychometric Tests fall into two types: Tests of typical performance Tests of maximum performance

4 They are different to other tests Research Accuracy of measurement Standardised administration Administrators are trained and licensed Access is controlled Results are compared

5 Personality: what are you like?

6 What is personality? ExtraversionOpenness Conscientious- ness NeuroticismAgreeableness

7 Personality assessment: ‘Typical performance’ Describes your personality in terms of ‘traits’ or ‘types’ Not about right or wrong You can’t fail the personality test Your results are compared to a large comparison group Not normally timed Often completed on-line

8 Recommended reading: Prepare for Tests at Interview for Graduates and Managers by Robert Williams /ASE

9 Personality FROM: Prepare for tests at interviews, Robert Williams/ASE I often like to watch team games: a. True b. ? C. False I am anxious when meeting new people: a.True b. ? C. False I prefer friends who are: a. Quiet b. ? C. Lively I like to try new ways of doing things: a. True b. ? False

10 Personality FROM: Prepare for tests at interviews, Robert Williams/ASE I enjoy talking to new people I usually keep things tidy I am an optimistic person I enjoy organising meetings I like to examine problems in detail before making up my mind 1: Strongly disagree 2: Disagree 3: Unsure 4: Agree 5: Strongly Agree

11 Top Tips for Personality Assessments Finish it Answer honestly Don’t worry about how you answer individual questions Make sure you are undisturbed and have enough time Ask for feedback

12 Ability: what can you do?

13 Ability assessment: ‘Maximum performance’ Numerical, verbal and spatial ability Timed tests with correct answers Administered under controlled conditions Your results are compared to a large comparison group Some tests get progressively harder Sometimes completed online

14 Verbal Tests FROM: Prepare for tests at interviews, Robert Williams/ASE My brother’s complacency has always irritated his friends, neighbours and colleagues A: nosiness B: ostentation C: neglect D: cockiness E: smugness

15 Verbal Tests FROM: Prepare for tests at interviews, Robert Williams/ASE SPIDER  WEB RABBIT  ? A: Field B: Stew C: Fur D: Warren E: Barn

16 Numerical Tests FROM: Prepare for tests at interviews, Robert Williams/ASE What is the next number in this series? 1664824404194? A: 89B: 365C: 44D: 45E: 46

17 Numerical Tests FROM: Prepare for tests at interviews, Robert Williams/ASE What is the missing number in this series? 3936?1080 A: 130B: 131C: 180D: 181E: 360

18 Newwill Building Society Shares FROM: Prepare for tests at interviews, Robert Williams/ASE

19 FROM: Prepare for tests at interviews, Robert Williams/ASE If a trader bought 100 Newwill shares on Wednesday and sold all these shares on Friday. How much had the investment changed? A: Lost £250 B: Lost £30 C: Gained £20 D: Gained £25 E: Lost £20

20 Abstract Tests FROM: Prepare for tests at interviews, Robert Williams/ASE         ABC      

21 Top Tips for Ability Tests Listen carefully to the administrator Read written instructions carefully Answer the example questions Work as quickly and accurately as you can Aim to answer as many questions as you can Don’t expect to finish the test If in doubt, make your best guess and move on

22 You have a right to expect... To feel part of the process To have feedback on your results To feel fully briefed To be given adequate notice To be tested in a suitable environment To have consideration for any disabilities or conditions that might affect your results

23 Reduce uncertainty through preparation

24 Be Prepared for test sessions Ask for practice questions Arrive on time and relaxed Ask questions about tests, location, timings, logistics Don’t forget your spectacles Mention any conditions or disabilities that could affect the results

25 Be Prepared for online tests Ask about any special computing requirements Try to complete tests at a quiet, uninterrupted session Don’t leave them until the last minute Mention any conditions or disabilities that could affect the results

26 Further info:

27 Testing Times! Amanda Gartshore C.Psychol 07887 990674

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