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Sara Hsu.  Poverty measurement has changed from one of relative income gaps to multidimensional indices of poverty.  Poor are socially constructed phenomenon.

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Presentation on theme: "Sara Hsu.  Poverty measurement has changed from one of relative income gaps to multidimensional indices of poverty.  Poor are socially constructed phenomenon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sara Hsu

2  Poverty measurement has changed from one of relative income gaps to multidimensional indices of poverty.  Poor are socially constructed phenomenon.  Transient poor are those who can be classified as poor in some periods and not in others.  Ravallion (1988) finds an expected value of a poverty measure which results from changes in a welfare indicator.  Inequality persists due to credit market imperfections.  Quality of institutions impact distribution and vice versa.

3  Home to 20% of world’s poorest  Found in rural areas, lower castes  Child malnutrition  Farmer suicides  Agricultural policies  Land redistribution  Poverty reduction hard to determine from data


5  Growth has been concentrated in skilled sectors  Rural casual labor  Gini coefficient


7  Problem with reported statistics  Rural phenomenon  Urban phenomenon (rural migrants)  Thin land markets

8  Communism and equality  Issue in nineties with privatization  Inland-coastal disparity  Government policies



11  No official poverty line  Fifth highest poverty rate in OECD  Unemployment as strong cause  Homeless cannot receive public assistance with no home!


13  Increasing inequality, early 20 th century  Lagging productivity in rural sector  Relatively equal from WWII through 1970s  Increase in inequality in 1980s  Aging society


15  India:  Integrated Rural Development Program  Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)  National Rural Employment Program  Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programs  National Social Assistance Program  China  Households responsibility System  Targeting poor counties  “Food for Work”  “Grain for Green”  Minimum Living Standard  Japan  Public Assistance

16  Poverty in India is highest, second highest in China, and low but significant in Japan  Poverty alleviation policies have sought to reduce poverty in all three countries, with varying levels of success.

17  India’s poorest state is Bihar in the North. Most of the population lives in rural areas and focuses on agriculture. Industry is very small.  The state is attempting to get over its image as a “failed state” in the eyes of many.

18  Questions?

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