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SE2 Math FIT Project Sign in and take a name tag. Help yourself to refreshments!

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Presentation on theme: "SE2 Math FIT Project Sign in and take a name tag. Help yourself to refreshments!"— Presentation transcript:

1 SE2 Math FIT Project Sign in and take a name tag. Help yourself to refreshments!

2 Why are we here? What have we learned? How can we use the ONAP? BREAK Why is the measurement strand so difficult for students? Where do we go from here? The Plan

3 Four Corners Bull Cat Giraffe Parrot

4 Looking For Data Family of Schools School Common grade level and division level Classroom Student Provincial Accountability (EQAO) Ensuring Equitable Outcomes For All Students

5 Why ONAP? A: Activation of Prior Knowledge B: Concepts and Skills C: Performance Tasks

6 Alternatives Numeracy Nets CAT

7 Looking For Data Family of Schools School Common grade level and division level Classroom Student Provincial Accountability (EQAO) Ensuring Equitable Outcomes For All Students

8 SE2 Math FIT Project Collect data to identify student strengths and needs in a strand of Mathematics. Use data to make instructional decisions Build on successes. Enable collaboration at the grade team, school, and FOS level. Build on teachers current content knowledge of curriculum and mathematics. Raise student achievement.

9 The Assessment Cycle Review Plan For Improvement Analyze Collect Information Implement

10 Next Steps Detailed support for working with individual, class and school data can be found in the front matter of the teachers guide pages 12/11 -15.

11 Collect Information Implement Analyze Plan For Improvement Review Random Acts Of Improvement Collect Information Implement Analyze Plan For Improvement Review Focused Acts Of Improvement Student Success

12 FOS Data from ONAP (Part B) What does the data tell you about students?

13 Patterning and Algebra Algebraic Thinking Attributes, Units, and Measurement Sense Measurement Relationships

14 Data from Performance Tasks in ONAP (Part C) 1.Discuss the student work sample. 2.Discuss what the student did well and areas of improvement. 3.Using the rubric provided, determine the level of achievement. 4.What feedback would you give this student to improve his/her work? Record this on the sticky note provided.

15 Feedback 1.Motivational 2.Evaluative 3.Descriptive What type(s) of feedback do you think are given to students more often?

16 Descriptive Feedback What feedback would you give this student to improve his/her work? Record this on the sticky note provided.

17 Next Steps for Performance Based Assessment Tasks Page 18-20

18 The Measurement Strand Measurement Sense Attributes, Units, and Measurement Sense Measurement Relationships

19 Big Ideas (Marian Small) The same objects can be described uisng different measurements. Any measurement can be determined in more than one way. There is always value in estimating a measurement, sometimes because an estimate is all you need or all that is possible, and sometimes because an estimate is a useful check on the reasonableness of a measurement. Familiarity with known benchmark measurements can help you estimate and calculate other measurements.

20 Big Ideas (Marian Small) The unit chosen for a measurement affects the numerical value of the measurement; if you use a bigger unit, fewer units are required. You can be more precise by using a smaller unit, or by using subdivisions of a larger unit. Also, precision is sometimes limited by the measuring tool that is available. The use of standard measurement units simplifies communication about the size of objects. Measurement formulas allow us to use measurements that are simpler to access in order to calculate measurements that are more difficult to access.

21 OV#1: Attributes, Units, and Measurement Sense Measurement Sense choose units appropriately to measure attributes of objects use measurement instruments effectively use meaningful measurement benchmarks to make sense of measurement units make reasonable measurement estimates and justify their reasoning Guide to Effective Instruction in Mathematics: Measurement

22 Which benchmark would you use for….. … 1 cm? Why? … 1 Gm (a metric unit of distance equal to one million kilometres? Why? …1 L? Why?

23 Primary EQAO 70% What’s the difference between the two questions? 53%

24 Junior EQAO 53% 45%

25 How much Milk? If it were possible for us to take all the milk consumed in one year by the students in this school and pour in into the classrooms (with doors and windows shut tight), how many classrooms would it fill?

26 Fermi Questions What fraction of our city is covered by roads? How many hairs are on your head? How many blinks are there in a lifetime?

27 Process Expectations Problem solving Reasoning and proving Reflecting Selecting Tools and Computational Strategies Connecting Representing Communicating

28 OV#2: Measurement Relationships know and apply measurement formulas can generalize from investigations in order to develop measurement formulas can demonstrate relationships among measurement formulas (e.g., squares, rectangles, parallelograms and triangles) recognize the role of variables in measurement formulas recognize that formulas can be expressed in more than one way Guide to Effective Instruction in Mathematics: Measurement

29 Primary Assessment 83% 53%

30 Every Year! 56% Why do they struggle?

31 Junior EQAO 74% Why did they do well?

32 Junior EQAO 51%

33 Junior EQAO 50%

34 Junior EQAO 50%

35 Grade 9 Applied (77%)

36 Grade 9 (26%)

37 Grade 9 (49%)

38 Looking Back and Forward All About the Relationships Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8 -Rectangle (area, perimeter) -Rectangular prism (volume) -Parallelogram (area) -Triangle (area) -Triangular prism (volume) -Rectangular and triangular prisms (surface area)* -Trapezoid (area) -Right prisms (volume) -Right prisms (surface area)* -Circle (circumference, area) -Cylinder (volume) -Cylinder (surface area)* -grams/kilograms -Millilitres/litres -Years/decades -Decades and centuries -Side lengths of a rectangle and its perimeter/area -Compare 2-D shapes with same area or perimeter -12-hour/24-hour clocks -Capacity/volume -Conversion of units (m/cm, km/m) -Length and width of a rectangle and it’s perimeter/area -Height, the area of the base and the volume of a rectangular prism -determine 2-D shapes with same area or perimeter -Conversion from larger to smaller metric units (m to cm, kg to g, L to mL) -Conversion of units (square metres/square centimetres) -Areas of a rectangle, parallelograms and triangles through decomposition and composition -Height, the area of the base, and the volume of a triangular prism -Conversion between metric units -Conversion between metric measures of capacity and volume -Caculating the area of a trapezoid -Area of composite 2-D shapes -Height, the area of the base, and the volume of right prisms -Surface area of right prisms -Different polygonal prisms with same volume -conversion involving metric units of area, volume, and capacity -area of a base and height and volume of a cylinder Formulas Relationships

39 From Rectangles to Circles

40 Flexibility is the Goal

41 1.Continue the conversations with your grade team or division about integration, explicit language, big ideas etc. of Patterning and Algebra. Where do we go from here?

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