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NY Corp. Headquarters 1313 Country Route 1 Oswego, NY 13126 Toll-Free: (800) 221-7123 Phone: (315) 342-2373 Fax: (315) 342-0797 STATIONARY POWER SERVICES.

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Presentation on theme: "NY Corp. Headquarters 1313 Country Route 1 Oswego, NY 13126 Toll-Free: (800) 221-7123 Phone: (315) 342-2373 Fax: (315) 342-0797 STATIONARY POWER SERVICES."— Presentation transcript:

1 NY Corp. Headquarters 1313 Country Route 1 Oswego, NY 13126 Toll-Free: (800) 221-7123 Phone: (315) 342-2373 Fax: (315) 342-0797 STATIONARY POWER SERVICES FOR INDUSTRY Experts in DC Systems a WBE Enterprise (800) 221-7123 Contact us today for more information on how we can help you! GET IN OUCH + Welcome to Battery Research And Testing Inc.

2 Welcome to Battery Research & Testing, Inc. Since 1982, Battery Research and Testing has offered a full range of battery services to a wide variety of customers. We have continuously provided power services for telecommunications, manufacturing, power generation, computer data centers, military installations. REPORTING TECHNOLOGY Our custom Battery Inspection Report (BIR) software provides a comprehensive suite of helpful and important functions. +

3 + Our services include, but are not limited to: Battery Capacity Recovery Process (IOVR) Battery System Installations Preventive Maintenance Load/Capacity Testing Battery Removal and Disposal Temporary Battery Back-up Systems Thermographic Inspections Grounding Surveys Site Surveys and Facility Audits Engineering / Consultation Application, Technical And Administrative Support Education / Training

4 With over 28 years experience, Battery Research and Testing has established itself as a worldwide leader in energy management and distribution. As independently operating professionals, our evaluations are reliably unbiased, objective and accurate. We stand by our performance and the multiple factors that lay the ground work for our success. Your one stop for turn-key DC systems uptime. + YOUR UPTIME

5 Our installation procedures follow all applicable Telcordia and/or NEBS practices and protocol. Our maintenance and testing procedures meet or exceed all the requirements of each battery manufacturer as well as the applicable IEEE standards or recommended practice. One of our founders has been an active member of the IEEE battery working group – the group that writes the IEEE Stationary Battery Standards - for 28 years. He also has been inducted into the Battcon Hall of Fame. + YOUR UPTIME +

6 Battery Research and Testing has been engineering, furnishing, and installing turn-key DC power systems for our clients for over 28 years and we can do it for you. Our experience meeting challenging deadlines and total commitment to quality and everything we do positions us to provide the best possible turn-key installations. + UNMATCHED RESOURCES Dependable updates and routine product checks. Will guarantee your company’ success. +

7 Dependable updates and routine product checks will guarantee your company’s success. + Turn-key Engineering and Installation Services System Engineering - Scope of work development and installation specifications Update customer drawings/layout Material procurement and logistics Project management

8 We're there to ensure that your batteries are operating properly BEFORE any problems can occur. Our Technicians carry the latest tools and metering equipment to accurately evaluate your stationary battery systems. Internal Ohmic measurements can be measured and recorded using conductance, impedance, or resistance to meet your requirements. + PREVENTIVE CARE +

9 Dependable updates and routine product checks will guarantee your company’s success. + Full range of preventive maintenance programs to suit any need in accordance with FERC (US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) and NERC (North American Reliability Corporation) requirements. Designed to provide the best assessment based on the systems reliability requirements. Offering the most efficient cost to benefit ratio. All preventative maintenance programs are performed on-line where possible. System maintenance can be performed without interruption to the system, by utilizing our mobile battery backup. At Battery Research and Testing, we are dedicated to keeping the quality and functionality of your batteries intact for years and years. This means our maintenance is performed in strict adherence to regularly scheduled checkups and regular testing.

10 Dependable updates and routine product checks will guarantee your company’s success. + Customers can choose the level of reliability they require. When problems are found, Battery Research and Testing can make repairs, supply replacement parts, and even provide temporary battery systems to keep your system reliability at its highest potential. We work with your battery manufacturer or supplier to solve technical, logistical, and scheduling problems; including warranty claims. Our inspection protocols are based on the IEEE 450, 1188, 1106 and the most conservative maintenance practices recommended by the major battery manufacturers. See our web site for a complete listing of our; Preventative Maintenance Inspection Schedules and Preventative Maintenance Inspection Parameters, each fully documented in our reports.

11 Our expertise and professional experience sets us apart from the rest. Battery Research and Testing has installed thousands of battery systems worldwide. We guarantee we will not only meet your company's needs, but will undoubtedly exceed them as well! + REPUTABLE EXPERIENCE +

12 Dependable updates and routine product checks will guarantee your company’s success. + System grounding Site/system design Spill containment Receive and pre-inspect systems prior to shipment Custom consultations and review Our specialty installations cover, but are not limited to:

13 We fully evaluate all products specifications and functionality within every project. In order to ensure precision and proper functionality, we conduct thorough load and capacity testing for your DC systems. Inside every tailor made project plan, Battery Research and Testing accurately determines the state of health of any battery, rectifier, ups or fuel cell we evaluate. Load testing is the only way to definitively prove the capacity of any given battery - at any given time. While system inspections are crucial, and provide essential information relevant to maintenance, inspections cannot determine battery capacity. That is why we follow and believe in our detail oriented protocol for testing. We do it right the first time for our customers. FLAWLESS ASSESMENT +

14 Dependable updates and routine product checks will guarantee your company’s success. + We have performed thousands of AC and DC load tests for a wide variety of customers. We supply cabling, over-current protection and rectifiers for recharging. We can supply a backup battery of equal capacity to keep your system up without interruption during testing. All battery switchovers are performed transparently to the system. We utilize both air cooled and liquid cooled load banks to determine the exact capacity of any system. Our load testing procedures are based on the IEEE 1106, IEEE 1188, IEEE 450 and the practices recommended by the major battery manufacturers. All load tests performed by Battery Research & Testing include a complete pre-test inspection.

15 Battery Research and Testing can transport and setup over 20,000Ah of mobile battery backup and rectifiers to any location that requires immediate battery backup. If an emergency happens, we are prepared and are always ready to provide our customers will sufficient power to continue their business 24/7. + Guaranteed installation, transport and configuration for backup power needs. EMERGENCY REASURRANCE +

16 Dependable updates and routine product checks will guarantee your company’s success. + Backup batteries are useful in emergencies, when sudden failures occur. Mobile backup can be utilized during installations, load tests, or for any maintenance requiring a backup. Our mobile backup can be configured for any voltage/current requirements. We also provide all cabling and over-current protection as required.

17 IOVR - Battery recovery/rejuvenation/life extension process - Through the IOVR™ (Internal Ohmic Value Recovery) process we can recover lost capacity, run time, and operability in any structurally intact 2 volt VRLA cell. Wither you call it battery capacity recovery, or battery rejuvenation, or battery life extension this process will save you money! Battery Research & Testing is the world’s leader in developing the IOVR™ process for restoring lost capacity, run time, and reliability in VRLA cells. + We are always on the move, ensuring the highest quality battery care the world over. ONGOING SUPPORT +

18 Dependable updates and routine product checks will guarantee your company’s success. + The IOVR™ process entails the analyzing the internal ohmic values of the cells as compared to known “good numbers”, replacing the lost water from each cell as needed, recovering the negative plates, and the replacement of the originally installed vent assembly with a vent assembly that has a Philadelphia Scientific Microcat Catalyst.. Of course the process is more detailed than this brief explanation, but it is easily performed and in many cases can be performed without ever taking the battery out of service. The IOVR+ process is the end result of what began as simple attempts at battery rejuvenation.

19 ONOING SUPPORT We are dedicated to revitalizing the life of your batteries. + We have successfully performed this process on tens of thousands of cells, from small 24 volt systems up thru 240 cell UPS systems. We have recovered lost capacity from under 5% to over 90%, with some returning to their original 100% of capacity. If the cells are relatively new and have not yet been negatively affected, we can perform actions that will prevent the early failure that most will realize. The actual amount of battery capacity recoverable is dependent upon the extent lost, reason for the capacity loss, and the length of time the cells have been in service. It will help reduce the internal resistance of the cell when it is already degraded. It will reduce the amount of charge current required to maintain the cell in a charged state, when it is already elevated.

20 ONOING SUPPORT We are dedicated to revitalizing the life of your batteries. + Will reduce the operation temperature of the battery itself, when it is elevated due to internal conditions. It will restore plate potentials to their proper values if they have shifted as a result of under polarization of the negatives, or will prevent them from shifting if still correct. It will help recover sulfated plates. It can reduce your battery replacement costs by over 60%. It will reduce or eliminate the risk of thermal runaway. Will increase the reliability of the system. The amount of battery life extension is dependent upon the actual battery condition when the process is performed.

21 Battery Research and Testing offers the following services to ensure excellence in battery installations and maintenance.. + We are dedicated to revitalizing the life of your batteries. WORLDWIDE SUPPORT + IOVR (Battery Capacity Recovery Process) Battery System Installations Maintenance Programs Load/Capacity Testing Temporary Battery Back-up systems

22 ONOING SUPPORT We are dedicated to revitalizing the life of your batteries. + Rectifier Maintenance Thermographic Inspections Grounding Surveys Conduct hands-on training for your battery systems Review your bid specifications Site Surveys Facility Audits and Evaluations Consultation File Warranty claims Failure Mode Investigations Off-Site Data Analysis Application support Technical support Provide qualified supervision for your battery projects Project Management Equipment Inventory and Audit Monitor Systems

23 Battery Research and Testing is committed to protecting the environment and conservation of our natural resources.. In fact, we went so far as to develop the IOVR™ process in order to prevent batteries from being replaced needlessly before they needed to be. + Being environmentally conscious and ‘green’ is a cornerstone for BR&T’s productivity. GREEN PRACTICES +

24 ONOING SUPPORT We are dedicated to revitalizing the life of your batteries. + We recycle millions of pounds of Lead Acid and Nickel-Cadmium batteries yearly from all of our projects eliminating potentially environmentally damaging lead, polypropylene and cadmium – a toxic heavy metal. We only utilize certified sources to dispose waste by-products. Battery Research and Testing is the world's leader in developing the IOVR™ process for restoring lost capacity, run time, and reliability in VRLA cells while reducing customer's replacement cost by as much as 60%. The process extends/rejuvenates battery life and reduces the frequency of replacement. Battery life extension = less waste, improved cost! Our maintenance process extends battery life, improves performance and reduces the frequency of replacement. We have limited the amount of paperwork associated with preventative maintenance programs by utilizing a web based process. Our goal is to move to a paperless environment.

25 ONOING SUPPORT We are dedicated to revitalizing the life of your batteries. + Examples: On site flash drives: BR&T technicians can download the raw inspection data and leave it on site at the time of the inspection. The data is saved in excel format and can easily be accessed by authorized site personnel. The drive is updated on subsequent inspections giving a detailed history of the operating profile of the dc power plant. Online Reporting Tool: Reports are then reviewed and summarized with recommendations and comments detailed on the front page. The reports are uploaded in pdf. format to our secure server. Once uploaded, customers receive automatic email notification that a report has been posted. Customers have twenty- four hour access to reports and can control authorized access to specific individuals within their organizations. Hard copies of the reports can be mailed at the customer's request.

26 + Our extensive portfolio involves scores of customers from a wide range of business fields. DIVERSE CUSTOMERS +

27 + We work with only the best and most trusted of brands. fields. QUALITY SUPPLIERS +

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