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Introduction to E-Commerce Presentation Paper: What prevent B2B eCommerce Adoption In Developing Countries?: A Socio-Cultural Perspective Authors: Vatanasakdakul,

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to E-Commerce Presentation Paper: What prevent B2B eCommerce Adoption In Developing Countries?: A Socio-Cultural Perspective Authors: Vatanasakdakul,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to E-Commerce Presentation Paper: What prevent B2B eCommerce Adoption In Developing Countries?: A Socio-Cultural Perspective Authors: Vatanasakdakul, Savanid,Tibben, and William Cooper, Joan Presenters: Noel Euzebe Jacqueline Trotman Misheau Walcott

2 Introduction Internet based B2B Ecommerce was expected to be the main economic driver in developing countries. However, for this to be successfully implemented, necessary factors should be carefully considered and evaluated as it pertains to the country of interest.

3 Theories And Framework He states he will use Geert Hofstede’s national culture theory which states the factors for low B2B ecommerce are as follows: Power distance, Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance and Long-term vs. Short-term orientation.

4 Theories And Framework

5 Research Methodology Used Interviews (Savanid Vatanasakdakul, William Tibben, Joan Cooper 2004 )

6 Research Methodology Extract of An Interview: Interviewer: Does your organization have e-commerce system? Interviewee: Yes, we do. Interviewer: What kind of online systems implemented in your organization? Interviewee: Oh, we now have our website and we also have implemented full e-commerce system. Interviewer: Can you give me some examples, please? Interviewee: We have email and customers can order products online as well. Interviewer: So, you have an online ordering system. How does it work? Interviewee: Customer can order by using email and then my secretary will print the order and put it on my desk. (Savanid Vatanasakdakul, William Tibben, Joan Cooper 2004 )

7 E-commerce In Thailand As a developing country, Thailand is aware of the importance of ecommerce and the potential impact on their organizations. However, there are factors that impact on the adoption of B2B Ecommerce in this country.

8 Key Findings Thailand is aware of the importance of e-commerce and its potential impact on organizations. Current limited use of e-commerce in Thailand. Lack of proper research / planning

9 Key Findings – Inhibiting Factors Trust issues within society Motivation Lack of initiative

10 Key Findings – Inhibiting Factors Importance of personal communication Cost Language barrier

11 Discussion and Conclusion Thailand’s adoption to B2B ecommerce is more than a technology issue. Hofstede’s National Cultural Dimensions is an effective tool in explaining Thailand’s adoption to B2B Ecommerce in relation to its culture.

12 Final Critique Spelling and Grammar 3.2 Data Collection Methods Paragraph 1 Line 5: “a list of guideline question” - (Should be questions) Paragraph 2 Line 3 &4: “The majority of the interviewees are top managers such as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), founder, marketing executive, presidents, vice presidents of organizations” Forgot the ‘s’ at the end of highlighted words and an “and” should be before last word in list. Paragraph 2 Line 7: “…who involve in the development…” Should read “who are involved”. (Last sentence) Paragraph 3 Line 2: “Firstly, they were asked about (the) scope” 4.2.4 Importance Of Personal Network Contact Sub tile missing a ‘s’ at end of contacts 4.2.5 Cost Paragraph 1 Line 1 : The may have intended to use “One of the prime benefits from implementing B2B e-commerce is cost reduction...” instead of deduction.

13 Final Critique Areas Found Wanting: 3.1 (Brief Summary On Thailand): Author s mention and neglected to define what is an E-strategy. Possible Answer: “When considering a larger whole, such as the development needs of a community, jurisdiction or country, it is necessary to think in terms of a strategy, in this case an e-strategy. A strategic approach denotes a process involving analysis of priorities and constraints before arriving at a recommendation for the resolution of a given issue.” (Richard Labelle 2005)

14 Final Critique Authors could have considered a Graphical Summary of Findings: (Hofstede, Gert, and Dustdar, Schahram 1999 )

15 References Hofstede, Gert, and Dustdar, Schahram. “Videoconferencing across cultures -A conceptual framework for floor control issues. Journal of Information Technology (Vol. 14, 161-169)”. (1999). 2060/ ehost/pdfviewer/ pdfviewer?vid=2&hid=13&sid=f3068d5f-4890-4a17-8419-1fd308027a21%40sessionmgr11 Labelle, Richard. ICT Policy Formulation and e-Strategy Development Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme A Comprehensive Guidebook.(2005). Vatanasakdakul, Savanid,Tibben, William Cooper, Joan. “ What Prevent B2B eCommerce Adoption In Developing Countries?: A Socio-Cultural Perspective”. (2004) proceedings.nsf/0/ 1a2a660a13eca91bc1256ee00038be7f/$FILE/51Vatana.pdf

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